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-> 1.18.0

-Added new 'dynamic void fog' module (in 'cosmetical' category) - Makes the void fog player Y-level checks more dynamic, meant to be used for worlds with custom heights that differ from vanilla's
-Added new 'do player version checks' module (in 'general' category) - Allows the game to check for and operate on players who logged on during a previous version of Classic Mechanics
-Classic Mechanics will now check for when players who previously logged on in an older version of the datapack re-join/re-log in a newer version
-The game will now store players' UUIDs into a database storage so it can lookup version changes in the future (this would be used if a module that changes players' gameplay changes or updates significantly and Classic Mechanics needs to do certain operations on the player(s) due to it!)
-{The current player database system uses edited code originally made by Cloud Wolf! All credit goes to him!}
-Toggle functions are now organized within sub-folders under classic_toggles' /toggles/
-Removed some unnecessary data (CM_EndermanRay / CM_HerobrineRay)
-Module-dependent data is now only created when enabling the respective modules
-Particles displayed due to the 'void fog' module are now only shown per client
-Fixed void fog from the 'void fog' module being shown in other dimensions that are not the overworld
-The 'void fog' module's particles are now more accurate
-The data loading sequence has been changed
-The 'void fog' Y check no longer has a minimum Y height, only a maximum
-Slightly optimized the 'void fog' module
-The 'old tnt particles' module was moved to cosmetical category page 7
-Fixed being unable to disable the 'old tnt particles' module due to it still having the old settings disable format
-Optimized the 'constant love hearts' module
-Optimized the 'no arrow sticking' module
-Arrows from the 'no arrow sticking' module should now be less glitchy
-Slightly optimized the 'snowball blaze fireballs' module
-The update functionality for Classic Mechanics no longer only checks for if the player is updating from the last version: now checks for any version from version ID 10 and beyond
-Slightly optimized 'old TNT particles' module
-Changed many files' directories (this can *possibly* make certain modules not work anymore in worlds with older versions of this datapack. If you notice such thing happens, please disable and then re-enable the module in the settings menu!)
-Slightly optimized the 'old dragon bossbar' module
-Updated and changed many functions' formatting
-Optimized the 'old tnt ignition' module
-The 'floating gravity blocks' module now takes gravity blocks' velocity into account
-Gravity blocks should now align better atop fences/walls/gates when 'floating gravity blocks' is enabled
-Optimized the 'floating gravity blocks' module
-The 'old mineshaft chests' module now checks if the chest minecart is inside a abandoned mineshaft structure
-Slightly optimized the 'old mineshaft chests' module
-Suffocation checks for the 'solid cobwebs' module should now be more accurate
-Optimized the 'old brewing stand' module
-Added proper raycasting for the 'old brewing stand' module
-Added more comments into functions for organization and ease of use
-The 'disable sprinting' module now uses modifiers (NOTE! If you are updating this datapack: if players' movement are messed up, paste this command -> '/function classic_mechanics:main/load_version_changes_disablesprint')
-Optimized the 'disable sprinting' module
-Fixed certain modules not getting properly disabled when clicking the 'disable all' buttons
-Fixed 'no villager-zombie fighting' functions being called when enabling the alpha preset
-Fixed presets calling on disabled modules
-Fixed 'beta' , 'early release' , 'alpha' presets not calling certain modules' functions (you might need to disable and re-enable these presets if you had any enabled!)
-The 'early release' preset now turns on the minecart modules and the 'boats deal fall damage' module
-Fixed Classic Mechanics not disabling itself when uninstalling
-Fixed certain data not being removed when uninstalling Classic Mechanics


-> 1.17.0

-Added new 'open category sounds' module (in 'general' category) - allows you to edit the sounds made by opening categories in the main options menu
-Opening categories in the main menu will now play a customizable sound
-You can now do '/function cm:opt' and '/function cm:options' to display the options menu, these are simply shorter versions of the old settings function so it can be typed faster (doing '/function classic_mechanics:options_message' still works) 
-The 'classic_mechanics:options' storage is now only operated on once if it doesn't already exist
-The functionality for opening categories in the main menu is now centralized
-Changed the naming scheme of the zipped file: now includes "for <minecraft version>" at the end


