Legendary Encounters (Cobblemon)

Legendary Encounters (Cobblemon)

Data pack

Obtain Legendary Pokemon in Survival!

Server AdventureGame MechanicsWorld Generation

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by rjsonic on Nov 4, 2024

Some Additions to the Summoning Alter

Added new "Configure time" settings

  • Added a "Configure time" setting

Add ten or remove ten minutes

  • Ability to add or remove 10 minutes

  • Fixed the summoning to be like normal gameplay summoning, cobblemon will no longer move around after being summoned

Just a few minor changes that I thought would be beneficial along with fixing the summoning for people who use this method!

Back After Some Time

Some new changes and additions have been added in order to create a well knit together and enjoyable experience!

  • Changed summoning and fixed issues with conditions

    • Instead of cobblemon spawning ontop of the beacon when interacting, players will now interact and the cobblemon will be summoned on a pedastal infront of the player. You will no longer be able to summon cobblemon using a custom structure from anywhere aswell.

    • Articuno's spawn location has been changed to the snowy taiga

    • Moltres's spawn location has been changed to anywhere in the nether

    • Iron Leaves can only be aquired from the Shady Villager after summoning it in the end highlands

    • Removed summoning alters and replaced them with new structures fitted to each environment

    • Fixed the Temple and Legendary Dungeon on the sky island

    • Fixed the Legendary Dungeons in general, no more button and trip wire. Same type of interaction as every other summon

  • Added Ultra Wormholes

More info can be found on the Wiki Document


  • After hearing the feedback about the Sky Islands I've decided to change the method to encountering them! More info can be found on the doc.
  • Thanks to @DanMizu, I finally figured out how to add detection for the 'server bug' that breaks summoning!
  • Hello trainers! After about a month I would finally like present update 1.2d! It definitely took quite a while to figure out how to make a structure that big fit into the world. But It has been done alone with a few other additions and changes!
  • IT'S RECOMMENDED TO USE 4GB+ OF RAM WITH THIS DATAPACK - The Sky Island is very big(220+ chunks) and with a structure that big, system requirements go up.

New Features:

  • Sky Islands! As you adventure- you will come across giant sky islands with new NPCS, quests, loot, secrets, and of course- Legendary and Mythical cobblemon encounters! These structures dont generate naturally and can be traversed and used throughout the entirety of a playthrough! Except for end portals.
  • New Mythical Encounter! Find a special looking tree around the overworld and figure out its secret to encounter a Mythical cobblemon!
  • Marks! After you've beaten Rayquaza- you can speak to the shady villager and exchange one totem of undying to remove the mark of any legendary you've summoned in order to encounter it again.
  • Alternative Summoning method Legendary Raids! This structure comes along with a settings menu and its purpose is to enable Legendary Raids! Starting the spawner will cause a Legendary or Mythical to be summoned on the pedestal of the structure every hour in real time. It will also summon a bolt of lighting and display a message of which cobblemon has spawned!


  • Changed Nether Altars netherite blocks to stone bricks.

  • Changed Legendary Dungeon totem interaction - You can use the totem at any beacon and you will recieve a mark. Enter a dungeon to remove the mark and summon a legendary.

  • Legendary Dungeons now have a 1/4097 chance to summon a shiny legendary!

  • Fixed Meloetta issues with transformation.

  • Changed overworld altars and nether altars generation to space them apart a lot more

  • All information regarding this datapack has been confined to a new Unofficial Wiki Doc! Everything you need to know and more will be on this doc and will be updated over time.

  • Info about features in the update log will also be present in the doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tWSaduPcxbFIwzntRrS9MsnCLgIPhsJqJR6PTxdELdA/edit?usp=sharing

  • That's it for now again!

