This plugin, written for networks running velocity, adds the ability for users, to use the /hub command, to return to the lobby. The available servers for lobbies are configurable, and the first available server on the list will be used to transfer players to it.
With additional permissions, it is possible, to transfer other players to the lobby, using the /hub <Player> command.
To protect the unappropriated use of the /hub command, we have set some permissions.
This permission protects the whole base of the /hub command.
This permission protects the /hub <Player> command. For the use to send other players to the hub, both, this and the base permission are required at the same time.
This plugin provides a configuration file in the json format. The content is the list of server names, which are your lobby. On trying to connect to the lobby, the plugin picks the first available server and sends the target player to it.
This plugin requires the availability of the Kotlin 1.8.21 library, we recommend using the MCKotlin because it supports Velocity as well. But you are free to use any other platform supported Kotlin library provider as well!
Have fun
You are welcome to use the plugin on your velocity server!