Minecraft: Askew??? Getting an update??? It's burning me :D!
Mostly just some bug fixes, but a couple "new" features!
-Guardians and Witches!! Their sounds didn't work before! Now they do!
-Trapped chests were just totally broken, big jumble of textures, now repaired!
-Added Cherry Boats and Bamboo Rafts! And all the chest boat variants! I just missed them and i can't think of an excuse so you gotta think of a reaaally good one for me!
-Dragon heads work finally!
-Fixed some inconsistent naming conventions in certain blocks
-Fixed a bug where if you had a slim player model you would get a stomach ache (half real)
-Touched up the Noteblock sounds!
-There were 2 cave sounds in the files that didn't actually get code to make them play, now they can!
-Dropped some deadweight of a feature that just doesn't work
-Split up the UI to prepare for future versions (agonizing) ((If you want, technically Askew has the capacity to function up to Optifine 1.20.4 now, but there are a TON of bugs outside of my control thanks to both Mojang and Optifine, but if you're dying to see it, it's passable, barely))