UPDATED Ver. 1.2c

  • Hello again! Back after a few days to add/improve/tweak some features of Legendary Encounters :D
  • To start, the shady villager has been improved with a shop! He will sell you various items related to progression and other misc as well as a further tweaked/improved spawning method for paradox pokemon! Progression Changes:
    • Changed advancement display! All advancements are hidden until unlocked.
    • Changed activation method- You now need an activated beacon of 1 layer.
  • Added new structure- Legendary Dungeons! After thinking for a while, I figured that limiting myself to only one legendary each didn't make too much sense if I wanted to get them as their shiny variants! So I added Legendary Dungeon structures that become available after you've beaten rayquaza. Find these ancient underground temples and sacrifice one Totem of Undying before entering to encounter a random legendary of which you have previously faced! Warning: The game doesn't seem to like command blocks too much so if its not working, use /reload(keep in mind the issue /reload has with cobblemon).
  • And finally- you can now find Iron Leaves via the Shady Villager now! Iron Leaves has been added to Special Encounters!

UPDATED Ver. 1.2a

  • Fixed more Shady Villager bugs and improved spawning method(Haven't tested multiplayer yet, it should work but mons might shift around when someone interacts w/ the shady villager).
  • Possibly fixed spawning bug in general!
  • Added Marshadow! This Mythical Cobblemon can be found in the Mangrove Swamp biome!

UPDATED Ver. 1.2a

  • Fixed Shady Villager interaction bug, previously if you interacted with him before beating rayquaza he would still refuse to talk to you for a day
  • Tweaked structure generation to make overworld structures more spaced apart
  • I would highly recommend typing /reload on your first time loading this update!!!

UPDATED Ver. 1.2!!!!

  • Hi! It's been a few days since the last update. After A LOT of testing and figuring out how java works I am proud to present update 1.2!!!
  • To start off, SPECIAL ENCOUNTERS HAS BEEN REWORKED!! That's right, it's no longer a reskin. In order to summon paradox pokemon(Walking Wake lol) you must have defeated rayquaza and found the new Shady Villager in his home! Shady houses can be found anywhere in the dark forest biome! It must be noted that you can only speak to him once every 240000 ticks or once every in-game day!(Slight bug makes it go on cooldown even when you don't have the achievement)
  • Next we have NEW STRUCTURES! As you adventure throughout the world you will find multiple different structures that were said to have been used by the ancient people to pray to the "gods". Not sure what that meant, I got it from the Shady Villager!
  • And now finally... As some of you have been waiting for... We have SHINY HUNTING!!! Legendaries have a 1/8192 chance to spawn in as their shiny variant when interacting with a beacon or the shady villager. Mythicals have the same chance aswell!!
  • Some other changes will be highlighted at a later time... Update log- To Be Continued!!!
  • I would also like a final mention towards the Modrinth Page!!! Thank you guys so much to 1,100+ downloads!!

UPDATED Ver. 1.1e

  • Final addition until I finish working on some other changes
  • Added announcements to each legendary spawn! Be aware some legendary cobblemon have unique dialogue... But what does it mean?

UPDATED Ver. 1.1d

  • Fixed Jirachi not spawning in at all bug(Not sure if that was happening to anyone else).
  • That's all for now! More coming eventually as I have been pretty busy irl!

UPDATED Ver. 1.1c

  • Fixed a few legendaries that weren't spawning due to an error

UPDATED Ver. 1.1b

  • Fixed Zapdos file issue
  • Changed Walking Wake spawn rate from Ultra-rare to rare

UPDATED Ver. 1.1a

-Added new legendaries: -Added Xerneas, requires a Galarica Wreath to summon in the Dark Forest Biome. -Added Iron Leaves, requires a Dubious Disc to summon in an End City structure. -Added Walking Wake as a Special Encounter! Unlike other legendaries, Walking Wake can be found randomly in the Dark Forest Biome! -Mew can now spawn in the Dark Forest Biome and the Jungle Biome. -Also changed Mew's spawn rate to make it a bit lower.


by rjsonic on Mar 26, 2023

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 4 months ago