The Bell
Shows how the bell looks when placed. (It has a color scheme matching other rose gold items and blocks)

Horse Armors
Shows how both Diamond and Gold horse armor looks when on a horse (Diamond on the right and Gold on the left)

Diamond and Gold Armor
Shows how Diamond and Gold armor has changes (Diamond on the right Gold on the left)

Nether Quartz
Shows how Nether Quartz (item) has changed (it has a white and light pink color scheme)

Enchanting Table
Shows how the Enchanting Table has changed (The diamond corners of the table are color-matched to be consistent with other pink diamond related blocks and items)

Haste and Invisibility effect icons
Shows how the Haste and Invisibility effect icons have changed

Cartography Table
Shows how the Cartography Table has changed. (The gold bits have reddish pink to them)

Cartographer, Piglin, and Piglin Brute
Shows how the Villager badge changes color: Journeyman (left) and Master (right). Also shows how the Cartographer's monocle and the piglin and brute's gold accents have changed

Gold Ore related blocks
Shows how Gold Ore, Deepslate Gold Ore, Nether Gold Ore, Gilded Blackstone, Block of Raw Gold, Block of Gold, and Light Weighted Pressure Plate have changed. (They have a red-leaning pink color scheme to look like rose gold)

Shows how the tooltips have changed to be consistent with the color changes of the blocks and items

Nether Quartz related blocks
Shows how the different Quartz Blocks and Nether Quartz Ore has changed (They have a white and light pink color scheme to them)

Absorption Hearts (Hardcore)
Shows how the Absorption Hearts (when in Hardcore mode) have changed