- renamed 'Block of Sea Jelly' to 'Sea Jelly Block'
- made sea jelly blocks sticky when pushed by pistons (like slime or honey)
- added pirate translations
here kitty kitty, psspsspss
- added some of the mods fish to the cat food tag
- added loot table for unrecognized dimensions
- added aether compat
- added more fabric common tags
- oops forgot i changed tag names, fixed recipe issues
- added 3 new fish in forested regions
- added new foods (sashimi and cooked eel)
- added a sea jelly block for jelly storage
- changed some textures
- Fixed vanilla fish not cooking into generic cooked fish
- Fixed nether loot table being broken
- Added new food (Jellyfish Jelly)
- Adds 19 new fish
- Adds generic 'cooked fish" item for every fish to cook into
- Modifies end and nether loot tables to increase treasure catch rates when fishing