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-Brazier Chests now no longer lose their LootTable, preventing empty chests upon reopening them

-if a brazier chest had lost it's loot table in a previous version, it should start working again upon updating and regenerate loot like normal

-Vessels named "DOOM" previously did not trigger the easter egg, now it's been fixed

-Jackhammer-Fist is now in the creative inventory, thus now appearing with JEI and other similar mods too


-Updated Russian Translation

-Updated Simplified Chinese Translation

-Updated Ukrainian Translation

2.2.0 - Jack Frosts & Jackhammers Drop

Jack Frosts & Jackhammers Drop

General Changes

-Added Black Ice Glaciers, a new soul sand valley sub-biome

-Added new track "Sublimate" plays in Black Ice Glaciers and composed by Shroomaniac

-Updated Black Ice texture

-Updated Black Ice Particles, it now emits black snowflakes from underneath

-Added Black Icicles, acts like dripstone but more fragile breaking with most projectiles, freezes upon being impaled

-Black Icicles can be loaded into crossbows and shot dealing freezing damage upon impact

-Added Thin Black Ice, shatters if stood on for too long or when jumping

-Added Soul Permafrost, it's slippery and slows you down, useful for easily renewing soul soil or thin black ice

-Ectoplasm now starts freezing you when submerged

-Added Black Strays, a variant of the strays found only in the nether

-Netherite Grates now let light through and render similarly to copper grates

-Soul Sand Valleys now generate mound formations to break-up the repetitive terrain

-Mounds also generate upside-down from the ceiling too

-Hitting a banshee resets it's projectile fire timer

-Banshee sound effects have been entirely redesigned to sound like an actual banshee

-Redesigned Vessel animations

-Vessels now better communicate when they are about to fire

-Vessels can now also be named "DOOM" to trigger the doom easter egg

-Pump-Charge Shotguns can now be pumped even if they are at maximum "pumps" to prevent accidental explosions

-Sanctums now blend better into sorrounding terrain and no longer generate super-close to shoreline preventing weird gravel dunes

-Updated Simplified Chinese Translation

-Added Argentine Spanish Translation

Mod Compat Changes

-Added several compatibility features with some mods

== Oreganized ==

-Jackhammer-Fist, made from shotgun fist and electrum, deals more damage the faster you move

-Antidote for Brain Damage

== Gardens of The Dead ==

-Soulblight Sporeshroom

-Shroomblight, blue shroomlight for soulblight forest

-Blight Swirls

-Yellow Nether Bricks


-Apparitions and Vessels now spawn in the Soulblight Forest

-Ectoplasm Lakes, Soul Magma Blocks, Fossil Ores, Pale Soul Slate and more generate here too

== Rubinated Nether ==

-Soul Ruby Ore, generates in soul magma blocks

== Abnormals Caverns & Chams ==

-Necronium Plating, made from stridite and silver

== All Mods which add Silver (Oreganized, C&C, Galosphere) ==

-Silver Armor slows and damages all Possessed mobs when they hit you


-Soul Magma generation no longer causes regular magma blocks to generate when it's touching netherrack

-Vessel Shooting Animation was bugged. it now properly plays

-Will O' Wisps now no longer go through shields

-Strays and Vessels now create fossil fuel when killed on top of soul soil. previously it wasn't possible

-Carcasses now shouldn't cause your server TPS to drop randomly

-Fixed wart beard bone-mealing not working, they are now renewable again

-Cracked Soul Slate Bricks can now no longer be lit with a flint and steel

-Fixed inconsistencies with magma cube textures

-Some particles weren't being rendererd on client, it has now been fixed

-Soul Torchflower is now plantable on soul sand, soil and nylium blocks

-Soul Torchflower has been added to the creative inventory



-Fixed critical bug where all brazier chests would be empty upon re-joining world


-Now requires Elysium API 1.0.2 or higher



-Discontinued Fabric Version

-JNE now depends on Elysium API and no longer requires Terrablender or Architectury

-Copper Ingots are no longer obtainable from Brazier Chests, but instead you can find an occational brush instead

