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1.3.2 Hotfix 2 electric boogaloo

On the second day of Christmas, Gradle gave to me: more broken things!...

Hopefully fixed the video game from crashing on 1.20.5-1.21.1 because of “no refMaps loaded”, and hopefully fixed the video game from crashing on 1.20-1.20.4 because of a missing shadow on the mixin.

Because of this, "1.20.x" has been split into "1.20-1.20.4" & "1.20.5-1.20.6". This also helps with Java versioning problems I had.

A massive thanks to everyone who has reported issues. If you find any other issues, feel free to report it!

1.3.1 Hotfix


Hopefully made it so the video game actually launches on versions using Java 17 (I guess that's sort of important huh?) and made a change to the mixins refmaps thing that might help I have no clue

Note for the 1.20-1.20.4 version: 1.20-1.20.4 is supported, and 1.20.5-1.20.6 will be coming shortly.

Explosive Enhancement 1.3.0!

The "Stonecut Triumph" Update

Explosive Enhancement is finally here for 1.21.2-4! Some big code changes were made(especially for multiplayer use), so please read the TLDR!

TLDR: Minecraft 1.21.2 stopped sending an explosion's power to the client, meaning I can no longer dynamically scale explosions ON MULTIPLAYER. This DOES NOT affect singleplayer, but for multiplayer, the explosions are now scaled based on the amount of vanilla particles that would have spawned.

It's not perfect, but I won't let the unfortunate change stop us from having fun blowing things up with our friends.

(This change only affects >=1.21.2, lower versions are still okay)

Rest of changelog:

I'm experimenting with updating Explosive Enhancement's code to use Stonecutter, in theory allowing for easier updating in the future(both to newer Minecraft versions and Explosive Enhancement changes)!

  • A new config option allowing you to dynamically scale explosions in singleplayer has been added in response to Minecraft 1.21.2's changes.
  • An alternative config option has been added to attempt to dynamically scale explosions based on the knockback done to you using math.
  • A new warning message in Explosive Enhancement's config will appear if your particles settings are not set to "all" letting you know that not all particles may be shown(this is the most common issue on GitHub, so a hint to help the user should be nice).
  • A new config option allowing you to edit a big/small explosions scale has been added(I think it says "add or remove" but can only add right now - should be changed later) (1.21.2+ only for now, I'll figure out how to handle the naming for other versions later).
  • Negative explosions should no longer disconnect you (Thanks Xylonity!)
  • Small improvements to performance have been made (thanks Xylonity!)
  • Spanish translations (Thanks Xylonity!)
  • Korean translations (Thanks MTtankkeo!)
  • Turkish translations (Thanks Berkaygk!)

This update was really difficult to make, not only because of the technical challenges of implementing Stonecutter, but also because of the 1.21.2 change messing with the mod. It was not an easy decision to make the weird system to bypass the changes on singleplayer, as I wanted to keep parity no matter where you use the mod, but this is ultimately one of the consequences of being client-side only.

I am considering making the mod work on servers as well to bypass this (if it’s installed there), but I didn’t want to do that update because I wanted to spend more time thinking about it.

Beyond that, please report any issues you find and have fun!

1.2.3 Changelog

1.21 Tricky Trials Now Supported!

  • Minecraft Tricky Trials 1.21 is now supported!
  • Simplified Chinese is now supported! (Thanks Chiloven945!)
  • Mexican Spanish is now supported! (Thanks TheLegendofSaram!)
  • If the "Debug Logs" option is enabled, it now prints a warning if Minecraft's particle settings are set to Decreased or Minimal, alerting the user that particles may not be shown.

I do plan on backporting this update to older versions at some point in time. In the meantime however, enjoy!

1.2.2 Changelog

The Emissive Enhancement Update

Made the explosions optionally emissive(enabled by default). This allows the explosions to be lit up in darker areas, and even has some bonus effects when using shaders(depending on the shader pack, sorta an accidental feature honestly but I like it). The smoke particles fade from completely emissive to the correct light level based on how long it has been since the explosion.

If you find any issues, please report them on Explosive Enhancement's GitHub! Enjoy!

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 months ago