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hotfix update for the desert ruins + translations

  • Removed 2 Rouge End Gateways hiding in the Desert Ruins Temple
  • Added Vietnamese Translation by Nguyên Dev https://www.facebook.com/NguyenDevs
  • Added Chinese Translation by Sasaki Akari(MCID:YanHuang_Sora), and co-translator MCID Diaorenmoshushi

DnT Desert Temple Replacement Pack

Since DnT Desert Temple Replacement Pack is basically just deleting the desert temple and the desert ruins as a standalone mod/datapack, changes applied to it the same way:

  • Overhauled the desert ruins:
    • Houses now use more red sandstone, much like the main temples walls to differentiate them more from the vanilla desert village
    • Its archaeology system has been updated to now have a set amount of suspicious sand per house and temple:
      • Desert ruin houses have 13 suspicious sand max with the previous desert_ruin_ruins loot table
      • Desert ruin houses now have 1 suspicious sand with either the vanilla desert_pyramid loot table (for mod compatibility) or vanilla's desert_well loot table (also for mod compatibility)
      • Desert ruin houses also have 1 guaranteed suspicious sand block with outreach
      • The main desert temple has 900 suspicious sand blocks with the desert_ruin_inside_temple in its entire structure (thats 9% out of the 10000 sand blocks)
      • The main desert temple has 1 guaranteed suspicious sand with outreach
    • Fixed sometimes the loot tables giving you an enchanting book with no enchants.
    • Ruined the desert houses a bit and put a bit of sand outside around them for a more "buried" look
  • Updated Loot tables for 1.21.4
  • Added Zombified Librarian Villager
    • with DnT installed, those Zillager Librarians will unlock the Outreach Book Trade after curing and trading once with them
  • Updated to 1.21.2

Desert Ruins changelog:

  • Updated desert temple archy loot table for a lower chance of outreach books, reduced from 7/257 to 2/257
  • Added Translation Keys

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Licensed ARR
Published 8 months ago
Updated a month ago