Penguh's Pack has been archived. Penguh's Pack will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
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This pack is a collection of a bunch of models I've made for myself or other people

All the models this pack adds can be worn on your head! You can use my Head⇄Swap datapack to equip them in survival!
Add a variety of cosmetics and decorations to your game with CIT or CMD!

Custom Item Texture (CIT):

CIT is a feature from mods like Optifine, or CIT Resewn that allows you to change the texture or model of an item depending on certain properties, like the name, enchantments, or even durability.

This resource pack makes use of the "name" feature so you can get all of these models in survival without having to use commands!


A piece of paper in the anvil UI being renamed to "Christmas tree" and the anvil output showing a christmas tree model instead of paper.

Custom Model Data (CMD):

This is currently the only way to get these models without using mods.

CustomModelData is an NBT tag (or an Item Stack Component in 1.20.5+) that can be assigned to an item through commands, and is entirely vanilla! If you, for example, use the command:

/give @s minecraft:sugar_cane{CustomModelData:1}

You'll get a sugar cane with a CustomModelData ID of 1. The resource pack can then check if there is a model assigned to that ID and replace the existing item with the custom one!

List of CIT names and CMD ID's:

Netherite sword:

  • Arcane Greatsword 15472000
  • Glacial Claymore 15472001
  • Wooden Scythe 15472006
  • Stone Scythe 15472007
  • Iron Scythe 15472008
  • Golden Scythe 15472009
  • Diamond Scythe 15472010
  • Netherite Scythe 15472011


  • Christmas Tree 15472002
  • Hot Chocolate 15472003
  • Presents 15472004
  • Snowman 15472005
  • Copper Lock 15472012
  • Iron Lock 15472013
  • Golden Lock 15472014

Future Updates:

I'll be continuing to add new models to this resource pack whenever I make them either just for fun, or for other projects. Make sure to give this project a follow so you don't miss out on any updates!

The time between updates can range from a week or two, to multiple months, as this is only a fun little side-project I started out of boredom.


My Discord server is still in the works, so instead you can:

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated 9 months ago