Stripped Fences uses the stripped log model on fences and fence gates. They look clean!
1.21 Woods
This pack supports the Pale Oak fence items introduced in 1.21.
This pack only changes models, it contains no textures, but reuses the stripped wood log textures. If another pack modify these textures, the fences will also be updated accordingly.
Why this rather than Vanilla Tweaks?
This pack uses the stripped wood texture, which is still a lot less noisy than what Vanilla Tweaks did by rotating the plank textures. It may also be more compatible in combination with other resource packs.
This pack is an extension based upon the 1.19 Fencier Fences pack, by PogginTheDwarf distributed with the following usage terms This pack is free for you to incorporate in your own packs or to modify. Credit is not required, but always appreciated!