Sounds & Music

Sounds & Music

Resource Pack

Editing the Auditory part just a bit


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📋 About

Sounds & Music edits and “fixes” specific sounds as well as adding more Music by C418, Gareth Coker, Deadmau5 and some community made ones if fitting enough.

All rights go to each creator. We did not make any of the music included in this pack and therefore take no credit for them.

🎵 Changes

📓 Log Output
Type String File Names
Output Fix -
Output Fix entity.goat.screaming.horn_break horn_break1-horn_break4
Output Fix / Music Overhaul music.overworld.cherry_grove minecraft, clark, sweden, comforting_memories, infinite amethyst, key, oxygene, mice_on_venus, wending, kyoto, memento mori, door, equinoxe
🔊 Sounds
Type String Description Affected
Sound Change Now sounds like the button click from the legacy console editions Menu Buttons
Sound Swap entity.generic.drink Uses some drinking sounds of the Wandering Trader Drinkable Potions, Milk
Sound Swap entity.splash_potion.throw entity.lingering_potion.throw Uses some throwing sounds of the Witch Splash Potions, Lingering Potions
Sound Swap entity.ender_pearl.throw Uses Ender Eye throwing sound for consistency Ender Pearl
Sound Adjustment item.chorus_fruit.teleport Lower pitched to differentiate teleport sounds Chorus Fruit
Sound Swap block.bamboo_wood_pressure_plate.click_off/on block.cherry_wood_pressure_plate.click_off/on block.nether_wood_pressure_plate.click_off/on block.wooden_pressure_plate.click_off/on block.metal_pressure_plate.click_off/on Pitched to make them sound like their button/block counterpart Wooden Pressure Plates
Sound Change block.stone_button.click_off/on Changed to give these own sounds Stone and Blackstone Pressure Plate & Button
Sound Adjustment block.anvil.break Changed to sound like Iron Block breaking instead of Stone Anvil
💿 Music Discs
Track Plays as Weight Artist
Eleven 11 11 C418
Death 5 5 C418
K 5 11 bouncytorch
Dog cat 26 C418
Supernova strad 10 bouncytorch
🎵 Music
Track Plays in Artist
Biome Fest Creative C418
Blind Spots Creative C418
Haunt Muskie Creative C418
Aria Math Creative C418
Dreiton Creative C418
Taswell Creative C418
Ki Creative C418
Flake Creative C418
Intro Creative C418
Droopy likes your face Creative C418
Droopy likes ricochet Creative C418
Burning Konkrete Creative bouncytorch
Minecraft Overworld C418
Clark Overworld C418
Sweden Overworld C418
Comforting Memories Overworld C418
Floating Dream Overworld C418
Subwoofer Lullaby Overworld C418
Living Mice Overworld C418
Haggstrom Overworld C418
Danny Overworld C418
Left to Bloom Overworld C418
Key Overworld C418
Oxygene Overworld C418
One more Day Overworld C418
Dry Hands Overworld C418
Wet Hands Overworld C418
Mice on Venus Overworld C418
Biome Chris Overworld C418
Kyoto Overworld C418
Memento Mori Overworld C418
Door Overworld C418
Equinoxe Overworld C418
Alpha Overworld C418
Battlemode1 Overworld C418
Battlemode2 Overworld C418
Battlemode3 Overworld C418
Battlemode4 Overworld C418
Rose Field Overworld bouncytorch
Cliff Hanger Overworld bouncytorch

📝 Credits

-bouncytorch (K, Supernova, Burning Konkrete, Rose Field, Cliff Hanger)


-Gareth Coker (Nothing yet)


Project members









Licensed ARR
Published 2 years ago
Updated a year ago