Acorn's Tweaks

Acorn's Tweaks

Data pack

Many small changes to freshen up survival gameplay, but keep things very vanilla.

Server AdventureEquipmentGame Mechanics

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This pack aims to improve Minecraft without changing or adding anything too big, which might be out of favor for some. It is a blend of cleaning up some of the mess that Mojang left in the game, consistency and balancing changes, adding more functionality to things that could use them, adding scrapped concept features such as ones from the Combat Tests, and many quality of life features that exist in seperate data packs and mods, now put together into one!

Currently in beta, everything is subject to change or removal

Changes (Overview)

  • Adjustments to damage, speed, durability, and other stats of various equipment, so that they are more simple, useful, interesting and fair
  • Tridents have become more useful and can be found as loot
  • Elytras are a bit weaker in regular use, but can be used in new ways
  • Maces have been given some much needed versatility
  • Rebalancing of many enchantments, buffing some lesser used ones while also nerfing the overperformers, to switch up gameplay meta a bit. Also added some new ones to freshen up playstyle
  • Changes to hostile mobs, including health and attack balances
  • Changes to crafting recipes to smoothen progression and make resource usage more fair
  • New smelting recipes for the furnace, and many recipes added to the other smelting blocks to better encourage their usage
  • Experience can be earned from harvesting crops, reaching goals, and more

If any of these sounds interesting, read the details below or give the pack a try!

Changes (Detailed)

Changes to Equipment
  • Unarmed: Attacking with empty hand now deals 2 damage, but at 2 attack speed (Was 1 and 4)
  • Tool tier durability: Now fits better with Minecraft's 2^n system:
    • 64 (Wooden), 128 (Stone), 256 (Iron), 1536 (Diamond), and 2048 (Netherite).
    • Gold durability remains unchanged
  • Gold: Tools and armor now match Iron tier in Damage and Protection
  • Axe: Havs 1 Attack Speed and incrementing damage (5+tier)
  • Hoe: Has 1.4 Attack Speed, incrementing damage (0+tier), and +0.5 Reach
  • Shovel: As the now lowest DPS tool, has been given a +0.5 to Attack Knockback
  • Trident
    • Deals 8 Damage with 1.2 Attack Speed, and has +0.5 Reach
    • Durability is increased to 256
    • Is now classified as a sharp weapon, so can be enchanted with Sharpness, Bane, and Smite
    • Can now be repaired using Prismarine Crystals
  • Shield
    • Has a Bash-Attack, with 1 Attack Speed and +0.5 Knockback.
  • Mace:
    • Smash attack damage accumulation has been decreased. First 3 blocks add 2 damage/block, instead of 4, overall dealing 6 less damage total
    • Can be used while flying with Elytra to deal velocity-based damage.
  • Elytra: Is less floaty and light, and Fireworks last half as long when boosting
  • Carrot/Warped Fungus on a stick: Durability for both is now 64 durability, to match Fishing Rods


  • Flames works on all melee weapons, taking the place of Fire Aspect
  • Looting works on all melee weapons
  • Knockback works on all melee weapons and bows. Punch has been removed
  • Impaling works like it does in Bedrock Edition, dealing extra damage to any mob in water or rain
  • Loyalty Tridents will return from the void
  • Bane of Arthropods has been removed
  • Illager's Bane is a new enchantment that deals extra damage to Illagers. Directly taken from Minecraft Dungeons. Inflicts the slowness that BoA used to
  • Smite inflicts weakness on undead, like BoA inflicted slowness
  • Multishot arrows each damage seperately, so all 3 arrows can damage 1 mob in combined damage


  • Protection now only provids additional damage reduction to what armor already can reduce. Damage from many sources, including Fall damage and Thorns are no longer reduced
  • Feather Falling adds 20% reduction/level, so it can provide max reduction at max level
  • Projectile Protection and Blast Protection have been merged into Impact Protection, which also reduces damage from Mace Smash Attacks, falling blocks, anvils and stalagmites, and flying into walls
  • Thorns has been reworked:
    • Damage ranges from 1-3 instead of 1-5, with a 33%/level chance of activating instead of 15%. This means that Thorns III will always activate.
    • Armor penalty has been reduced to 1 instead of 2
    • The damage cap has been removed, so multiple pieces can stack damage. A full set of Thorns III can deal between 4-12 damage
    • Only activates on recieving melee attacks
  • Frost Walker has been improved:
    • It now works even when you aren't touching the ground directly, allowing you to Sprint Jump. This means it can also be used to create land to swim onto
    • Turns Powder snow into snow when walking over, or when submerged, allowing you to escape easier
    • Both of these will also prevent fall damage by only forming at the right time

