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Atlas Core

A mod library for Atlas Projects

A simple library that currently provides a command library and a robust config system, if admittedly incomplete.
However, it will be expanded to suit more needs as time progresses, and improvements to the config will be made.


As of right now, the command library consists of adding an argument type that allows you to use interchangeable arguments, as in, if certain arguments are not needed, then one can have the user specify the arguments provided with proper suggestions in the format <arg_name>=<arg_value>.

However, in the future the plan is to create a parameters argument which allows you to insert [--someArg value -someOtherArg], matching usual command line parameters, with suggestions for what to input.

In addition, eventually an easier way to achieve wanted results for vanilla argument types and ones which are added by Atlas Core when they are used as opts arguments.


By default, configs are stored in ./config/<mod_id>/<config_path>.json, which is where you will be able to access and edit them.

If the config has a GUI, it will appear in the Atlas Configs menu inside of Options on both pause screen and title screen. If Mod Menu is installed, the Atlas Configs menu appears as the config for Atlas Core. If a mod has an attached default config with a screen, it will become the config screen for that mod in Mod Menu.

Configs can also be read or manipulated using the command /atlas_config, which lets you reset, read, or reload configs all at once, reset, read, or reload a particular config, or edit, reset, or retrieve the value of a specific option.

For mod developers

Intrested in using this for your mod?
I recommend checking out the README to see how to implement it in your mod.

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 7 months ago
Updated 5 days ago