-> 1.16.0

-Added new 'Main menu sounds' dynamic module (in 'general' category) - Allows the user to control the sound played when the main options menu is displayed 
-Added new 'Page change sounds' dynamic module (in 'general' category) - Allows the user to control the sounds played when going through option menu pages 
-Added new 'Module toggle sounds' dynamic module (in 'general' category) - Allows the user to control the sounds played when clicking the enable/disable buttons on modules 
-The functionality for changing pages in options menus is now centralized
-Customizable sounds are now played when changing option menu pages
-A customizable sound is now played when opening the main options menu
-Customizable sounds now play when enabling/disabling modules
-Fixed certain modules not being able to be enabled/disabled due to old attribute prefixes (these modules are: 'disabled sprinting' / 'instant swing speed' / 'old jump strength' / 'old rabbits' / 'faithful old rabbits' / 'old sheep health' / 'old spider health' / 'old cave spider health' / 'old silverfish health' / 'old placement reach' )
-{Note that the options for sound customizability is currently pretty bare-bones and I do want to improve them in the future!}


-> 1.13.0_01

-{ -= This is an update to an older version of classic mechanics so mc 1.21/1.21.1 doesn't get left behind much, fixes many bugs and ports a lot of patches from newer CM versions =- }

-Fixed bug where food would stack if put on the player's cursor while the 'old food' module was enabled
-Rehauled item entity checks for the 'old food' module: food items dropped will no longer stack, existing overstacked dropped food items will be seperated
-Food items inside inventories will no longer stack when updated while 'old food' is enabled (if you previously had stacked food items in your inventory prior to this version you will likely need to update them! You can do this by simply clicking on them or dropping them)
-Fixed the following food items being incompatible with the 'old food' module: cooked salmon, raw rabbit, golden apple, enchanted golden apple, rabbit stew, mushroom stew, suspicious stew
-Fixed the 'old food' module affecting enchanted books
-Enabling the 'old food' module will now reset some data related to the module (try disabling and enabling the module if player-dependent bugs occur, such bugs can occur when changing versions!)
-Fixed some modules not being shown in the oversee menu (those are: old tool durability, boats deal fall damage, fall damage breaks boats, old boat positioning logic, ghasts display fire, shield indicator, old animal spawning, tag admin on menu, admin-only reload messages) [Fix from v1.14.0]
-Fixed old regeneration looping infinitely, making it not work [Fix from v1.14.0]
-Loading messages now says "loading data" instead of "loading scores" [Feature from v1.14.0]
-Fixed enabling the 'ghasts display fire' module sending the player to page 19 [Fix from v1.14.0]
-Fixed typo in the enable message for the 'zombie-like giants spawn' [Fix from v1.14.0]
-Fixed 'no squid despawning' and 'no glow squid despawning' modules not working [Fix from v1.14.0]
-Fixed 'random netherite knockback' module setting enabling/disabling the 'old sharpness' module [Fix from v1.14.0]
-Fixed 'no boat sounds' and 'no minecart sounds' not working as intended [Fix from v1.14.0]
-Fixed enable/disable messages for the 'silverfish soul sand damage' and 'endermite soul sand damage' modules having "soul sand" as one word ("soulsand") [Fix from v1.14.1]
-Fixed minor grammatical error in sub-module dependency info descriptions where "it's" was being used instead of "its" [Fix from v1.14.1]
-Slightly optimized 'old golden apple' and 'old enchanted golden apple' modules [Patch from v1.14.1]
-Removed unintended debug feature where enabling the 'old golden apple' or 'old enchanted golden apple' modules while having a golden apple/enchanted golden apple in your mainhand/offhand would give you effects [Fix from v1.14.1]
-Changed 'old dungeon chest loot' module versions' descriptions' version approximations [Patch from v1.14.1]
-Fixed 'snowball blaze fireballs' module description stating "ghasts' small fireballs" when its supposed to be "blazes' small fireballs" [Fix from v1.14.1]
-Fixed a missed capitalization in 'old dragon bossbar' module description [Fix from v1.14.1]
-Tweaked description of 'old pigman drops' module, which incorrectly informed on the loot table [Patch from v1.14.1]
-'No zombie base armor' module description now informs the viewer about the same stat change that was applied to zombies being applied to zombie pigmen [Patch from v1.14.1]
-Renamed 'do scores on reload' to 'do data sets on reload' [Patch from v1.14.1]
-Removed disclaimer from 'old critical hits' module description since it is no longer necessary (and hasn't been for a while) [Patch from v1.14.1]
-Fixed 'old enchanted golden apples' module having the same description as the 'old golden apples' module [Fix from v1.14.1]
-Fixed 'old piglin bartering' module having the same description as the 'old durability' module (and its version options saying "old mineshaft chests" instead of "old piglin bartering") [Fix from v1.14.1]
-Classic Mechanics no longer checks for bukkit or spigot if 'detect server software on load' is enabled [Patch from v1.14.1]
-Fixed disable message for the 'old stronghold chest loot' module being the same as the 'old fishing loot' module [Patch from v1.14.1]
-Slightly optimized 'old boat crashing' module [Patch from v1.15.0]
-Slightly optimized 'old boat particles' module [Patch from v1.15.0]
-Optimized 'old boat positioning logic' module [Patch from v1.15.0]
-Majorly optimized and rehauled 'popcorn smelting' module [Patch from v1.15.0]


