Standalone version of the modpack used in my Aetherial Airships stream world.
Aetherial Airships is a sandbox survival/exploration modpack for Minecraft Fabric 1.20.1, with Floating Island worldgen, working Airships, Create contraptions, and more!

A custom world type that has all the biomes and most of the features and structures you’d find in a normal 1.20-1.20.1 world.
Created as a custom worldgen option for my new long-term stream series on YouTube

Superflat too easy? Try this!
No grass, dirt or bedrock layers in the Overworld.
Just the structures from the Classic Flat preset if your world was generated in 1.17.1 or earlier
As of 1.1.1, In 1.21+ worlds you will automatically spawn in a village!

A simple datapack that adds a challenging crafting recipe for the Heart of the Sea (requires a Nether Star)
Intended for Skyblock, Superflat, Skyleaf Biomes and other limited overworld types.