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VItemSign Configuration

Vitemsign is a signing system for items, allowing you to sign and protect them.




Configuration Overview

Custom Messages

Customize messages for server startup, player join/quit, and Discord chat using the MiniMessage format. We currently support: de and en


/itemsign <Message> - Signs the item with the specified text

/itemsign lock - Locks the signed item so that it cannot be changed.

/itemsign unlock - Unlocks the signed item so that it can be changed again.

/itemsign delete - Removes the sign from the item.

4. Permissions

vitemsign.use | Fully configurable in the Config.yml.

  • Permission to use the /itemsign Command.

Setup Instructions

  1. Download and install the plugin on your Minecraft server.
  2. Configure the config.yml file with your preferred settings:
    • Set the database type and connection details.
    • Define custom messages using MiniMessage.
  3. Restart the server to apply the changes.

Example config

language: en

# These items should remain in the list to avoid duplication bugs
  - "CHEST"
  - "HOPPER"
  - "BARREL"

Example Message Configuration

# General Messages
prefix: "<bold><dark_gray>[<gradient:#5FE2C5:#4498DB>VItem</gradient><gradient:#4498DB:#89B974>Si</gradient><gradient:#89B974:#89B974>gn</gradient><dark_gray>]<reset><gray> "
date_format: "MM/dd/yyyy - hh:mm a"
user_not_found: "<prefix><red>That user does not exist."
no_permission: "<prefix><red>You don't have permission to do that."
cannot_sign_blocked_item: "<prefix><red>You are not allowed to sign that!"
cannot_lock_blocked_item: "<prefix><red>You are not allowed to lock this item!"
item_not_signed: "<prefix><red>This item is not signed yet!"
not_your_item: "<prefix><red>You are not the owner of that item!"
item_sign_deleted_successfully: "<prefix>The sign has been <red>deleted <green>succesfully <gray>!"
item_already_locked: "<prefix><red>This item has already been locked!"
item_locked_successfully: "<prefix>This item has <green>succesfully <gray>been <red>locked<dark_gray>!"
item_not_locked: "<prefix><red>This item is not locked!"
item_unlocked_successfully: "<prefix>This item has <green>succesfully <gray>been unlocked<dark_gray>!"
item_already_signed: "<prefix><red>This item has already been signed<dark_gray>!"
item_signed_successfully: "<prefix>This item has <green>succesfully <gray>been signed<dark_gray>."
item_in_hand_is_air: "<prefix><red>You have to hold the item in you main hand!"
item_sign_broken_successfully: "<prefix>You have broken a signed item block!"
lore_prefix_separator: " <dark_gray>| <gray>"

signed_lore: "<!i><dark_gray>» <gray>Signed by <luckperms_prefix><reset><separator><username> <gray>am <yellow><date>"

  Name: "itemsign"
  Permission: "vitemsign.use"
    Delete: "delete"
    Lock: "lock"
    Unlock: "unlock"
    - "<prefix>VItemSign Help<dark_gray>:"
    - "<prefix><yellow>/itemsign <dark_gray><<green>Text<dark_gray>> - <gray>Signs an <yellow>Item<gray>."
    - "<prefix><yellow>/itemsign <red>delete <dark_gray>- <red>Delete <gray>the item sign."
    - "<prefix><yellow>/itemsign <red>lock <dark_gray>- <gray>The sign will get <red>locked."
    - "<prefix><yellow>/itemsign <green>unlock <dark_gray>- <gray>The sign will get <yellow>unlocked."

Example Database Configuration

type: Sqlite # Avaiable types: mongo, mysql, sqlite

  connection-string: "mongodb://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/"
  database: "db"

  connection-string: "jdbc:sqlite:plugins/VItemSign/database.db"
  username: "username" # Not required for sqlite
  password: "password" # Not required for sqlite

Soft Requirements

  • WorldGuard


  • The MiniMessage format is highly flexible for styling and formatting messages. Refer to the MiniMessage documentation for more details.
  • SQLite is the simplest database option as it doesn’t require additional setup.
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Varilx Development

Varilx Development



Licensed MIT
Published a month ago
Updated 2 months ago