Download StefanJ2's Enchanted Book Enabler Datapack to use these textures.
Optifine and CIT Resewn formats also work:
This pack adds different textures for each enchanted book so it is easier to find the one you are looking for. If you have multiple enchantments on one book, it will show the first one by alphabetical order. It will also use the normal texture if the book is given to you with commands.
Compatible with some mods!
Enchanted books from the image in order:
-Aqua Affinity
-Bane of Arthropods
-Curse of Binding
-Blast Protection
-Depth Strider
-Feather Falling
-Fire Aspect
-Fire Protection
-Frost Walker
-Luck of the Sea
-Projectile Protection
-Quick Charge
-Silk Touch
-Soul Speed
-Sweeping Edge
-Swift Sneak
-Curse of Vanishing
You can use this pack for whatever you want as long as you credit me and do not edit the pack at all.