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v1.2 New Additions
- Aggron
- Braviary
- Clodsire
- Grimmsnarl (+Special Animation for using "Taunt")
- Hatenna
- Hatterene
- Hattrem
- Impidimp
- Lairon
- Mimikyu
- Morgrem
- Rufflet
- Scyther
- Sealeo
- Spheal
- Ursaluna
- Ursaring
- Walrein
Models that have animations from the CobbleRemodel resource pack (slightly adjusted to work on official 1.6 models)
- Gligar
- Gliscor
- Scizor
- Basculegion - Battle idle
- Lucario - Faint + Special Attack move animation
- Incineroar - Darkest Lariat
Thanks to Gesteeyy for allowing me to use animations from the CobbleRemodel resource pack!
Cobblemotion_v1.2.zip(848.29 KiB) Primary Download
Licensed ARR
Published a month ago
Updated 11 hours ago