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This release is tested with all versions 1.13 and up!*†

*Versions 1.13.0-1.20.0 have a warning claiming incompatibility. Just ignore it.

†The resource pack won't automatically have support for any new slabs added after 1.21.4, so message me on Discord reminding me to add them! (@owehttamy)


  • Fixed support for the Pale Oak slab
  • Fixed support for the Resin Brick slab
  • Changed the default orientation of many blocks:
Project Slab Change
Minecraft Bamboo Mosaic mirror -> flip_mirror
Minecraft Cut Copper 90 -> flip
Minecraft Dark Prismarine 90 -> flip
Minecraft Deepslate Brick 90 -> flip
Minecraft End Stone Brick 90 -> flip
Minecraft Exposed Cut Copper 90 -> flip
Minecraft Mossy Stone Brick 90 -> flip
Minecraft Nether Brick 90 -> flip
Minecraft Oxidized Cut Copper 90 -> flip
Minecraft Polished Andesite 90 -> flip
Minecraft Polished Blackstone 90 -> flip
Minecraft Polished Deepslate 90 -> flip
Minecraft Polished Diorite 90 -> flip
Minecraft Polished Granite 90 -> flip
Minecraft Prismarine Brick 90 -> flip
Minecraft Purpur 90 -> flip
Minecraft Nether Brick 90 -> flip
Minecraft Resin Brick 90 -> flip
Minecraft Stone Brick 90 -> flip
Minecraft Weathered Cut Copper 90 -> flip
Charm Arcane Purpur 90 -> flip
Clutter Polished Black Onyx 90 -> flip
Clutter Polished Onyx 90 -> flip
Clutter Oak Mosaic mirror -> flip_mirror
Clutter Warped Mosaic mirror -> flip_mirror
Nature's Spirit Black Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Blue Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Brown Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Chert Tile 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Cyan Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Gray Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Green Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Light Blue Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Light Gray Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Lime Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Brown Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Magenta Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Mossy Travertine Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Orange Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Pink Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Polished Chert 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Purple Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Red Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Travertine Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit White Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Nature's Spirit Yellow Kaolin Brick 90 -> flip
Philip's Ruins Obsidian Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Andesite Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Andesite Tile 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Basalt Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Brick Tile 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Andesite Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cobbled Nether Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cobbled Red Nether Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Andesite Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Basalt Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Blackstone Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Deepslate Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Diorite Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked End Stone Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Granite Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Mossy Stone Brick Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Mud Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Nether Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Prismarine Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Purpur Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Quartz Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Red Nether Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Red Sandstone Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Sandstone Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Smoothstone Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Cracked Stone Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Andesite 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Blackstone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Deepslate 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Diorite 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark End Stone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Granite 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Mossy Stone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Mud 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Nether Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Purpur 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Quartz 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Red Nether Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Red Sandstone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Sandstone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Andesite 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Smoothstone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Dark Stone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Diorite Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion End Stone Tile 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Granite Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Granite Tile 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Mossy Stone Tile 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Nether Brick Tile 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Basalt 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished End Stone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Mossy Stone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Mud 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Nether Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Prismarine 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Purpur 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Red Nether Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Red Sandstone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Sandstone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Smoothstone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Polished Stone 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Prismarine Tile 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Purpur Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Quartz Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Red Nether Brick Tile 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Red Sandstone Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Sandstone Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Smoothstone Brick 90 -> flip
Stone Expansion Stone Tile 90 -> flip
Supplementaries Blackstone Tile 90 -> flip
Twigs Cobblestone Brick 90 -> flip
Twigs Polished Bloodstone 90 -> flip
Twigs Polished Calcie 90 -> flip
Twigs Polished Tuff Brick 90 -> flip
Twigs Polished Tuff 90 -> flip
Twigs Smooth Basalt Brick 90 -> flip
Twigs Smooth Stone Brick 90 -> flip

The previous orientations weren't as visible or appealing to the eye. These changes should increase the versatility of some blocks

  • Added stack parent as an option for all models

Creates a crease/separation between the top and bottom slab

  • Changed parent names to create consistency and clarity
    • flipped -> flip
    • stacked -> stack
    • inverse -> invert
    • row/* -> reorient/*
  • Added 270_mirror parent as an option for all and column models

Mirrors and rotates textures by 270° on the model

  • Added 90_mirror parent as an option for all and column models

Mirrors and rotates textures by 90° on the model

  • Added flip_mirror parent as an option for all and column models

Mirrors and rotates textures by 180° on the model

  • Added 270_invert parent as an option for column models

Swaps the side and end textures and rotates them by 270°

  • Added 270_invert_mirror parent as an option for column models

Swaps the side and end textures, rotates them by 270°, and mirrors them

  • Added 90_invert parent as an option for column models

Swaps the side and end textures and rotates them by 90°

  • Added 90_invert_mirror parent as an option for column models

Swaps the side and end textures, rotates them by 90°, and mirrors them

  • Added flip_invert parent as an option for column models

Swaps the side and end textures and rotates them by 180°

  • Added flip_invert_mirror parent as an option for column models

Swaps the side and end textures, rotates them by 180°, and mirrors them

  • Added invert_mirror parent as an option for column models

Swaps the side and end textures and mirrors them

  • Added support for Charm's Ebony Slab
  • Added support for Clutter's Redwood Slab
  • Added support for Clutter's Redwood Mosaic Slab
  • Added support for Nature's Spirit's Wisteria Mosaic Slab
  • Updated the pack.png to match the rebrand

This release is tested with all versions 1.13 and up!*†

*Versions 1.13.0-1.20.0 have a warning claiming incompatibility. Just ignore it.

