


A Vanilla+ Freezing Temperature Mod - sister mod of Scorchful!

Client and server AdventureDecorationEquipmentGame MechanicsMagic MobsWorld Generation

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Leave your boots by the door!

  • Snow now accumulates on entities outside in the snow, and will melt when they go inside or enter a warm area and soak them
  • Mountain peaks (except for Stony Peaks) are now freezing. Stony Peaks are freezing in Winter if a seasons mod is installed.
  • Mountain slopes are now cold. Mountain slopes are freezing in Winter if a seasons mod is installed.
  • Added a "normal" tag to the seasonal temperature biome tags that can force a biome to be a normal temperature for that season
  • Freezing wind no longer appears in areas with a temperature over 15°C.
  • Added a biome tag to block freezing wind from spawning
  • Fixed the Enervation and Curse of Frozen Touch enchantments cooling the heat recipient if they were already warm.
  • Fixed Ice Skates recipe being wrongly granted (bravely-beep, #153)

Frostiful 2.0 - The Trials of Frostology Update

This update is a major overhaul to Frostiful's progression systems - from the beginning of the game, to defeating the Frostologer and acquiring the Cloak of Frostology. Most things have been reworked to either be more intuitive or to integrate better with the world, and to provide a more smooth and rewarding progression curve. This is probably the single largest update to Frostiful in a very long time, so the changelog is kinda long. Thanks for supporting this mod to nearly 8 million combined downloads!

Summary of Changes

  • Overhauled entire wiki to reflect the new content:
  • Updated the Frostologer Castle structure
  • Added new Frozen Rod item to craft the Frost Wand
  • Rebalanced the Frostologer fight
  • Added Glacial Trim Pattern
  • Added Snow Man Trim Pattern
  • Reworked Frosty Trim Pattern
  • Added Icicle Banner Pattern
  • Added Frostology Banner Pattern
  • Added more tags for Brushing
  • Reworked Advancement system to better guide progression

Frostologer Castle Overhaul

This update massively overhauled the Frostologer Castle, integrating it better with terrain and better utilizing Icy Trial Spawners and Icy Vaults.

  • Removed the Chillager village around the castle
  • Made the outer perimeter wall surrounding the keep fully walkable
  • Removed the random infinite Chillager spawning
  • Replaced chests with Icy Vaults
  • Added Icy Trial Spawners throughout the structure
  • Added a "Frosted Banner" based on the Ominous Banner
  • Overhauled loot to add new banner patterns and armor trim patterns. See wiki page for details:

Frostologer Fight Rebalance

  • Frostologer no longer summons Biters
  • Frostologer Icicle attack spell now has a longer cooldown, so the Frostologer will attack in melee range more
  • Water logged blocks are no longer turned to ice when frozen by the Frostologer
  • Frostologer now gains cooling from hitting their target with a frost spell
  • Frostologer can now only use their destroy heat sources spell at their minimum temperature
  • Freeze damage no longer breaks roots
  • The Frostologer's frost wand is now randomly enchanted on spawn based on local difficulty
  • Frostologer is warmed each tick they are channeling their destroy heat sources spell
  • Frostologer no longer has passive freezing
  • Frostologer now has a max temp of 0, even with scorchful installed
  • Biters and Frostologers now do higher damage when breaking frost wand roots
  • Removed the following config options: combatConfig.frostologerPassiveFreezingPerTick, combatConfig.frostologerMaxPassiveFreezing, and combatConfig.frostologerIntolerableHeat
  • Added the config option combatConfig.frostologerCoolingFromFrostWandHit

The Frozen Rod

  • The Frozen Rod is now used to craft the Frost Wand, instead of Breeze Rods
  • Frozen Rods are dropped from Frostologers when killed by a player, but can also be crafted from 3 blue ice
  • Frozen Rods now repair the Frost Wand in an anvil
  • Frozen Rods replace Icicles as the potion ingredient for the Potion of Freezing
  • The Inert Cloak of Frostology is now only obtained from Ominous Vaults in the Frostologer boss room
  • The Cloak of Frostology crafting recipe is now shaped and requires Fur Padding and Icicles, in addition the the Glacial Heart and Inert Cloak

Armor Trim Pattern Rework

Two new armor trim patterns have been added to Frostiful, and the old Frosty trim pattern has been reworked.

