GalactiCircle Texture Pack
Enhance the visual realism of Galacticraft with the Circular Galactic Texture Pack, which transforms square planet textures into circular, lifelike textures. Created by the talented Galacticraft 3 Addon developers Denfop (MegaPlanets), RonFall (Vacuum Horizons), and DJChimodragon (Moon texture), this resource pack brings a fresh and immersive experience to Galacticraft 4.
Compatible Addons:
- Galaxy Space
- More Planets
- Interstellar Exoplanets
- AsmodeusCore / StarMaker
- Astralis Infinitum (StarMaker)
- AstroMasters Unified Pack (StarMaker)
Not Compatible:
1.7.10 Addons are not guaranteed to work
- Extra Planets (Do not ask for it! Please!)
- Zollern Galaxy
- Additional Planets
Known Issues:
Please take note of the following known issues before using the texture pack:
Disable "B:enableRenderAtmosphere=false" (line 14) inside
before applying the texture pack to ensure compatibility. -
Certain textures may appear non-transparent or retain a square shape, such as the Earth when viewed from a space station or Nibiru from other planets (More Planets).
The rings of Barnarda B might be misplaced on the Galactic Map.
Saturn Rings from Titan, Enceladus and Galaxy Map are not aligned with the planet texture