†The resource pack won't automatically have support for any new slabs added after 1.21.4, so message me on Discord reminding me to add them! (@owehttamy)


  • Added support for the Pale Oak slab
  • Added support for the Resin Brick slab

This release is tested with all versions 1.13 and up!*

*The only caveat is that the resource pack won't automatically have support for any new slabs added after 1.21.0, so message me on Discord reminding me to add them! (@owehttamy)


It's never been easier to add support for mods!

  • Added new modding support template files
  • Fixed bamboo_thatch slab missing thatch ends
  • Improved models for Nature's Spirit's thatch slabs

This release is tested with all versions 1.20.0 and up!*

*The only caveat is that the resource pack won't automatically have support for any new slabs added after 1.21.0, so message me on Discord reminding me to add them! (@owehttamy)


  • Added full support for all slabs in Charm

Thanks @peow. on Discord!

  • Added full support for all slabs in Clutter

Thanks @peow. on Discord!

Thanks @peow. on Discord!

Thanks @peow. on Discord!

  • Added full support for all slabs in Twigs

Thanks @peow. on Discord!

  • Renamed all parents to shorter, more accurate names
  • Added all_flipped and column_flipped parents

Rotates the textures 180°

  • Added column_inverse parent

Simply swaps the side and end textures

  • Added column_row/* parent

Turns the column block on its side, depending on cardinal direction

  • Added column_mirror parent
  • Added column_stacked parent
  • Subsequently moved all existing "stacked" variants to "column_stacked" parent, dramatically decreasing sizes
  • Fixed culling and UV on column_stacked model
  • Properly changed rotation of all_90 and column_90 parents to be all 90° rotations, as some were 270°
  • Removed parents from parents, since they're unneeded and unused
  • Created single-slab variants for column_stacked parent
  • Added culling to single-slab parent variants
  • Added support for particles in parents

Whoops, I should've done that in 1.0

  • Removed all unnecessary texture calls for particles in individual files
  • Removed unnecessary "minecraft:" clarifications
  • Changed stoneexpansion:cut_mud_slab parent from column_90 to column_stacked
  • Fixed all column parents to only utilize one cube
  • Moved "all" parent variants to "all" folder and shrink names
  • Moved "column" parent variants to "column" folder and shrink names
  • Renamed all model folders to be singular form
  • Renamed all models in model folders to just be model type instead of repeating block name
  • Removed the modding tutorial because it's drastically outdated now, and I intend to transform it into a YouTube video later instead

I can't be bothered to make a temporary new one

This release is compatible with all versions 1.20.0 and up!*

*The only caveat is that the resource pack won't automatically have support for any new slabs added after 1.21.0, so message me on Discord reminding me to add them! (@owehttamy)


Thanks @peow. on Discord!

Thanks @peow. on Discord!

  • Removed remnants of code from another project

This release is compatible with all versions 1.20.0 and up!*

*The only caveat is that the resource pack won't automatically have support for any new slabs added after 1.21.0, so message me on Discord reminding me to add them! (@owehttamy)


  • Fixed polished granite's double slab variant not rendering
  • Fixed a significant mistake in mod support directions where I missed important details regarding support for column blocks and multiple other inconsistencies (Thanks @peow. on Discord!)
  • Further elaborated on specific details in mod support directions to improve user understanding
  • Updated the mod template model JSON to mirror the changes in the directions

This release is compatible with all versions 1.20.0 and up!*

*The only caveat is that the resource pack won't automatically have support for any new slabs added after 1.21.0, so message me on Discord reminding me to add them! (@owehttamy)


  • Fixed a mistake in mod support directions and template regarding namespaces (Thanks @peow. on Discord!)

This release is compatible with all versions 1.20.0 and up!*

*The only caveat is that the resource pack won't automatically have support for any new slabs added after 1.21.0, so message me on Discord reminding me to add them! (@owehttamy)


  • Added support to tuff slabs
  • Added support to tuff brick slabs
  • Added support to polished tuff slabs

This release is compatible with all versions 1.20.0 and up!*

*The only caveat is that the resource pack won't support any new slabs added after 1.21, so message me on Discord reminding me to add any if I haven't released a new version yet! @owehttamy


  • Add culling to double slab variants
  • Fixed red sandstone slab rendering incorrectly
  • Reformatted and added files to help users create support for modded slabs

This version is compatible with 1.20.0, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3, and 1.20.4.

The pack has been updated to utilize 1.20.2's optional supported_formats field to allow compatibility with multiple versions, including any future unreleased updates. (Only caveat is new slabs will not be supported, in which case, message me on Discord!)

Updated to version format 15 (1.20.1 compatible)

Updated to version format 14 (1.20.0 compatible)

Tested for 1.19.3, 1.19.4, and 1.20.

Even if the pack may say that it's outdated or incompatible, it should work just fine. Enjoy!

If you have any issues, feel free to reach out to me on Discord.

Project members




Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Published 2 years ago
Updated a month ago