-> 1.15.0

-Added new 'minecart boosters' module (in 'mechanics' category) - Returns the old bug where minecarts close/next to eachother are able to increase their velocity
-Added new 'minecart boost time' dynamic setting module (in 'mechanics' category) - sub-setting of 'minecart boosters' - Allows the user to edit the minecart boost increase value
-Added new 'minecart boost friction' dynamic setting module (in 'mechanics' category) - sub-setting of 'minecart boosters' - Allows the user to edit the minecart boost ground-friction value
-Added new 'no booster minecart friction' module (in 'mechanics' category) - sub-setting of 'minecart boosters' - Disables the boosted minecart friction system
-Added new 'old minecart riding' module (in 'mechanics' category) - Reverts minecart riding handling mechanics: players who press WASD while mounting a minecart won't push the cart. Dismounting minecarts will also always move the player atop the minecart instead of around it
-Added new 'minecart camera rotation' module (in 'mechanics' category) - Returns the old camera rotating feature in relation to minecarts turning (ie, if a minecart turned right, the passenger's camera would turn right)
-Added new 'minecarts rotate all entities' module (in 'mechanics' category) - sub-setting of 'minecart camera rotation' - Allows minecarts to rotate all entities instead of only the player 
-Updated Classic Mechanics to minecraft version 1.21.4
-Due to a bug in the vanilla game caused with updating items in the inventory that started in 1.21.2, the following modules have been temporarily disabled: 'no tooltips' , 'old glinted items' , 'no item names' , 'no trims' , 'old tool damage' , 'old armor mechanics' , 'old tool effectiveness' , 'old bows' - (these modules will return in the future!)
-Added compatibility for pale oak boats for 'old boat crash drops' module
-Slightly optimized 'old boat crashing' module
-Slightly optimized 'old boat particles' module
-Fixed 'no tooltips' module calling on a non-existent item tag
-Optimized 'old boat positioning logic' module
-Added compatibility for pale oak saplings in the 'old bonemeal' module
-Added compatibility for pale oak logs and resin clumps in 'popcorn smelting' module
-Added compatibility for pale oak logs in 'veritcal log placements' module
-Added compatibility for pale oak leaves in the 'impersistent placed leaves' , 'no stick drops from leaves' and 'no fortune drops' modules
-Majorly optimized and rehauled 'popcorn smelting' module
-The following items can now be smelt in lava/fire when 'popcorn smelting' is enabled: sand, clay ball, red sand, all wood blocks, all stripped wood/logs, raw iron, raw gold, raw copper, sandstone, red sandstone, stone bricks, cobbled deepslate, deepslate bricks, basalt, polished blackstone bricks, nether bricks, wet sponge, chorus fruit