Other and New Enchantments

  • Mending has been nerfed to only repair 1 durability per experience orb
  • Magic Protection reduces damage from magic sources, including effects, dragon breath, evoker fangs, sonic boom, and thorns damage. It also passively adds luck to the player
  • Flap allows you to flap Elytra wings to gain lift, allowing you to gain lost altitude, reducing the need for fireworks to travel long distances
  • Lift allows the Elytra to rise from heat sources directly underneath (lava, magma, fire, and campfires)
  • Fire Aspect has been repurposed, now dealing extra damage to fire-based mobs as well as any mobs that are on fire. It is only obtainable as loot from nether fortress, bastion, and bartering
  • Trident Has been removed from Trial Chambers, but has a high chance of appearing in Ocean Ruins, in chests and suspicious gravel
  • Beetroot harvesting now gives less seeds and more Beetroots
  • Husks drop 0-2 Sand, making it farmable
  • Mobs with very rare drops (such as Wither Skeletons with their Skulls) will now have a 3% drop rate instead of 2.5%, and each level of looting, adds another 3%
  • Honey Bottle stack size is now 64
  • Drinkable potion stack size is now 16, and they can be consumed in 1 second
  • Splash and Lingering water bottles can extinguish source blocks of lava in a cross, turning them into stone
  • A new, Milk Bottle has been added, crafted from 1 Milk Bucket and 3 Glass Bottles. It doesn't remove every effect, only some good and bad, but is stackable

  • Wooden Trapdoors now yield 4 instead of 2

  • Copper Trapdoors match Iron Trapdoor recipe

  • Carpets now yield 4 instead of 3

  • Item Frames, Paintings, Lodestones, and Recovery Compasses only require 4 of the "outer" item, in a cross form, instead of 8

  • Signs/Hanging signs only require 1 wood block and 1 chain (for hanging), and creates 1 sign

  • Banners only require 2 wool

  • Hoppers no longer require chests

  • Various cobblestone-crafted blocks can now be crafted with cobbled deepslate and blackstone (interchangable)

  • Terracotta can be redyed with 1 dye and 1 block

  • Coal/Charcoal can be turned into Black Dye

  • Powder Snow bucket can be melted to water bucket

  • Sweet Berries can be smelted/smoked into Sugar

  • Sea Pickles, Cactus, and Chorus fruit can be used in the Smoker

  • Rotten Flesh can be smelted/campfire cooked into Hide

  • Charcoal can be made in campfires

  • Sponges can be dried in campfires

  • Shears, Flint and Steel can be recycled into Iron Nuggets

  • Exclusive to the Blast Furnace, Raw ore blocks can be blasted into their refined counterparts.

    • This takes 8x as long and rewards 10x the Experience, making this more efficient and rewaring
  • Making Cracked Bricks, non-cobbled, and Smooth blocks can now be done in the Blast Furnace

  • Walking on Dirt Path blocks now adds 25% movement speed

  • Iron Bars are now Climbable

  • Harvesting fully grown crops now rewards experience. Wheat, carrots, potatos, beetroots, and cocoa have a 25% chance to drop 1 exp

  • Melon and Pumpkin stems have a 50% chance

  • Fully grown Nether wart has a 50% chance

  • Each Chorus plant block has a 10%, but does not need to be broken by hand to earn

  • All 1 hunger restoring food (Tropical/puffer fish, beetroot, potato) and cookies will take half as long to eat like dried kelp.

  • All raw versions of meat will have the same 30% chance to inflict hunger as raw chicken

  • Meat takes 50% longer to consume

  • Stews and soups no longer have eat particles, and will use drink sound effect

  • Stews, soups, and pies take 100% longer to consume (3.2 seconds)

  • Permanently baby mobs (zombies, piglins, etc) have half the health and attack damage as their adult counterparts
  • Wither Skeletons have 24 health
  • Silverfish and Endermites now have 5 health
  • Vexes and Phantoms have 10 health
  • Vex base damage is now 3, but it is magic damage
  • Endermen have 1 less attack damage
  • Endermen, Endermite, and Phantoms have 1 of their attack damage as magic damage
  • Slimes and Magma cubes no longer take fall damage
  • Creepers that are on fire will have 50% more explosion power, and will auto ignite if about to die while on fire
  • Armor Stands, when placed from item, will spawn with arms
  • Mobs that dismount underwater have 15% water movement efficiency
  • Armadillos and turtles can drop their scutes upon death
Armor Trims
  • Echo shards can be used to apply diamond_darker color palette, and diamond no longer will apply that to diamond armor
  • Leather can be used to apply gold_darker color palette, and gold no longer will apply that to gold armor
  • Gunpowder can be used to apply iron_darker color palette, and iron no longer will apply that to Iron armor
  • Coal/Charcoal can be used to apply netherite_darker color palette, and netherite no longer will apply that to netherite armor
  • Netherite Ingot is replaced with Netherite Scrap to apply netherite color palette

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 4 months ago
Updated 3 months ago