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In this update, the focus is Enchantments! Bringing up many less than favorable ones, and setting back the few go-to's, in order to create a more balanced system, where the best choice is more about circumstance and how they're used, rather than what's the best all around.
The full feature showcase can be found here [Video not uploaded yet]
The Highlights:
- Protection only reduces the same damage that armor does
- Feather Falling can now provide maximum damage reduction
- Projectile and Blast Protection have been merged into Impact Protection, making it more desireable
- Magic Guard is a new enchantment, reducing damage from many magical sources, like potions, dragons breath, sonic boom, etc
- Thorns has been reworked, lowering its damage but increasing its activation rate, reducing the armor penalty, and removing the damage cap, so armor pieces stack instead of punishing you
- Frost Walker now works with jumping and swiming, so you can sprint jump and ice will form, and you can also use it to swim up and form a platform. Additionally it now freezes powder snow
- Fire Aspect and Flame have been merged together, and so have Knockback and Punch. This declutters a bit, since the ones merged together already do the exact same thing
- Bane of Arthropods has been replaced by Illager's Bane, changing its target to instead those pesky illagers and their buddies! This will make Raids a lot easier
- Impaling now instead deals extra damage to any mob in water or rain. Additionally, Loyalty Tridents will return from the void!
- Multishot lets each arrow hit seperately, so damage can be combined onto a single mob!
- Fire Affinity is a new sharp weapon enchantment, dealing damage to fire-based mobs (Blazes, Magma Cubes, Striders, and Ghasts), as well as any mobs that are on fire, letting you use environmental hazards to your advantage.
- Wings of Icarus is a new Elytra enchantment, letting you flap your wings to generate lift, giving more the faster you travel
- Finally, Mending has been nerfed, but there are now more ways to earn Experience
- Changes to stats/durability (previous and current) now apply to all entities, so dropped loot and grabbed items in creative will the changed
- Fireworks now only boost the Elytra for half as long, encouraging seeking out the new enchantment (which allows the Elytra to be better with nerfed fireworks than without either)
- Using a Mace while flying with Elytra now deals velocity-based damage
- Changes and removal of some smelting recipes
- Some mob and chest loot has been changed
- Harvesting Crops now has a chance to reward experience, with a higher chance for Nether Wart and Chorus Plants
- You can now climb Iron Bars
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Published 3 months ago
Updated 3 months ago