Nebula GUI and Hotbar

Nebula GUI and Hotbar

Resource Pack

With swirling clouds of mist, and a sprinkle of stars, this GUI pack changes all inventories, menus and your hotbar to be in nice, calm shades of blue with hints of orange!


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Filter versions...
  • updated pack version + bundle textures
  • added a subtle new tooltip texture

planetMC and curseforge were also updated ^-^

and as always, feel free to let me know if there's any mistakes in the textures! i will do my best to fix them asap~

  • updated to 1.21, will work with 1.20.2 and up (i did check)

  • changed some colors to make some menus easier to see in

planetMC and curseforge were also updated, if you prefer downloading from there ❤️

and as always, feel free to let me know if there's any mistakes in the textures! i will do my best to fix them asap~

The 1.20.1 update for this pack!

  • features a lot of design changes, color palette updating, etc.

  • also on PlanetMC and Curseforge!

and as always, feel free to let me know if there's any mistakes in the textures! i will do my best to fix them asap~

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Licensed ARR
Published 9 months ago
Updated 4 months ago