-> 1.14.1

-the 'old food' module and all its sub-modules have been temporarily disabled due to a vanilla bug (this module will return in the future!)
-Updated 'old food' old_food_useable modifier to use consumable component
-Fixed disable message for the 'old stronghold chest loot' module being the same as the 'old fishing loot' module
-Fixed enabled message for late-beta option from 'old golden apple' module being "Enabled old golden apple (beta)" instead of "Enabled old golden apple (late beta)"
-Fixed 'dropped items reset durability' module not being in the module oversee menu
-Classic Mechanics no longer checks for bukkit or spigot if 'detect server software on load' is enabled
-Removed server_test.mcf file
-Fixed 'old piglin bartering' module having the same description as the 'old durability' module (and its version options saying "old mineshaft chests" instead of "old piglin bartering")
-Fixed 'old enchanted golden apples' module having the same description as the 'old golden apples' module
-Removed disclaimer from 'old critical hits' module description since it is no longer necessary (and hasn't been for a while)
-Removed the note from the 'tag yourself with admin' option description since it is no longer valid
-Renamed 'do scores on reload' to 'do data sets on reload'
-'Old ore drops' module description now has the R (signifying "release") before the "1.17"
-'No zombie base armor' module description now informs the viewer about the same stat change that was applied to zombies being applied to zombie pigmen
-Updated sheep loot table to match 1.21.3's
-Tweaked description of 'old pigman drops' module, which incorrectly informed on the loot table
-Fixed a missed capitalization in 'old dragon bossbar' module description
-Fixed 'snowball blaze fireballs' module description stating "ghasts' small fireballs" when its supposed to be "blazes' small fireballs"
-Changed 'old dungeon chest loot' module versions' descriptions' version approximations
-Made descriptions that would include "release/alpha/beta/indev/infdev/etc" use the version letters ("R/A/B/I/IF/etc")
-Version letters in descriptions that were previously not capitalized, now are
-Removed unintended debug feature where enabling the 'old golden apple' or 'old enchanted golden apple' modules while having a golden apple/enchanted golden apple in your mainhand/offhand would give you effects
-Slightly optimized 'old golden apple' and 'old enchanted golden apple' modules
-Fixed minor grammatical error in sub-module dependency info descriptions where "it's" was being used instead of "its"
-Fixed enable/disable messages for the 'silverfish soul sand damage' and 'endermite soul sand damage' modules having "soul sand" as one word ("soulsand")
-Removed debug module toggle files
-Brought back the annotations_for_devs.txt file


-> 1.14.0

-Added new 'old bow' module (in 'mechanics' category) - Returns the pre-B1.8 bow mechanics, making them fire whenever right clicked, never lose durability and returning old arrow motion
-Added new 'old bows accept enchantments' module (in 'mechanics' category) - sub-setting of 'old bow' - allows enchantments to affect the arrows shot from bows 
-Added new 'old bow block interaction' module (in 'mechanics' category) - sub-setting of 'old bow' - brings back an old bug where if a player interacted with blocks while holding a bow, they would shoot an arrow
-Updated to 1.21.2/1.21.3
-Updated attribute names, removing the prefixes
-The exclamation point (!) in the enable/disable messages for modules will now always be bold
-Centralized enable/disable functions - the old system for the "enable_X/disable_X" functions and module IDs is no longer supported, this also cuts down the datapack file size by 11.3%, removing 328 files
-Fixed 'no boat sounds' and 'no minecart sounds' not working as intended
-All modules are now disabled in the same tick as the [disable] button is pressed
-Fixed 'random netherite knockback' module setting enabling/disabling the 'old sharpness' module
-Fixed 'boats fall damage' module not working
-Fixed 'no squid despawning' and 'no glow squid despawning' modules not working
-Fixed typo in the enable message for the 'zombie-like giants spawn'
-Fixed enabling the 'ghasts display fire' module sending the player to page 19
-Loading messages now says "loading data" instead of "loading scores"
-Fixed old regeneration looping infinitely, making it not work
-Temporarily removed annotations_for_devs.txt file (this file will return in a later version!)
-Fixed some modules not being shown in the oversee menu (those are: old tool durability, boats deal fall damage, fall damage breaks boats, old boat positioning logic, ghasts display fire, shield indicator, old animal spawning, tag admin on menu, admin-only reload messages)


