Annihilation Recreated
Minecraft datapack that aim to recreate the boss Annihilation from the Wynncraft server
This datapack is a fan project, all credits goes to the Wynncraft team
I only recreate the boss model/texture and attacks, the music and the structure were directly taken from Wynncraft
require attributefix if you're not playing on vanilla difficulty in /function annihilation:admin/_/set_config
Or if you are challenging the boss with more than 3 players
All animations in this datapack where made using Animated Java
This datapack have a config menu, wich you can access it using /function annihilation:admin/_/set_config
When loading the datapack for the first time, a massive structure, the corruption portal, will be placed from
Unless the gamerule
is set to false`So please if you are loading this datapack in an already existing world, please check that there are nothing important in this region
You can tp to it using
/function annihilation:admin/_/tp_to_portal
Want the structure to be in the nether ? Check out this addon: AnniR - Nether Spawn
• summoning Annihilation :
for Minecraft 1.21.1
You can summon Annihilation by going to the corruption portal and giving the portal (right-clicking) a Corrupted Star
here the recipe for it:
Or summon anywhere in the world using /function annihilation:admin/_/summon
, or at the portal using /function annihilation:admin/_/summon_at_portal
for Minecraft 1.20.1 to 1.20.4
You can summon Annihilation by going to the corruption portal and giving the portal (right-clicking) the items it demand (nether_star and 2 netherite_ingot)
Or summon anywhere in the world using /function annihilation:admin/_/summon
, or at the portal using /function annihilation:boss_summoner/struct_boss_summon
The difficulty of the boss can be change in /function annihilation:admin/_/set_config
: 800 Health -
: 2500 Health -
: 8000 Health
The damage also change depending on the diffculty
The boss health scale depanding on how many players there are in 64 blocks area and if there are more than 3 players
scaling stop at 6 players but it can be change manualy in the file: /data/annihilation/functions/boss/health_scale.mcfunction
• Annihilation behavior :
All Annihilation attacks are base from the wiki
The boss can change/damage target (player or mob) as long as it doesn't have the tag: anniR.immune
(previously 'anni_immune' for the mc1.20.x version)
You can manually change target using /execute as <entity> run function annihilation:set_target
Or /tag <entity> add
, but make sure that there only 1 target (previously 'anni_target' for the mc1.20.x version)
An incompatibility with the mod Server Core has been reported, I haven't manage to reproduce it so If you're having issue with that mod installed you can either temporarily modify Server Core settings or disable it.
Otherwise the datapack should be compatible with most of the mods.
Problems you might encounter
1. When summoning the boss I only see giant nether brick
That mean the resource pack need an higher priority. Go to the resource pack and make Fabric mods
(on fabric) / Mod ressources
(forge) higher on the list.
If that doesn't solve the issue, or create more issues, since other mods can affect the mod resource file.
You can download the required resource pack individually (you will found it on the datapack platform
where you can download the datapack .zip file at the bottom of the page)
2. Structure didn't generated
This problem can happen due to mod incompatibility, mainly mods that change how the world is generated/loaded.
If that happen please report the issue I will try to find the mod and fix it (if possible). But I do not guaranteed that I will found the mod.
Hoewer you can try to re-generate the structure with function annihilation:admin/reset/structure
3. Boss just stand here and do nothing
This problem can happen due to mod incompatibility, mainly mods that affect vanilla mobs.
If that happen please report the issue I will try to find the mod and fix it (if possible). But I do not guaranteed that I will found the mod.
dev note: A lot of attack ; behavior ; and models are not 100% accurate since it's almost impossible and my only visual source where player soloing Annihilation. And any feedback is welcome.