  • Added Glacial Trim Pattern, found in Ominous Vaults of the Frostologer Castle
  • Added Snow Man Trim Pattern, found in the Chillager Outpost
  • Adjusted the look of the Frosty Trim Pattern. It's old look has been split between the Glacial and Snow Man trim patterns, and it was given an entirely new and original look.
  • For those who want the old look back, the Frosty trim was split like so:
    • Old Frosty Helmet -> New Glacial Helmet
    • Old Frosty Chestplate -> New Snow Man Chestplate
    • Old Frosty Leggings -> New Snow Man Leggings
    • Old Frosty Boots -> New Snow Man Boots
  • Adjusted the look of the Frosty Smithing Pattern item
  • The Fur Upgrade smithing template can now be found in the Fletcher loot of the Chillager Outpost
  • The Ice Skate Upgrade smithing template is now found in the Igloo chest
  • The Fur Upgrade smithing template can no longer be found in the Igloo chest
  • The Ice Skate Upgrade smithing template can no longer be found in the Snowy Village
  • The following config options have been removed: combatConfig.furUpgradeTemplateGenerateChance, combatConfig.skateUpgradeTemplateGenerateChance
  • The following config options have been added: combatConfig.skateUpgradeTemplateIglooGenerateChance

Advancement Rework

  • Updates the Frostiful advancement system to have its own page with three tracks of progression: Warmth, Armor, and Frostology.
    • The Warmth track is based around advancements that teach the player how to utilize a few heat sources (light, campfires, and sun lichen).
    • The Armor track teaches the player how to obtain fur and gives advancements for crafting fur armour and ice skates
    • The Frostology track is the main progression of the Frostologer Castle and Chillager structures, and ends with the Frost Wand, Frostologer Trims, and Frostology Cloak.
  • The root advancement of this page is only revealed when the player's temperature goes below -10%.
  • Some existing advancements were tweaked slightly, but all previous advancements should carry over.
  • Reduced size of the frost wand effect cloud a little bit
  • Brushing an animal for fur now plays an animation

Brushing Refactor

  • Items that use the tag #c:tools/brush are now acceptable for brushing
  • Animals with the tag #frostiful:is_brushable can be brushed
  • Animals with the tag #frostiful:brushing/drops_polar_bear_fur will drop polar bear fur tufts when brushed
  • Animals with the tag #frostiful:brushing/drops_wolf_fur will drop wolf fur tufts when brushed
  • Animals with the tag #frostiful:brushing/drops_ocelot_fur will drop ocelot fur tufts when brushed
  • If an animal is brushable but doesn't also have an associated fur tuft, a warning will be displayed in the console

Oh Snap! A new update!

  • Added a new Brittle Ice block
  • Brittle Ice is a new form of ice that will crack and break after being stepped on
  • Brittle Ice generates in sheets in the Frozen Ocean
  • Crafting Ice from 2x2 icicles has been replaced with crafting Brittle Ice
  • Fixed a minor issue with the Powder Snow walkable check disabling the behaviour of other mods
  • Fixed a bug where Power Snow walkable items could work when equipped in any armor slot. They must now be equipped in either the feet or body slots.

Slippery Trials

This update adds new Icy-variants of Trial Spawners and Vaults. These blocks are currently functionally identical to their non-icy counterparts, they just have a slightly icy texture that is more suitable for the Frostologer castle. These blocks are not currently accessible in survival, but will be used more in future updates.

