Acorn's Tweaks

Acorn's Tweaks

Data pack

Many small changes to freshen up survival gameplay, but keep things very vanilla.

Server AdventureEquipmentGame Mechanics

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Get fired up for this update, because we have lots of changes and additions that relate to fire! As well as bug fixes, more enchantment changes, and many new quality of life features that you're sure to enjoy!


  • Elytra+Mace combo now adds knockback like it was supposed
  • Elytra+Mace combo no longer plays an extra sound effect when killing an enemy
  • Elytra+Mace combo no longer activates when creative-mode flying
  • Shields now take durability damage when in mainhand again
  • Skeletons will now attack the player again
    • Previously, they would never use their bows and instead try to hug the player. Happened with all skeleton types
  • Huge optimizations, primarily for item modifiers
Default Enchantments
  • Bane of Arthropods, Punch, Blast/Projectile Protection have all been more or less removed, at least made unobtainable in survival, not searchable in creative, and only apply a glint if added to something. The enchantments that had originally replaced them are now their own seperate enchantments
  • Smite now inflicts weakness in the same way
  • Thorns now only reflects melee attacks
  • Feather Falling is now considered a protection exclusive enchantment
  • Flame, Knockback, and Looting are supported on all melee weapons, including axes, tridents, and maces
    • Note: Knockback does not work when a trident is thrown
Enchantments added in this pack
  • Illager's Bane now inflicts slowness, like BoA used to, and only deals extra damage to Illagers
  • Fire Affinity now uses the Fire Aspect name and translation, but does what it originally did. Has been made more frequent in its loot sources
  • Impact Protection now also protects against falling blocks/anvils/stalagmites, as well as flying into walls
  • Magic Guard has been renamed to Magic Protection, and only protects the usual 8% per level, but also has +0.25 luck per level, which improves fishing and chest loot
  • Wings of Icarus has been renamed to Flap, and can be used every 10 ticks (0.5 seconds) but is weaker
  • New Enchantment: Lift allows the user to rise with heat, gaining height when flying above Lava, Magma, Fire, and Campfires. It is exclusive with Flap
    • It has 3 levels, each adding more lift
    • The lift gained can be cancelled by holding sneak
Equipment and Projectiles
  • Elytra is now less floaty and doesn't carry you as far, but diving gains more speed
  • Fire Charges are now throwable as projectiles
  • Potions, EXP Bottles, Fire Charges, Shulker Bullets, and Ender Pearls can now all be redirected with a punch, like a Ghast fireball
    • This effectively allows you to now "throw" potions
  • Thrown Water Bottles will now form magma blocks on lava, including at the block below the impacted block
  • Tridents are less likely to spawn in ocean ruin chests, but will often show up in cold ocean ruins, buried in suspicious gravel
Experience and Stats
  • Repair cost no longer increases, so anvils can be used without the cost adding up
  • Pumpkin/Melon stems now give experience when breaking
  • The player, when unburdened by boots or leggings, can now step up a full block, due to a lack of movement restriction
  • Jump boost 1 and 2 now add 1 block/level of jump
  • Permanently baby mobs (zombies, piglins, etc) have half the health and attack damage as their adult counterparts
  • Wither Skeletons have 24 health
  • Silverfish and Endermites now have 5 health
  • Vexes and Phantoms have 10 health
  • Vex base damage is now 3, but it is magic damage
  • Endermen have 1 less attack damage
  • Endermen, Endermite, and Phantoms have 1 of their attack damage as magic damage
  • Slimes and Magma cubes no longer take fall damage
  • Creepers that are on fire will have 50% more explosion power, and will auto ignite if about to die while on fire
  • Armor Stands, when placed from item, will spawn with arms
  • Mobs that dismount underwater have 15% water movement efficiency
  • Armadillos and turtles can drop their scutes upon death
Armor Trims
  • Echo shards can be used to apply diamond_darker color palette, and diamond no longer will apply that to diamond armor
  • Leather can be used to apply gold_darker color palette, and gold no longer will apply that to gold armor
  • Gunpowder can be used to apply iron_darker color palette, and iron no longer will apply that to Iron armor
  • Coal/Charcoal can be used to apply netherite_darker color palette, and netherite no longer will apply that to netherite armor
  • Netherite Ingot is replaced with Netherite Scrap to apply netherite color palette
Food and Crafting
  • All 1 hunger restoring food (Tropical/puffer fish, beetroot, potato) and cookies will take half as long to eat like dried kelp.
  • All raw versions of meat will have the same 30% chance to inflict hunger as raw chicken
  • Meat takes 50% longer to consume
  • Stews and soups no longer have eat particles, and will use drink sound effect
  • Stews, soups, and pies take 100% longer to consume (3.2 seconds)
  • Smelting/Cooking Rotten Flesh now takes normal time, but gives Hide. As a result, so you need 4 to make 1 leather
  • Redstone Dust can be crafted into Red Dye

In this update, the focus is Enchantments! Bringing up many less than favorable ones, and setting back the few go-to's, in order to create a more balanced system, where the best choice is more about circumstance and how they're used, rather than what's the best all around.

