Biomes O'Plenty Renewed

Biomes O'Plenty Renewed

Resource Pack

Biomes O'Plenty resource pack that improves BOP's original textures, to be modern and better looking, made by King and Ballitos


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Flora Update

New look for the plants and flowers of the mod.

Updated textures:

  • Toadstool Mushroom Block
  • Snow Blossom Leaves and Sapling
  • White Petals
  • Cypress Leaves and Sapling
  • Wildflower
  • Lavender and White Lavender
  • Whilted Lily
  • Tundra Shrub
  • Bush
  • Burning Blossom
  • Barley
  • Blue Hydrangea
  • Clover
  • Cattail
  • Dead Grass
  • Desert Grass
  • Dune Grass
  • Glow Flower
  • Glowshuroom
  • Goldenrod
  • Ruge Clover
  • Ruge Lily Pad
  • Icy Iris
  • Orange Cosmos
  • Pink Daffodil
  • Pink Hibiscus
  • Sprout
  • Violet
  • Reed
  • Sea Oat
  • Tiny Cactus
  • Water Lily

Biomes O'Plenty Renewed v0.1

In our first release we have only updated trees and wood-sets, however, other parts of the mod like flower and dimentions will be on the way soon!



Dead Wood

-> Dead Planks
-> Dead Log
-> Stripped Dead Log
-> Dead Leaves
-> Dead Branch
-> Dead Sapling
-> Dead Door
-> Dead Door Item
-> Dead Trapdoor
-> Dead Sign
-> Dead Sign Item
-> Dead Hanging Sign
-> Dead Hanging Sign Item
-> Dead Hanging Sign Gui
-> Dead Boat
-> Dead Boat Item
-> Dead Chest Boat
-> Dead Chest Boat Item

Empyreal Wood

-> Empyreal Planks
-> Empyreal Log
-> Stripped Empyreal Log
-> Empyreal Leaves
-> Empyreal Sapling
-> Empyreal Door
-> Empyreal Door Item
-> Empyreal Trapdoor
-> Empyreal Sign
-> Empyreal Sign Item
-> Empyreal Hanging Sign
-> Empyreal Hanging Sign Item
-> Empyreal Hanging Sign Gui
-> Empyreal Boat
-> Empyreal Boat Item
-> Empyreal Chest Boat
-> Empyreal Chest Boat Item

Fir Wood

-> Fir Planks
-> Fir Log
-> Stripped Fir Log
-> Fir Leaves
-> Fir Sapling
-> Fir Door
-> Fir Door Item
-> Fir Trapdoor
-> Fir Sign
-> Fir Sign Item
-> Fir Hanging Sign
-> Fir Hanging Sign Item
-> Fir Hanging Sign Gui
-> Fir Boat
-> Fir Boat Item
-> Fir Chest Boat
-> Fir Chest Boat Item

Hellbark Wood

-> Hellbark Planks
-> Hellbark Log
-> Stripped Hellbark Log
-> Hellbark Leaves
-> Hellbark Sapling
-> Hellbark Door
-> Hellbark Door Item
-> Hellbark Trapdoor
-> Hellbark Sign
-> Hellbark Sign Item
-> Hellbark Hanging Sign
-> Hellbark Hanging Sign Item
-> Hellbark Hanging Sign Gui
-> Hellbark Boat
-> Hellbark Boat Item
-> Hellbark Chest Boat
-> Hellbark Chest Boat Item

Jacaranda Wood

-> Jacaranda Planks
-> Jacaranda Log
-> Stripped Jacaranda Log
-> Jacaranda Leaves
-> Jacaranda Sapling
-> Jacaranda Door
-> Jacaranda Door Item
-> Jacaranda Trapdoor
-> Jacaranda Sign
-> Jacaranda Sign Item
-> Jacaranda Hanging Sign
-> Jacaranda Hanging Sign Item
-> Jacaranda Hanging Sign Gui
-> Jacaranda Boat
-> Jacaranda Boat Item
-> Jacaranda Chest Boat
-> Jacaranda Chest Boat Item

Magic Wood

-> Magic Planks
-> Magic Log
-> Stripped Magic Log
-> Magic Leaves
-> Magic Sapling
-> Magic Door
-> Magic Door Item
-> Magic Trapdoor
-> Magic Sign
-> Magic Sign Item
-> Magic Hanging Sign
-> Magic Hanging Sign Item
-> Magic Hanging Sign Gui
-> Magic Boat
-> Magic Boat Item
-> Magic Chest Boat
-> Magic Chest Boat Item

Mahogany Wood

-> Mahogany Planks
-> Mahogany Log
-> Stripped Mahogany Log
-> Mahogany Leaves
-> Mahogany Sapling
-> Mahogany Door
-> Mahogany Door Item
-> Mahogany Trapdoor
-> Mahogany Sign
-> Mahogany Sign Item
-> Mahogany Hanging Sign
-> Mahogany Hanging Sign Item
-> Mahogany Hanging Sign Gui
-> Mahogany Boat
-> Mahogany Boat Item
-> Mahogany Chest Boat
-> Mahogany Chest Boat Item