There were also some wide-ranging refactors in this update that may have broken things. These refactors should not have touched functionality, but please report any issues associated with this on Github or Discord

  • Updated to run natively on Minecraft 1.21.1, 1.21 is longer compatible with Frostiful
  • Added Icy Trial Spawners
  • Added Icy Vaults
  • Fixed Chillager Captains not dropping Ominous Bottles on death
  • Refactored registrations to use static registration
  • Refactored client code to use its own environment source sets
  • Fixed #113: Fur boots recipe conflict with fur padding
  • Fur padding now requires 9 ocelot fur tufts instead of 8
  • Glacial Hearts can now be stacked to 64
  • Removed Overflowing Bars freezing hearts patch (moved to Thermoo Patches)
  • Fixes #107: Icicle duplication glitch
  • Updated Vietnamese translations (thanks godkyo98)

Frostiful 1.3 brings the current set of additions in the 2.0 beta series into a full release. The current set of features is fairly stable, so I felt good adding them to a full release. However, the 2.0 alpha series will still continue with some more experimental content and a release target around December for 1.21.1.

  • Fixes #104: Frostolger can stun lock the player if it targets another mob
  • Rooted entities no longer have their root time refreshed if struck by the Frost Wand.
  • Reduced Frostologer heat sensitivity and added a config for it
  • Added Herbal Brews teas to the warm foods tag
  • Fixed some damage types applying knockback, even though it did not make sense
  • Made the /root and /blow commands only available in a development environment.
  • Removed automatic biome temperature detection for cool biomes

This is generally a backport of release 1.3 from 1.21, but contains a 1.20.1-specific fix

  • Fixes #104: Frostolger can stun lock the player if it targets another mob
  • Rooted entities no longer have their root time refreshed if struck by the Frost Wand.
  • Reduced Frostologer heat sensitivity and added a config for it
  • Added Herbal Brews teas to the warm foods tag
  • (1.20.1 only) Fixed the Warm food tooltip, which sometimes did not appear on modded items, even though the item is properly tagged.
  • Marked as compatible with 1.21.1

Winter is Coming

Improves integration with Seasons mods. Now instead of trying to automatically "detect" biome temperature categories through biome temperature, explicit tags are introduced for each category by season, allowing for more fine-tuned settings for biome temperature integration.

This version also moves the 2.0.0 pre-release series into Beta. Since these are the only versions for 1.21, it gives better visibility on CurseForge than to be in Alpha. However, there will still be changes made to world generation in the future that will require new worlds!

  • Winters are no longer "extra" cold
  • Summers still allow for biomes to be cold at night
  • Added a config option to disable seasons integration
  • The old Extreme Hills biomes are now cold at night during Spring.
  • Updated biome temperature tags to use a new season based system (but it is backwards compatible with the old tags for packs that use them).
  • Updated Vietnamese Translations (thanks Kyo #96)

This is the second alpha for Frostiful 2.0, focusing primarily on updating Frostiful to 1.21. It also comes with some gameplay changes, particularly to the Frostologer's drops.

The Frostologer now drops a new Glacial Heart item in place of Frost Wands and Frostology Cloaks. This Heart is used in crafting recipes to obtain those items instead. This also fixes an issue where the Frostology Cloak would still apply some gameplay effects (namely, the negative Frost Resistance and Curse of Binding).

An important note is that, because of the scale of changes made in Minecraft 1.21, it is very likely there are some bad bugs/crashes in this. So proceed with caution. But if you find anything, feel free to report it on the issue tracker or my Discord.

  • Updated to 1.21
  • Fixes #74: Frostology Cloak Still Applies Some Gameplay Effects
  • Freezing Wind entities are no longer saved to disk. This should help further improve performance for servers using HDDs.
  • Glacial Arrows and Thrown Icicles no longer add an item to the player's inventory when picked up in Creative Mode
  • Added the Glacial Heart item
  • Added the Inert Frostology Cloak
  • The Glacial Heart now drops from the Frostologer instead of the Frost Wand and Frostology Cloak
  • The Frost Wand and Frostology Cloak are crafted from the new items. Note that the Breeze Rods used in the Frost Wand's recipe are placeholder.
  • The Frostology Cloak now has Curse of Binding in the creative inventory
  • Changed the tooltip of the Frostology Cloak to now say "Reborn in Ice"
  • Ice Breaker now applies a scaling slow when attacking a rooted target
  • The Frost Wand no longer grants speed for breaking a rooted target
  • Packed Snow now decays in Snow a little faster
  • Renamed the Frost Tipped Arrow to the Glacial Arrow
  • Frostologers now break and drop unknown heat sources, instead of setting them to air
  • The name of the Chillager Outpost Explorer map is now that item's default name
  • Removed warm and very warm item tags (replaced by Armor Materials tags)
  • Curse of Frozen Touch can no longer be obtained from the Enchanting Table
  • Increased the amount of Heat Drain particles from Enervation and Curse of Frozen Touch
  • Adding a log to a campfire now plays some extra particles