The full feature showcase can be found here [Video not uploaded yet]

The Highlights:


  • Protection only reduces the same damage that armor does
  • Feather Falling can now provide maximum damage reduction
  • Projectile and Blast Protection have been merged into Impact Protection, making it more desireable
  • Magic Guard is a new enchantment, reducing damage from many magical sources, like potions, dragons breath, sonic boom, etc
  • Thorns has been reworked, lowering its damage but increasing its activation rate, reducing the armor penalty, and removing the damage cap, so armor pieces stack instead of punishing you
  • Frost Walker now works with jumping and swiming, so you can sprint jump and ice will form, and you can also use it to swim up and form a platform. Additionally it now freezes powder snow
  • Fire Aspect and Flame have been merged together, and so have Knockback and Punch. This declutters a bit, since the ones merged together already do the exact same thing
  • Bane of Arthropods has been replaced by Illager's Bane, changing its target to instead those pesky illagers and their buddies! This will make Raids a lot easier
  • Impaling now instead deals extra damage to any mob in water or rain. Additionally, Loyalty Tridents will return from the void!
  • Multishot lets each arrow hit seperately, so damage can be combined onto a single mob!
  • Fire Affinity is a new sharp weapon enchantment, dealing damage to fire-based mobs (Blazes, Magma Cubes, Striders, and Ghasts), as well as any mobs that are on fire, letting you use environmental hazards to your advantage.
  • Wings of Icarus is a new Elytra enchantment, letting you flap your wings to generate lift, giving more the faster you travel
  • Finally, Mending has been nerfed, but there are now more ways to earn Experience


  • Changes to stats/durability (previous and current) now apply to all entities, so dropped loot and grabbed items in creative will the changed
  • Fireworks now only boost the Elytra for half as long, encouraging seeking out the new enchantment (which allows the Elytra to be better with nerfed fireworks than without either)
  • Using a Mace while flying with Elytra now deals velocity-based damage


  • Changes and removal of some smelting recipes
  • Some mob and chest loot has been changed
  • Harvesting Crops now has a chance to reward experience, with a higher chance for Nether Wart and Chorus Plants
  • You can now climb Iron Bars

New Name! AA Tweaks!

I decided on a more permanent name for the pack, that better reflects what it aims to do, and is more distinct.

Changes to 0.1 features

  • Bottled item stack size idea was reverted, so all affect items have their original stack sizes, except for Honey Bottles (Which now stack to 64) and regular potions (16, like combat snapshots)
  • Thrown water bottles now create a cross-shape of stone on lava source blocks
  • Tridents will have some damage when found as chest loot
  • Hoe attack speed is reduced to 1.4
  • Squashed some bugs

New in Beta 2!


  • Shears now have 256 durability, to reflect that they are, in fact, made out of iron
  • Tridents and Hoes have +0.5 range, which is an invisible stat
  • Shields (In mainhand) and Shovels have +0.5 knockback, giving shovels (lowest DPS tool) another use, and giving shields a bash attack (1 attack speed, does not affect blocking)
  • Mace smash attack damage has been reduced slightly; First 3 blocks add 2 damage per block instead of 4, meaning overall damage is 6 less than before.
  • Mace smash attack added damage will apply when using Elytra. While it isn't a full smash attack, a sound effect will play when it is successful (fall distance with flying is a bit janky; you'll have to dive-bomb for it to work best)


  • New Item: Milk Bottle: Get 3 by crafting 3 glass bottles and 1 milk bucket. Cures common negative affects you can get from enemies, which are Blindness, Nausea, Hunger, Mining Fatigue, Poison, and Wither
  • Wooden Trapdoors now yield 4 instead of 2
  • Copper Trapdoors match Iron Trapdoor recipe
  • Carpets now yield 4 instead of 3
  • Item Frames, Paintings, Lodestones, and Recovery Compasses only require 4 of the "outer" item, in a cross form, instead of 8
  • Signs/Hanging signs only require 1 wood block and 1 chain (for hanging), and creates 1 sign
  • Banners only require 2 wool
  • Hoppers no longer require chests
  • Various cobblestone-crafted blocks can now be crafted with cobbled deepslate and blackstone (interchangable)
  • Terracotta can be redyed with 1 dye and 1 block
  • Coal/Charcoal can be turned into black dye


  • Powder Snow bucket can be melted to water bucket
  • Shears & flint and steel can be recycled into iron nuggets
  • Sweet berries can be smelted into sugar and Glow berries into glowstone dust (Furnace & Smoker)
  • Included sea pickle, cactus, and chorus fruit in smoker
  • Rotten flesh can be turned into leather, but takes 2x as long (Furnace & Campfire)
  • Charcoal can be made and sponges can be dried in campfires
  • Raw ore blocks can be blasted into their smelted counterparts, taking 8x as long and rewarding 10x EXP, making it more efficient in bulk
  • Blast Furnace works like a Kiln for the rest of the furnace exclusive blocks


  • Unarmed Attack Damage and Speed are both 2
  • Gold tools and armor match Iron in Damage and Protection
  • Axes are uniformed under 1 Attack Speed and incrementing damage per tier (5+tier)
  • Hoes are uniformed under 2 Attack Speed and incrementing damage per tier (0+tier)
  • Tool durability has been tweaked slightly to make things more uniform
  • Fishing Rod, Carrot/Warped Fungus on a stick all share 64 durability


  • Removed from Trial Chambers
  • Added to Underwater Ruins, Buried Treasure, and Shipwreck treasure chest loot tables
  • Can be repaired with prismarine crystals
  • Has 8 Attack Damage and 1.2 Attack Speed
  • Can be enchanted with Sharpness, Bane, and Smite

Bottled Items

  • All bottle-related items have a max stack size of 4, including all potions
  • Potions can be consumed in 20 ticks, instead of 32
  • Splash and Lingering water bottles can extinguish 1 source block of lava, turning it into stone


  • Walking on Dirt Paths give a +25% to movement speed

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 4 months ago
Updated 3 months ago