I fixed enchantment (6-255) and potion (6-128) levels so they actually show the correct roman numerals.
- Why stop at 255 and 128?
That's all the further they'd actually show correct level things in the version I play on (1.17.1, but I will be updating my game once 1.20 comes out)
I really want to support other languages but my Minecraft directory only has en_us.lang in it and I can't find any others. So if you use a language that isn't affected by this niche change, let me know what I need to add to support it by reporting on the Github page! :D
I have no idea what all versions are affected by this, but typically 1.14 to current is a safe assumption. I know for sure it works in 1.17
Have issues or a suggestion?
Report it on the Github issue tracker so I know I need to fix something :D
This tweak not for you?
Check out my other projects, I might have something you didn't know you needed! :D