Changes from Alpha 1

Because these alphas are now the only version for 1.21, some of you might have missed the changes from the previous alpha.

  • Frostologer Castles are now as rare as Woodland Mansions
  • Added a new structure to the Snowy Plains and Ice Spikes: Chillager Outpost
  • Frostologer Castles may now generate in Ice Spikes biomes

Chillager Outposts

Chillager Outposts are a new structure that generate in snowy areas with a similar rarity as Igloos. Like Pillager Outposts, they do not generate near villages. Chillager Outposts are a new earlier game structure that comes with a few Chillagers that do not respawn. Some Chillager Igloos also will generate with Fur Upgrade Templates, allowing you to craft Fur Padded Chainmail Armor before reaching a Frostologer Castle.

Most importantly, Chillager Outposts also have a new Explorer Map to help locate the now quite rare Frostologer Castle. This is to help balance out its rarity while still allowing it to be fairly straightforward to find.

  • Fixed #92: Nether heat sometimes overrides Scorchful heat, depending on Load Order
  • Fixed crash from changes in Colorful Hearts (by Terrails)

Structure Overhaul Alpha 1

This is the first in a series of alpha releases that will be focusing on updating and overhauling structure generation in Frostiful for 1.21. These releases are marked as alpha as they are incomplete, and will eventually begin to rely on experimental features from 1.21 (such as vaults). This is not recommended for use in production mod packs, but any feedback on the changes would be appreciated!

Changelog Summary:

  • Thermoo 3.2 is now required
  • Frostologer Castles are now as rare as Woodland Mansions
  • Added a new structure to the Snowy Plains and Ice Spikes: Chillager Outpost
  • Frostologer Castles may now generate in Ice Spikes biomes

Chillager Outposts

Chillager Outposts are a new structure that generate in snowy areas with a similar rarity as Igloos. Like Pillager Outposts, they do not generate near villages. Chillager Outposts are a new earlier game structure that comes with a few Chillagers that do not respawn. Some Chillager Igloos also will generate with Fur Upgrade Templates, allowing you to craft Fur Padded Chainmail Armor before reaching a Frostologer Castle.

Most importantly, Chillager Outposts also have a new Explorer Map to help locate the now quite rare Frostologer Castle. This is to help balance out its rarity while still allowing it to be fairly straightforward to find.

  • Added Vietnamese translations (by godkyo98) 🇻🇳
  • Fixed mount health not rendering when player is warm

Updates Frostiful to 1.20.4, with a few backend changes.


  • Updated to Minecraft 1.20.4
  • Removed Fabric ASM usage, and replaced its usage with the new Fabric Enchanting API. This should mean that Frostiful will generally work a lot better with other mods, and possibly with Connector when that updates to 1.20.4.
  • Fixes #38: Incompatibility with VanillaIcecreamFix
  • Fixes #39: Incompatibility with Lucky Blocks Mod
  • Moved to using Thermoo Item Attribute Modifiers for armours with Frost Resistance.
  • Removed Netherite Frost Resistance config
  • Added passive freezing tick interval config. This allows passive freezing to only be applied once every N ticks (default 1).
  • The strength of a wind blowing the player now factors in Knockback Resistance (Closes #69... nice)
  • Added passive freezing tick interval config option

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated a month ago