

Resource Pack

Minecraft vanilla improved! This resource pack enhances the classic Minecraft aesthetic with selective texture updates, Stardew Valley-inspired GUI, OptiFine-enhanced features like more mob varieties and custom enchantment book textures, and much more!

16xAudioBlocksCombatDecoration EntitiesEnvironmentEquipmentFontsGUIItemsVanilla-like

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by Ninjdo on Oct 23, 2024

DefaultXL (The 1.21.2 Update) v3.5.1 -Updated to 1.21.2 -Added colors to bundles name -Fixed some name colors in files


by Ninjdo on Aug 31, 2024

DefaultXL (The Variety Update + Performance Update Part 2) v3.5.0 -Updated to 1.21.1 -Added a 3D model to the bell (item) -Fixed diamond boots texture -Removed old diamond boots item model (Broken) -Updated moss carpet models (Fixed 1.21 - 1.21.1) -Added new texture to flow banner item -Added new texture to guster banner item -Added new textures to soul fire -Removed quiver from skeleton and stray (Bugs) -Added health bar to skeleton -Added health bar to stray -Added new textures for all leaves (Boosted FPS -Added new models for all leaves (Boosted FPS) -Added new blockstates for all leaves (Boosted FPS) (I recommend using the Cull Leaves mod with this texture pack) -Updated splash texts -Fixed trapped chest -Updated double purpur slab -Added new tuff double slab model and texture -Added new polished tuff double slab model and texture -Added new tuff brick double slab model and texture -Lowered the chance the new sea grass models would pop up (Boosted FPS) -Added new models to fern (Boosted FPS) -Added new textures to fern (Boosted FPS) -Updated dandelion blockstate -Added new dripstone models -Updated grass models (Boosted FPS) -Updated tall grass models (Boosted FPS) -Removed some old OptiFine files -Added new enchantment book textures -Updated sunflower model (Boosted FPS) -Updated lily of the valley model (Boosted FPS) -Updated oxeye daisy model (Boosted FPS) -Added new textures to lacugrove wood (Better End)(Mod) -Added new GUI to the crafter -Added new GUI to Traveler's Backpack (Mod) -Added more new GUI textures to EMI (Mod) -Updated Fabric API GUI (Mod) -Added new GUI to Tom's Trading Network (Mod) -Added new varieties to cows (OptiFine) -Added new varieties to chickens (OptiFine) -Added new varieties to pigs (OptiFine) -Added new varieties to skeletons (OptiFine) -Added new varieties to spiders (OptiFine) -Added new varieties to cave spiders (OptiFine) -Added new icons to Enchantment Books (GUI) -Added new textures to Trident (Vanilla/OptiFine) -Updated brewing stand GUI -Updated crafting table GUI -Added new GUI to beacon -Added new varieties to allays (OptiFine) -Added brewing stand guide to brewing stand GUI -Added new enchanting table model -Added new enchanting table texture -Added new note block model -Added new note block textures -Added new textures to Netherite Sword -Added new item models to Netherite Sword -Added new textures to Netherite Axe -Added new item models to Netherite Axe -Added new textures to Netherite Pickaxe -Added new item models to Netherite Pickaxe -Added new textures to Netherite Shovel -Added new item models to Netherite Shovel -Added new textures to Netherite Hoe -Added new item models to Netherite Hoe


by Ninjdo on Aug 26, 2024

DefaultXL (The Performance Update + Color) v3.0.0 -Updated to 1.20.5 - 1.21 -Remove most of the item models since they lag so much -Added color to the names of new items and a bunch of old items -Updated splash texts -Cleaned up and removed unneeded files -Replaced most of the paintings -Updated gartography table GIU -Added new map textures -Added new map icons -Added new moon textures -Added new sun textures -Added new vindicator texture -Added new evoker texture -Added new illusioner texture -Added new pillager texture -Added new ravager texture -Added new vex textures -Added new horse textures -Added new skeleton horse texture -Added new zombie horse texture -Added new mule texture -Added new horse armor textures -Added new donkey texture -Added new texture to totem of undying -Added new item model to totem of undying -Added new arrow texture -Added new bow textures -Added new crossbow textures -Fixed color issues with crimson planks varieties -Added texture varieties to cherry planks -Added new texture to crimson hanging sign -Added new texture to crimson hanging sign GUI -Added new texture to spectral arrow -Added new textures to effect arrows -Added new ender chest texture -Added new camel texture -Added new cat textures -Added new crimson fence textures -Added new crimson fence gate textures -Added new crimson fence models -Added new crimson fence gate models -Updated dark oak fence model -Updated daek oak fence gate -Updated acacia fence texture -Updated acacia fence gate -Added new model to crafting table -Updated chest GUI -Updated ender chest GUI (OptiFine) -Added new model to daylight detector -Added new egg texture -Added new textures to all beds -Added new textures to all purpur blocks -Added new texture to purple shulker box -Added new texture to shulker box GUI -Updated trapped chest textures -Fixed aqua affinity book model -Fixed raw chicken item model -Added a item model to infested deepslate -Updated grass to be taller -Added new model and texture to fern -Added new model and texture to large fern -Added new textures to the new music discs -Made the mace 3D -Added crimson nylium varieties -Added warped nylium varieties -Added new GUI to the crafter -Added more new GUI -Updated ETF gui -Added 3D models to all copper doors -Added 3D models to all copper trapdoors -Updated the name of one of the model helpers in the files

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Licensed ARR
Published 6 months ago
Updated 4 months ago