Maple Wood

-> Maple Planks
-> Maple Log
-> Stripped Maple Log
-> Red Maple Leaves
-> Red Maple Sapling
-> Red Maple Leaf Pile
-> Red Maple Leaf Pile Item
-> Orange Maple Leaves
-> Orange Maple Sapling
-> Orange Maple Leaf Pile
-> Orange Maple Leaf Pile Item
-> Yellow Maple Leaves
-> Yellow Maple Sapling
-> Yellow Maple Leaf Pile
-> Yellow Maple Leaf Pile Item
-> Maple Door
-> Maple Door Item
-> Maple Trapdoor
-> Maple Sign
-> Maple Sign Item
-> Maple Hanging Sign
-> Maple Hanging Sign Item
-> Maple Hanging Sign Gui
-> Maple Boat
-> Maple Boat Item
-> Maple Chest Boat
-> Maple Chest Boat Item

Palm Wood

-> Palm Planks
-> Palm Log
-> Stripped Palm Log
-> Palm Leaves
-> Palm Sapling
-> Palm Door
-> Palm Door Item
-> Palm Trapdoor
-> Palm Sign
-> Palm Sign Item
-> Palm Hanging Sign
-> Palm Hanging Sign Item
-> Palm Hanging Sign Gui
-> Palm Boat
-> Palm Boat Item
-> Palm Chest Boat
-> Palm Chest Boat Item

Pine Wood

-> Pine Planks
-> Pine Log
-> Stripped Pine Log
-> Pine Leaves
-> Pine Sapling
-> Pine Door
-> Pine Door Item
-> Pine Trapdoor
-> Pine Sign
-> Pine Sign Item
-> Pine Hanging Sign
-> Pine Hanging Sign Item
-> Pine Hanging Sign Gui
-> Pine Boat
-> Pine Boat Item
-> Pine Chest Boat
-> Pine Chest Boat Item

Pine Wood

-> Pine Planks
-> Pine Log
-> Stripped Pine Log
-> Pine Leaves
-> Pine Sapling
-> Pine Door
-> Pine Door Item
-> Pine Trapdoor
-> Pine Sign
-> Pine Sign Item
-> Pine Hanging Sign
-> Pine Hanging Sign Item
-> Pine Hanging Sign Gui
-> Pine Boat
-> Pine Boat Item
-> Pine Chest Boat
-> Pine Chest Boat Item

Redwood Wood

-> Redwood Planks
-> Redwood Log
-> Stripped Redwood Log
-> Redwood Leaves
-> Redwood Sapling
-> Redwood Door
-> Redwood Door Item
-> Redwood Trapdoor
-> Redwood Sign
-> Redwood Sign Item
-> Redwood Hanging Sign
-> Redwood Hanging Sign Item
-> Redwood Hanging Sign Gui
-> Redwood Boat
-> Redwood Boat Item
-> Redwood Chest Boat
-> Redwood Chest Boat Item

Pine Wood

-> Pine Planks
-> Pine Log
-> Stripped Pine Log
-> Pine Leaves
-> Pine Sapling
-> Pine Door
-> Pine Door Item
-> Pine Trapdoor
-> Pine Sign
-> Pine Sign Item
-> Pine Hanging Sign
-> Pine Hanging Sign Item
-> Pine Hanging Sign Gui
-> Pine Boat
-> Pine Boat Item
-> Pine Chest Boat
-> Pine Chest Boat Item

Umbran Wood

-> Umbran Planks
-> Umbran Log
-> Stripped Umbran Log
-> Umbran Leaves
-> Umbran Sapling
-> Umbran Door
-> Umbran Door Item
-> Umbran Trapdoor
-> Umbran Sign
-> Umbran Sign Item
-> Umbran Hanging Sign
-> Umbran Hanging Sign Item
-> Umbran Hanging Sign Gui
-> Umbran Boat
-> Umbran Boat Item
-> Umbran Chest Boat
-> Umbran Chest Boat Item

Willow Wood

-> Willow Planks
-> Willow Log
-> Stripped Willow Log
-> Willow Leaves
-> Willow Vines
-> Willow Mossy Leaves
-> Willow Sapling
-> Willow Door
-> Willow Door Item
-> Willow Trapdoor
-> Willow Sign
-> Willow Sign Item
-> Willow Hanging Sign
-> Willow Hanging Sign Item
-> Willow Hanging Sign Gui
-> Willow Boat
-> Willow Boat Item
-> Willow Chest Boat
-> Willow Chest Boat Item



-> Spanish Moss
-> Spanish Moss Plant

Other Saplings

-> Cypress Sapling
-> Rainbow Birch Sapling


-> Toadstool


-> Blood Bucket
-> Bramble
-> Glowworm Silk
-> Music Disc Wanderer


-> Advancements Background

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published 8 months ago
Updated 6 months ago