-> 1.13.0

-Added new 'old villagers' module (in 'mobs' category) - returns various villager behaviours, trades and mechanics from a list of versions [currently: B1.9, R1.2.1, R1.3.1, R1.4.2, R1.4.6, R1.8, R1.9 & R1.11 - do note that while villagers did change further through R1.14-R1.18 but those versions have not been made for this module yet] 
-Added new 'old painting variants' module (in 'blocks' category) - switches out certain painting variants with older variants, the paintings that are switched and the variants that are switched to are dictated by the version group selected [currently: I223, A1.1.1, B1.2_01, R1.4.2] 
-Added new 'no trims' module (in 'cosmetical' category) - removes trims from armor that is equipped or placed onto an armor stand
-Added new 'old sharpness' module (in 'mechanics' category) - makes the damage calculations of the sharpness enchantment the same as it was prior to R1.9
-Added new 'random netherite knockback' module (in 'mechanics' category) - brings back a bug which was fixed in R1.18.2 which made knockback resistance's effect on entity knockback random instead of constant
-Added new 'arrows don't burn victims' module (in 'mechanics' category) - makes arrows that are on fire (such as ones that came from a flame-enchanted bow or from inside lava/fire blocks) not ignite entities that it hits
-Added new 'no endermites from pearls' module (in 'mechanics' category) - removes endermites spawned from ender pearls, emulating ender pearl behaviour from pre-R1.8 versions
-Added new 'instant loading' module (in 'general' category) - makes Classic Mechanics loading instant instead of spread out through several ticks
-Added new 'loading messages' module (in 'general' category) - sends debug-oriented messages to players tagged as admins (see the admin tag module in the general settings category) through out the loading/reloading phases of Classic Mechanics
-Added new 'tag as admin on menu opening' module (in 'general' category) - tags the player automatically as an admin when they open the Classic Mechanics settings menu
-Added new 'detect server software on load' module (in 'general' category) - detects what server software the player is currently using (if any) and notifies any player tagged as an admin of relevant information regarding the software
-Added new 'boats deal fall damage' module (in 'mechanics' category) - makes boats deal fall damage to their passengers after falling, this feature was present for boats prior to R1.9
-Added new 'fall damage breaks boats' module (in 'mechanics' category) - sub-setting of 'boats deal fall damage' - breaks boats after they fall from a height, this can be paired with the 'old boat crash drops' to make it drop planks and sticks upon breaking
-The loading and reloading processes of Classic Mechanics is now distributed through multiple ticks, these processes were previously instant which could cause minor lag on lower end machines, this can be disabled through the 'Instant loading' module found in the general category in the settings
-Majorly optimized 'downwards drown knockback' module
-Uninstalling the datapack will now remove all storages
-Fixed bug where if 'ghasts display fire' was enabled and a ghast would die inside of a block such as lava/fire, the display of the fire would not dissapear
-Removed all different raycast scores (for range & confirmations) in favour of two specific global scores for raycasting
-Removed unused tag json that was throwing errors (old_tool_breakables/diamond_tools/diamond_pickaxe)
-Loading/reloading will no longer call the same function multiple times
-Fixed one of the fishing loot tables throwing validation errors
-Fixed bug with the 'old fishing' module where the R1.7.2 treasure loot table would not correctly randomize damaged fishing rod drops/hooks
-Fixed gold tools not registering correct breakable tags for the 'old tool effectiveness' module
-Classic Mechanics will now fully disable itself when activating the 'uninstall classic mechanics' module (previously would simply remove all data and let the user remove/disable the file themselves)
-Updated the discord username written on the handbook and the uninstall message (since I'm currently using another account on it)
-Classic Mechanics will now attempt to detect if the user is currently utilizing specific server softwares on load (unless the 'detect server software on load' module is disabled) - this is to make sure players turn off certain software config settings so modules don't break


