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  • Addition of Context, which gives details for a certain context.

  • Addition of ContextCondition, which is a named predicate for a certain context.

  • Added ServerModsRetrievedEvent, invoked when Atlas Core retrieves the mods on the client, including name, modID, semantic version, and provided mods.

  • Addition of Brigadier Opts, (kind of) a partial command library/expansion to Brigadier, but at this point merely a major utility, currently not feature-complete

Atlas Config Changes:

  • Addition of TagHolder, parallel of ObjectHolder whose identity is edited in GUI and in commands using SNBT, slightly decreasing ease of use for the user, meant for cases which cannot easily be converted into an ObjectHolder.

  • Addition of SyncMode, defines how the configs will be synched, can be set as a default for a config and changed for particular config holders.

  • Addition of ConfigSide, defining which side the config belongs to. ALL configs must exist and be aware of each other on both sides, however this controls particular behaviour.

  • Movement towards codecs for parsing configs.

  • More effective saving system for configs, can handle more types of data.

  • Added a disconnect when there is a mismatch between the server and the client.

  • Added another abstract config base class, ContextBasedConfig

    • Note: Define a generic form of the config first before using, no matter what
    • Note 2: Contexts currently only provide the dimension and whether the server is dedicated
    • The primary intended purpose is so that the config can change under particular contexts

Brigadier Opts

  • Argument Type OptsArgument introduced, allows for arguments to simply be interchangeable.
    • Example: /pandora {player|effect|invisible} could be input as any of these combinations or more:
      /pandora invisible=true
      /pandora effect=in_the_end player=@s 
      /pandora player=@s invisible=false effect=apocalyptic_boom
  • With the advent of these changes, /atlas_config has been updated to... not use it, but a relatively similar concept to improve functionality.


  • Addition of Context, which gives details for a certain context.

  • Addition of ContextCondition, which is a named predicate for a certain context.

  • Added ServerModsRetrievedEvent, invoked when Atlas Core retrieves the mods on the client, including name, modID, semantic version, and provided mods.

  • Addition of Brigadier Opts, (kind of) a partial command library/expansion to Brigadier, but at this point merely a major utility, currently not feature-complete

Atlas Config Changes:

  • Addition of SyncMode, defines how the configs will be synched, can be set as a default for a config and changed for particular config holders.

  • Addition of ConfigSide, defining which side the config belongs to. ALL configs must exist and be aware of each other on both sides, however this controls particular behaviour.

  • Added a disconnect when there is a mismatch between the server and the client.

  • Added another abstract config base class, ContextBasedConfig

    • Note: Define a generic form of the config first before using, no matter what
    • Note 2: Contexts currently only provide the dimension and whether the server is dedicated
    • The primary intended purpose is so that the config can change under particular contexts

Brigadier Opts

  • Argument Type OptsArgument introduced, allows for arguments to simply be interchangeable.
    • Example: /pandora {player|effect|invisible} could be input as any of these combinations or more:
      /pandora invisible=true
      /pandora effect=in_the_end player=@s 
      /pandora player=@s invisible=false effect=apocalyptic_boom
  • With the advent of these changes, /atlas_config has been updated to... not use it, but a relatively similar concept to improve functionality.


  • Addition of ConfigRepresentable, implemented in objects which can be represented in an ObjectHolder

Atlas Config Changes:

  • Addition of ObjectHolder to represent objects as config options

Initial Release:

  • Introduction of the Atlas Config system

  • Addition of some utility classes

Atlas Config Changes:

  • Addition of AtlasConfig, the base class for all configs

  • Addition of atlas_config command, for reading, reloading, resetting, and editing of configs while running

  • Mod Menu integration to automatically fulfill the default config screen for a particular mod

  • Cloth Config integration to build the config screen for a mod client-side

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 7 months ago
Updated 5 days ago