Drown's Tool Tweaks is a resource pack designed to make vanilla and modded tools look more consistent and to add variation.
Expect to see support for more mods in the future.
Also on curseforge! (click here)
Mods currently supported:
- all main vanilla tools (not counting shears, flint and steel, shield, bow and crossbow)
- Archon (only some for now)
- DragonLoot (sword and trident only)
- Fantasy Origins (spear and triton trident only)
- Bosses of Mass Destruction (earthdive spear only)
- Minecraft Comes Alive scythe
- Werewolves - Become a Beast! silver tools
- Vampirism - Become a Vampire! (currently axes only)
- vanilla bow
- Harvest Scythes and machetes
- Variant Tools and Weaponry: More Weapons
- Farmer's Delight knives
- Impaled
- Mekanism Tools paxels
- Fantasy Origins elven bow
- rest of the Archon weapons
- Apocalypse Origins hexblade and mirror blade
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