Presence Footsteps + (Archive)

Presence Footsteps + (Archive)

Resource Pack

Adds some extra modded support to Presence footsteps. (Archived version of a curseforge project)


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This is a re-upload of a project I originally posted to curseforge, that I have since removed. I've posted it to modrinth for posterity sake, but it will likely receive no future support. The following is a verbatim copy of the original curseforge description.

I wanted to include presence footsteps in my modpack, but several blocks didn't have the proper footstep sounds, so I customized the blockmap file to rectify this.

Despite being listed as a datapack, this folder is actually a resource pack, it just doesn't contain any textures so it doesn't fit in any of the other categories. As such its installed in the resource packs folder.

I figured I should also upload it as well, in case anyone else wants to use it as well.

If there aren't any blocks in the listed mods that don't have the proper footstep sounds, please feel free to let me know and I'll rectify the issue, but I probably won't add support for any additional mods, unless I get enough support on this project.

Mods that are affected:

-Immersive engineering


-Farmers delight (Plus "Farmers respite" and "Brewin and chewin" addons)

-Biomes o plenty (Plus "Compat O plenty" addon)

-FTB industrial contraptions

-Golden hopper



-Decorative blocks


-Tconstruct (But not geode blocks.)



-Wild backport




-Infernal expansion

-Extended crafting

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago