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  • [Patch]: Added a simple wood binding recipe
  • [Patch]: Added c:ore and minecraft:ore to vein mining tag
  • [Patch]: Added missing sword blade schematic recipe
  • [Patch]: Added missing sword guard schematic recipe



A lot of cool new weapons have been added, new weapon types such as spears and clubs are also added. The new weapons each have a distinct purpose and are more historically accurate. They also look a lot better!


  • Significantly higher attack damage and durability compared.
  • Lower attack speed image


  • Slightly higher damage
  • Significantly faster
  • Extra reach image


  • Faster
  • Higher damage
  • More durability image


  • Wooden only
  • High damage
  • Medium speed
  • High durability, but limited by material durability
  • No guard or binding image


  • Significantly higher damage
  • Medium speed
  • Significantly improved reach
  • No guard or binding
  • Can be thrown image


  • Lower attack damage
  • Higher speed
  • Breaks multiple plants image

War Hammer

  • Significantly higher attack damage
  • Significantly increased durability
  • Significantly lower speed
  • Need to fix model


  • Lower damage
  • Lower reach
  • Significantly faster



  • Lower reach
  • Significantly faster
  • Can be thrown image


  • Significantly higher attack damage
  • Significantly increased durability
  • Significantly lower speed image

Battle axe

  • Significantly higher attack damage
  • Significantly increased durability
  • Significantly lower speed image


  • Higher attack damage
  • Increased durability
  • Lower speed image

Multi block tools

The available multi-block tools have been reworked and renamed to be easier to understand and to provide simpler, yet more useful features.


  • Mines all blocks in a 3x3 pattern
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

Mandrill pickaxe

  • Vein mines ores
  • Mines a total of 8 ores in a radius
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

Felling axe

  • Mines all wooden blocks in a straight column to a maximum of 30 blocks
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image


  • Breaks all plant in a radius
  • The mining speed is instant image


  • Mines all blocks in a 3x3 pattern
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

Entrenching shovel

  • Mines all blocks in a 2x1 pattern
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

New sword guards

All sword guards have been reworked. The new ones a visually distinct, and has some minor variations on durability and weight. All guards have slots for reinforcements and gems. Guards can be placed on all normal sword variants, except knives.













Half basket


Finding new tools and weapons

You can find these new tools and weapons in various locations. Tools and schematics can be found in various loot chests around the world. The wandering trades has a good chance of spawning with every single schematics from this update, so if you want to find them all, the Wandering trader is your best bet.

Example loot from a weaponsmith villager chest


Example trades from a wandering trader


Throwing mechanic

Some items, like Kunai and spears can now be thrown! By holding the use button, you will throw the item, similarly to how you would throw a trident. The weapons throwing range will be determined by the initial speed and weight of the weapon. It can be picked from the ground and will drop as an item upon hitting an entity.


Upgradeable items

A lot of items are now using the Feature system to add new interactions and behaviours to items. These items can be used in a variety of different tool slots.

Upgrading tools and weapons image

Upgrading arrows. (This will be enhanced later to make it easier to bulk upgrade arrows.) image

Fermented spider eye

  • Applies poison to enemies hit

Blaze rod

  • Sets enemies on fire when hit

Fire charge

  • Sets enemies on fire when hit

Magma cream

  • Sets enemies on fire when hit

Popped chorus fruit

  • Teleports enemies when hit

Nautilus shell

  • Enhanced damage while in water

Shulker shell

  • Applies floating to enemies when hitting them


  • Applies slowness to enemies when hitting them

Slime ball

  • Applies knockback to enemies when hitting them

End crystal

  • Explodes when hitting an enemy or a block

Phantom membrane

  • Applies slow falling to enemies when hitting them


  • Copper has a constant magnetic effect

New gems

The new gem system is a lot simpler and focused. Gems are based on available minerals, and provide simple attribute improvements. Each gem has five levels, where the bonus increases every level. All gems follow a similar upgrade path.

Obtaining gems

Obtaining a level 1 gem is currently based on a very low drop chance from mining the mineral ore. Gems that does not have a corresponding ore, can be found in relevant chests.

Using gems

All bindings and guards have a slot for gems. This means that tools and weapons which have room for a binding or a sword guard can have a single gem. Upgrading bindings with gems can be done in the upgrade station.


Upgrading gems

All gems use the same upgrade path between levels. Gems is considered to be end-game features, and reaching higher gem levels require you to progress through the game.

Level 1 -> Level 2: Crafted by surrounding the gem in amethyst shards.

Level 2 -> Level 3: Stone cutting the level 2 gem

Level 3 -> Level 4: Combine level 3 gem and dragons breath.

Level 4 -> Level 5: Combine level 4 gem and a nether star.

Amethyst gem

image Attribute bonus: Mining level

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5

Diamond gem

image Attribute bonus: Durability

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +250
  • 2: +750
  • 3: +1250
  • 4: +1750
  • 5: +2250

Echo gem

image Attribute bonus: Mining Speed

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5

Emerald gem

image Attribute bonus: Attack Speed

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +0.15
  • 2: +0.3
  • 3: +0.45
  • 4: +0.6
  • 5: +0.75

Lapiz Lazuli gem

image Attribute bonus: Reach

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +0.5
  • 2: +1
  • 3: +1.5
  • 4: +2
  • 5: +2.5

Prismarine gem

image Attribute bonus: Attack Damage

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5

Quartz gem

image Attribute bonus: Armor

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5


Extended weapons: forgero extended_hall

Multi block tools: forgero multi_block

Upcoming 0.13 content

Not everything was ready for the initial 0.13 release, so we had to delay some new features and items to get the update out of the door a bit quicker.


Crossbows are in the works, and makes it possible to craft custom crossbow limbs and stocks. These will be available in Wood and metals variants and can be combined to create a wide range of crossbow configurations. It is going to work similarly to vanilla crossbows, so they will be slow to load, will retain a loaded arrow and packs a real punch. #1100


Support for tridents is also in the works. Tridents will be almost identical to the vanilla trident, but will be available in all materials. Trident enchantments will also be supported. #1101


Mattocks were initially slated for the 0.13 release, but is now going to be a dedicated release due to the work required to get it ready. #1119


A lot of stuff has been removed or discarded to better align and balance the mod. The stuff that has been removed has either been poorly implemented, reworked in this released or was just not ready for release yet. Here is a full overview.

Conditions on tools have been disabled

Due to the unstable nature and lack of clear direction for the conditions on tools, they have currently been disabled. Parts and schematics looted from chests and other location no longer have a chance of getting random conditions. This feature has been disabled until we can rework it. Existing conditions on parts and schematics will still work, but you will not be able to find new ones.

Deprecated packages

Several items from the extended package are now outdated, as they have either been reworked, discarded or replaced. This means they are no longer included by default with Forgero and will be permanently removed in an upcoming release. Probably Forgero - 0.14. To make it easier to upgrade and test this new release these packages have been moved into a dedicated module.

How to upgrade

If you are scared of loosing items, it is always a good idea to back up your save game before updating to the latest major version of this mod. If you have previously used Forgero in your game instance, there will already be a generated config file, which means that the deprecated packages will be loaded as normal when upgrading. No items will be deleted in this case, and you can use the old tools, weapons and gems as before, including the new ones.

It is recommended to remove the forgero_settings.json file from the config directory and restart the game. This will disable the deprecated package by default and you will only have the new tools and weapons. When starting the mod for the first time, this will be the default behaviour.

As an alternative, you can add this to the forgero_settings.json file. This will make sure all deprecated packs are disabled.

  "disabledPacks": [

Deprecated items

  • Mastercrafted and refined handles
  • All previous multi-block tools
    • Ore mining pickaxe
    • Tree feller axe
    • Chopper axe
    • Path mining pickaxe
    • Grave digger shovel
    • Path digger shovel
    • Reaper
  • All previous gems
    • Magnetico
    • Diamond
    • Redstone
    • Lapiz
    • Undying totem
    • Stone heart
    • Blazed stone heart
    • Ender gem
    • Quartz
  • Lightweight pickaxe head
  • Battle axe (Old)
  • Saber
  • Scimitar
  • Slanted sword
  • Serrated sword
  • Shortsword
  • Old Sword guards
    • Agile
    • Duelling
    • Kimiri
    • tsuba
  • Materials
    • Dragon scale
    • Polar bear pelt


  • [Patch]: Added a simple wood binding recipe
  • [Patch]: Added c:ore and minecraft:ore to vein mining tag
  • [Patch]: Added missing sword blade schematic recipe
  • [Patch]: Added missing sword guard schematic recipe



A lot of cool new weapons have been added, new weapon types such as spears and clubs are also added. The new weapons each have a distinct purpose and are more historically accurate. They also look a lot better!


  • Significantly higher attack damage and durability compared.
  • Lower attack speed image


  • Slightly higher damage
  • Significantly faster
  • Extra reach image


  • Faster
  • Higher damage
  • More durability image


  • Wooden only
  • High damage
  • Medium speed
  • High durability, but limited by material durability
  • No guard or binding image


  • Significantly higher damage
  • Medium speed
  • Significantly improved reach
  • No guard or binding
  • Can be thrown image


  • Lower attack damage
  • Higher speed
  • Breaks multiple plants image

War Hammer

  • Significantly higher attack damage
  • Significantly increased durability
  • Significantly lower speed
  • Need to fix model


  • Lower damage
  • Lower reach
  • Significantly faster



  • Lower reach
  • Significantly faster
  • Can be thrown image


  • Significantly higher attack damage
  • Significantly increased durability
  • Significantly lower speed image

Battle axe

  • Significantly higher attack damage
  • Significantly increased durability
  • Significantly lower speed image


  • Higher attack damage
  • Increased durability
  • Lower speed image

Multi block tools

The available multi-block tools have been reworked and renamed to be easier to understand and to provide simpler, yet more useful features.


  • Mines all blocks in a 3x3 pattern
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

Mandrill pickaxe

  • Vein mines ores
  • Mines a total of 8 ores in a radius
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

Felling axe

  • Mines all wooden blocks in a straight column to a maximum of 30 blocks
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image


  • Breaks all plant in a radius
  • The mining speed is instant image


  • Mines all blocks in a 3x3 pattern
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

Entrenching shovel

  • Mines all blocks in a 2x1 pattern
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

New sword guards

All sword guards have been reworked. The new ones a visually distinct, and has some minor variations on durability and weight. All guards have slots for reinforcements and gems. Guards can be placed on all normal sword variants, except knives.













Half basket


Finding new tools and weapons

You can find these new tools and weapons in various locations. Tools and schematics can be found in various loot chests around the world. The wandering trades has a good chance of spawning with every single schematics from this update, so if you want to find them all, the Wandering trader is your best bet.

Example loot from a weaponsmith villager chest


Example trades from a wandering trader


Throwing mechanic

Some items, like Kunai and spears can now be thrown! By holding the use button, you will throw the item, similarly to how you would throw a trident. The weapons throwing range will be determined by the initial speed and weight of the weapon. It can be picked from the ground and will drop as an item upon hitting an entity.


Upgradeable items

A lot of items are now using the Feature system to add new interactions and behaviours to items. These items can be used in a variety of different tool slots.

Upgrading tools and weapons image

Upgrading arrows. (This will be enhanced later to make it easier to bulk upgrade arrows.) image

Fermented spider eye

  • Applies poison to enemies hit

Blaze rod

  • Sets enemies on fire when hit

Fire charge

  • Sets enemies on fire when hit

Magma cream

  • Sets enemies on fire when hit

Popped chorus fruit

  • Teleports enemies when hit

Nautilus shell

  • Enhanced damage while in water

Shulker shell

  • Applies floating to enemies when hitting them


  • Applies slowness to enemies when hitting them

Slime ball

  • Applies knockback to enemies when hitting them

End crystal

  • Explodes when hitting an enemy or a block

Phantom membrane

  • Applies slow falling to enemies when hitting them


  • Copper has a constant magnetic effect

New gems

The new gem system is a lot simpler and focused. Gems are based on available minerals, and provide simple attribute improvements. Each gem has five levels, where the bonus increases every level. All gems follow a similar upgrade path.

Obtaining gems

Obtaining a level 1 gem is currently based on a very low drop chance from mining the mineral ore. Gems that does not have a corresponding ore, can be found in relevant chests.

Using gems

All bindings and guards have a slot for gems. This means that tools and weapons which have room for a binding or a sword guard can have a single gem. Upgrading bindings with gems can be done in the upgrade station.


Upgrading gems

All gems use the same upgrade path between levels. Gems is considered to be end-game features, and reaching higher gem levels require you to progress through the game.

Level 1 -> Level 2: Crafted by surrounding the gem in amethyst shards.

Level 2 -> Level 3: Stone cutting the level 2 gem

Level 3 -> Level 4: Combine level 3 gem and dragons breath.

Level 4 -> Level 5: Combine level 4 gem and a nether star.

Amethyst gem

image Attribute bonus: Mining level

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5

Diamond gem

image Attribute bonus: Durability

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +250
  • 2: +750
  • 3: +1250
  • 4: +1750
  • 5: +2250

Echo gem

image Attribute bonus: Mining Speed

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5

Emerald gem

image Attribute bonus: Attack Speed

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +0.15
  • 2: +0.3
  • 3: +0.45
  • 4: +0.6
  • 5: +0.75

Lapiz Lazuli gem

image Attribute bonus: Reach

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +0.5
  • 2: +1
  • 3: +1.5
  • 4: +2
  • 5: +2.5

Prismarine gem

image Attribute bonus: Attack Damage

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5

Quartz gem

image Attribute bonus: Armor

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5


Extended weapons: forgero extended_hall

Multi block tools: forgero multi_block

Upcoming 0.13 content

Not everything was ready for the initial 0.13 release, so we had to delay some new features and items to get the update out of the door a bit quicker.


Crossbows are in the works, and makes it possible to craft custom crossbow limbs and stocks. These will be available in Wood and metals variants and can be combined to create a wide range of crossbow configurations. It is going to work similarly to vanilla crossbows, so they will be slow to load, will retain a loaded arrow and packs a real punch. #1100


Support for tridents is also in the works. Tridents will be almost identical to the vanilla trident, but will be available in all materials. Trident enchantments will also be supported. #1101


Mattocks were initially slated for the 0.13 release, but is now going to be a dedicated release due to the work required to get it ready. #1119


A lot of stuff has been removed or discarded to better align and balance the mod. The stuff that has been removed has either been poorly implemented, reworked in this released or was just not ready for release yet. Here is a full overview.

Conditions on tools have been disabled

Due to the unstable nature and lack of clear direction for the conditions on tools, they have currently been disabled. Parts and schematics looted from chests and other location no longer have a chance of getting random conditions. This feature has been disabled until we can rework it. Existing conditions on parts and schematics will still work, but you will not be able to find new ones.

Deprecated packages

Several items from the extended package are now outdated, as they have either been reworked, discarded or replaced. This means they are no longer included by default with Forgero and will be permanently removed in an upcoming release. Probably Forgero - 0.14. To make it easier to upgrade and test this new release these packages have been moved into a dedicated module.

How to upgrade

If you are scared of loosing items, it is always a good idea to back up your save game before updating to the latest major version of this mod. If you have previously used Forgero in your game instance, there will already be a generated config file, which means that the deprecated packages will be loaded as normal when upgrading. No items will be deleted in this case, and you can use the old tools, weapons and gems as before, including the new ones.

It is recommended to remove the forgero_settings.json file from the config directory and restart the game. This will disable the deprecated package by default and you will only have the new tools and weapons. When starting the mod for the first time, this will be the default behaviour.

As an alternative, you can add this to the forgero_settings.json file. This will make sure all deprecated packs are disabled.

  "disabledPacks": [

Deprecated items

  • Mastercrafted and refined handles
  • All previous multi-block tools
    • Ore mining pickaxe
    • Tree feller axe
    • Chopper axe
    • Path mining pickaxe
    • Grave digger shovel
    • Path digger shovel
    • Reaper
  • All previous gems
    • Magnetico
    • Diamond
    • Redstone
    • Lapiz
    • Undying totem
    • Stone heart
    • Blazed stone heart
    • Ender gem
    • Quartz
  • Lightweight pickaxe head
  • Battle axe (Old)
  • Saber
  • Scimitar
  • Slanted sword
  • Serrated sword
  • Shortsword
  • Old Sword guards
    • Agile
    • Duelling
    • Kimiri
    • tsuba
  • Materials
    • Dragon scale
    • Polar bear pelt

Forgero Beta release 0.13


A lot of cool new weapons have been added, new weapon types such as spears and clubs are also added. The new weapons each have a distinct purpose and are more historically accurate. They also look a lot better!


  • Significantly higher attack damage and durability compared.
  • Lower attack speed image


  • Slightly higher damage
  • Significantly faster
  • Extra reach image


  • Faster
  • Higher damage
  • More durability image


  • Wooden only
  • High damage
  • Medium speed
  • High durability, but limited by material durability
  • No guard or binding image


  • Significantly higher damage
  • Medium speed
  • Significantly improved reach
  • No guard or binding
  • Can be thrown image


  • Lower attack damage
  • Higher speed
  • Breaks multiple plants image

War Hammer

  • Significantly higher attack damage
  • Significantly increased durability
  • Significantly lower speed
  • Need to fix model


  • Lower damage
  • Lower reach
  • Significantly faster



  • Lower reach
  • Significantly faster
  • Can be thrown image


  • Significantly higher attack damage
  • Significantly increased durability
  • Significantly lower speed image

Battle axe

  • Significantly higher attack damage
  • Significantly increased durability
  • Significantly lower speed image


  • Higher attack damage
  • Increased durability
  • Lower speed image

Multi block tools

The available multi-block tools have been reworked and renamed to be easier to understand and to provide simpler, yet more useful features.


  • Mines all blocks in a 3x3 pattern
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

Mandrill pickaxe

  • Vein mines ores
  • Mines a total of 8 ores in a radius
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

Felling axe

  • Mines all wooden blocks in a straight column to a maximum of 30 blocks
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image


  • Breaks all plant in a radius
  • The mining speed is instant image


  • Mines all blocks in a 3x3 pattern
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

Entrenching shovel

  • Mines all blocks in a 2x1 pattern
  • The mining speed is the total mining speed of all the blocks combined image

New sword guards

All sword guards have been reworked. The new ones a visually distinct, and has some minor variations on durability and weight. All guards have slots for reinforcements and gems. Guards can be placed on all normal sword variants, except knives.













Half basket


Finding new tools and weapons

You can find these new tools and weapons in various locations. Tools and schematics can be found in various loot chests around the world. The wandering trades has a good chance of spawning with every single schematics from this update, so if you want to find them all, the Wandering trader is your best bet.

Example loot from a weaponsmith villager chest


Example trades from a wandering trader


Throwing mechanic

Some items, like Kunai and spears can now be thrown! By holding the use button, you will throw the item, similarly to how you would throw a trident. The weapons throwing range will be determined by the initial speed and weight of the weapon. It can be picked from the ground and will drop as an item upon hitting an entity.


Upgradeable items

A lot of items are now using the Feature system to add new interactions and behaviours to items. These items can be used in a variety of different tool slots.

Upgrading tools and weapons image

Upgrading arrows. (This will be enhanced later to make it easier to bulk upgrade arrows.) image

Fermented spider eye

  • Applies poison to enemies hit

Blaze rod

  • Sets enemies on fire when hit

Fire charge

  • Sets enemies on fire when hit

Magma cream

  • Sets enemies on fire when hit

Popped chorus fruit

  • Teleports enemies when hit

Nautilus shell

  • Enhanced damage while in water

Shulker shell

  • Applies floating to enemies when hitting them


  • Applies slowness to enemies when hitting them

Slime ball

  • Applies knockback to enemies when hitting them

End crystal

  • Explodes when hitting an enemy or a block

Phantom membrane

  • Applies slow falling to enemies when hitting them


  • Copper has a constant magnetic effect

New gems

The new gem system is a lot simpler and focused. Gems are based on available minerals, and provide simple attribute improvements. Each gem has five levels, where the bonus increases every level. All gems follow a similar upgrade path.

Obtaining gems

Obtaining a level 1 gem is currently based on a very low drop chance from mining the mineral ore. Gems that does not have a corresponding ore, can be found in relevant chests.

Using gems

All bindings and guards have a slot for gems. This means that tools and weapons which have room for a binding or a sword guard can have a single gem. Upgrading bindings with gems can be done in the upgrade station.


Upgrading gems

All gems use the same upgrade path between levels. Gems is considered to be end-game features, and reaching higher gem levels require you to progress through the game.

Level 1 -> Level 2: Crafted by surrounding the gem in amethyst shards.

Level 2 -> Level 3: Stone cutting the level 2 gem

Level 3 -> Level 4: Combine level 3 gem and dragons breath.

Level 4 -> Level 5: Combine level 4 gem and a nether star.

Amethyst gem

image Attribute bonus: Mining level

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5

Diamond gem

image Attribute bonus: Durability

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +250
  • 2: +750
  • 3: +1250
  • 4: +1750
  • 5: +2250

Echo gem

image Attribute bonus: Mining Speed

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5

Emerald gem

image Attribute bonus: Attack Speed

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +0.15
  • 2: +0.3
  • 3: +0.45
  • 4: +0.6
  • 5: +0.75

Lapiz Lazuli gem

image Attribute bonus: Reach

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +0.5
  • 2: +1
  • 3: +1.5
  • 4: +2
  • 5: +2.5

Prismarine gem

image Attribute bonus: Attack Damage

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5

Quartz gem

image Attribute bonus: Armor

Bonus per level:

  • 1: +1
  • 2: +2
  • 3: +3
  • 4: +4
  • 5: +5


Extended weapons: forgero extended_hall

Multi block tools: forgero multi_block

Upcoming 0.13 content

Not everything was ready for the initial 0.13 release, so we had to delay some new features and items to get the update out of the door a bit quicker.


Crossbows are in the works, and makes it possible to craft custom crossbow limbs and stocks. These will be available in Wood and metals variants and can be combined to create a wide range of crossbow configurations. It is going to work similarly to vanilla crossbows, so they will be slow to load, will retain a loaded arrow and packs a real punch. #1100


Support for tridents is also in the works. Tridents will be almost identical to the vanilla trident, but will be available in all materials. Trident enchantments will also be supported. #1101


Mattocks were initially slated for the 0.13 release, but is now going to be a dedicated release due to the work required to get it ready. #1119


A lot of stuff has been removed or discarded to better align and balance the mod. The stuff that has been removed has either been poorly implemented, reworked in this released or was just not ready for release yet. Here is a full overview.

Conditions on tools have been disabled

Due to the unstable nature and lack of clear direction for the conditions on tools, they have currently been disabled. Parts and schematics looted from chests and other location no longer have a chance of getting random conditions. This feature has been disabled until we can rework it. Existing conditions on parts and schematics will still work, but you will not be able to find new ones.

Deprecated packages

Several items from the extended package are now outdated, as they have either been reworked, discarded or replaced. This means they are no longer included by default with Forgero and will be permanently removed in an upcoming release. Probably Forgero - 0.14. To make it easier to upgrade and test this new release these packages have been moved into a dedicated module.

How to upgrade

If you are scared of loosing items, it is always a good idea to back up your save game before updating to the latest major version of this mod. If you have previously used Forgero in your game instance, there will already be a generated config file, which means that the deprecated packages will be loaded as normal when upgrading. No items will be deleted in this case, and you can use the old tools, weapons and gems as before, including the new ones.

It is recommended to remove the forgero_settings.json file from the config directory and restart the game. This will disable the deprecated package by default and you will only have the new tools and weapons. When starting the mod for the first time, this will be the default behaviour.

As an alternative, you can add this to the forgero_settings.json file. This will make sure all deprecated packs are disabled.

  "disabledPacks": [

Deprecated items

  • Mastercrafted and refined handles
  • All previous multi-block tools
    • Ore mining pickaxe
    • Tree feller axe
    • Chopper axe
    • Path mining pickaxe
    • Grave digger shovel
    • Path digger shovel
    • Reaper
  • All previous gems
    • Magnetico
    • Diamond
    • Redstone
    • Lapiz
    • Undying totem
    • Stone heart
    • Blazed stone heart
    • Ender gem
    • Quartz
  • Lightweight pickaxe head
  • Battle axe (Old)
  • Saber
  • Scimitar
  • Slanted sword
  • Serrated sword
  • Shortsword
  • Old Sword guards
    • Agile
    • Duelling
    • Kimiri
    • tsuba
  • Materials
    • Dragon scale
    • Polar bear pelt

Forgero Beta release 0.12.9


Forgero Beta release 0.13-RC-1


[Feature]: Gem Overhaul [Feature]: Extended package overhaul

Forgero Beta release 0.12.7


Forgero Beta release 0.13-RC-1

[Warning]: Only use this verison on new saves. It removes and changes several items. Some of your existing items might be deleted.


[Feature]: Gem Overhaul [Feature]: Extended package overhaul

Forgero Beta release 0.12.7


Forgero Beta release 0.12.6


Forgero Beta release 0.12.5


Forgero Beta release 0.12.4


Full Changelog: https://github.com/SigmundGranaas/forgero/compare/v0.12.3+1.20.1...v0.12.4+1.20.1

Forgero Beta release 0.12.3


Full Changelog: https://github.com/SigmundGranaas/forgero/compare/v0.12.2+1.20.1...v0.12.3+1.20.1

Forgero Beta release 0.12.1


Forgero Beta release 0.12.0


Forgero release 0.12.0


Forgero Beta release 0.12.0-rc-5


Forgero Beta release 0.12.0-rc-3


What's Changed

Forgero Beta release 0.12.0-rc-3


What's Changed

Forgero Beta release 0.12.0-rc-2


Project members






Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 3 months ago