-> 1.12.1

-'Old regeneration' module now uses sub-tick healing
-rotten flesh and raw chicken now have a chance to give poison instead of hunger when the 'no hunger' sub-setting module is enabled
-pufferfish no longer give the player hunger when its eaten with the 'no hunger' sub-setting module enabled
-slightly optimized 'no left handed mobs' module
-optimized 'old ocelots'
-'old critical hits' module now uses attribute modifiers instead of directly editing player attributes
-slightly optimized 'old boat particles' module
-'no knockback resistance' module now works with entities that have natural knockback resistance when spawned in
-optimized 'no knockback resistance' module
-slightly optimized 'old popcorn smelting' / 'no offhand' / 'old armor mechanics' / 'old ocelots' / 'old zombie reach' modules - no longer use outdated selectors
-slighty optimized 'silent squids' & 'silent glow squids' modules
-slightly optimized all 3 'no (mob) jockeys' modules
-'old boat crashing' module now works for both boats and chest-boats
-changed how planks and stick items are spawned when the 'old boat crashing' module is enabled
-'weather cycle resets on sleep' and 'no elytra' modules are now on all current presets
-optimized 'old brewing stand' module
-made block placement check for 'redstone dot placement' module more accurate
-removed unneeded check from 'old ocelots module'
-fixed 'old critical hits' module not correctly displaying particles and producing sound
-fixed trigger for 'old iron golem knockback' not checking if the module is enabled


-> 1.12.0

-Added new 'Give yourself the handbook' module (in 'general' category) - Gives the player who clicked the 'give' button a copy of the Classic Mechanics handbook 
-Added new 'Old food' module (in 'mechanics' category) - Simulates the old pre-B1.8 food system 
-Added new 'Old foods give effects' module (in 'mechanics' category) - Sub-setting of 'old food' - Allows certain foods to give effects to players or have certain specialized mechanics (think getting hunger from rotten flesh or being teleported from chorus fruits)
-Added new 'Milk clears effects' module (in 'mechanics' category) - Sub-setting of 'old food' - Makes milk clear potion effects when used/drank
-Added new 'No hunger' module' (in 'mechanics' category) - Sub-setting of 'old food' - Disables the functionality of the hunger bar
-Added new 'Dropped items reset durability' (in 'mechanics' category) - Returns an old bug where dropping items would reset the dropped item's durability
-Added new page to the classic mechanics handbook talking about suggestions and bug reports
-Added a "general schemes & naming" to annotations_for_devs file
-Clicking the 'REMINDER!' text in the classic mechanics handbook (page 2) will now copy the settings command into the clipboard
-The classic mechanics handbook title is now written into the custom_item_name component solely
-Platform/site names are now all correctly capitalized in the classic mechanics handbook (page 4)
-All sub-setting modules now have either a rombus or a square shape at the end of their option titles, indicating if they are dependent or independent on their parent modules (hovering over them will display this information / dependent sub-setting modules are only functional if their parent module is active, independent ones are functional at all times, even if their parent module is disabled)
-The names of piglins who are changed into zombified piglins (when the module 'Piglin to pigman switching' is enabled) are now saved

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Licensed CC0-1.0
Published 10 months ago
Updated 18 days ago