-Shotgun Core now has a red name and it's description has been changed to 'Non-Consumable Artifact"

-Shotgun-Fist and Pump-Charge Shotgun now have dynamic animated item models to make using them more satisfying to use

-Immunity Effects and Betrayed can no longer be removed by milk

-Tweaked Ectoplasm Pool generation to be less frequent

-Ectoplasm fluid behaviors has been entirely overhauled, now being way more polished

-Ectoplasm when in contact with Alex's Caves Soda turns into Light Blue Rock Candy

-Pump-Charge Upgrade template can now be found in all brazier chests. not just the hidden ones

-Cartridge enchantment has been reworked and now no longer stores ammo but instead has a chance to conserve it now like unbreaking but for ammo

-Added Italian Translations

-Added Ukrainian Translations

Fixes -Brazier Chests no longer show their contents with mods like Jade unless opened

-Fixed critical exploit with brazier chests and a certain... redstone item

-Fixed critical crash when entities were removed which also caused some incompats

-Fixed edge-case Feature Cycle Violations when using with Gardens of The Dead

-Fixed a bug where sanctum locator compasses could be activated without any wraithing flesh in your inventory

-Shotgun Enchantments can now no longer appear when enchanting a Bow

-Buckets now cannot be placed with the Betrayed effect to prevent cheesing treacherous candles

-Skeletons now properly create fossil ore when killed on soul soil again

-Artemis from Fortress Chests now have the correct rarity and should now display CIT if such a mod/texture pack is installed



-Fixed shovels mineable blocks not breaking faster with the tool



-Fixed Apparitions and Vessels never spawning due to accidently having a really high spawn cost on Forge

-Mobs no longer anger towards you in creative if attacked with a shotgun-fist

-Botanical Decorated Pot texture is now the correct 16x16 size preventing mipmap issues


-Reduced how often ecto slabs emerge from soul swirls (you may need to refresh your configs for this to apply)

-Retextured Sorroweed, new texture by CeasingBonsai



-Reverted previous update's ectoplasm source conversion config. it was causing edge-case critical issues

-Removed 3D Fireball Models entirely, as incompats were still being reported even after extensive polishing and configs



-SporeshroomBlock is now constructor driven so it's easier to add more as mod compat

-GeyserBlock is now constructor driven it's easier to add more as mod compat

-Soul Swirls now emit a low light level when activated & are also constructor driven now

-Added Ectoplasm Source Conversion Config

-Tweaked Warped Wart Beards generation to only spawn at the bottom most block of a huge fungi

-Retextured Warped Wart Beards to blend better with wart blocks

-Added more banshee powder uses, now it can craft Wraithing Flesh & Phasmo Shards

-Sanctums now spawn in some modded soul biomes as well

-Artemis Enchantment is now be properly obtainable in survival from Fortress Chests

-Sanctum Locator Compass now also has a chance to spawn in Fortress Chests alongside chapels

-Sanctums now generate in Concentric Rings like strongholds, meaning it will be less likely to generate near the center or spawn

-Roasted Bones now uses Fire Charge in it's recipe

-Sorrowsquash Stems can now be planed on sorroweed

-Soul Torchflower is now obtainable

-Fossil Fuel burntime has been buffed

-Fully Grown Cerebrage Skulls now drop Cerebrage even when broken (but it's still better to just harvest it with right-click)

-Added Russian Translation

-Updated Simplified Chinease Translations

-Updated Turkish Translations

-Updated Brazilian Portuguese Translations


-Redesigned Fireballs is now disabled by default to fix some edge-case incompats (this fixes the no-layer issue)

-Fixed Crash when EctoSlab tries to pathfind to a LivingEntity which may be null

-Basalt Columns and Lava Deltas no longer intersect Sanctums if it happens to bleed into a Basalt Deltas

-Fixed a bug where Ectoplasm Lakes didn't generate in Forge

-Fixed a bug where wisps couldn't produce suspicious soul sand with bastion remnant loot

-Mist Charge recipe has been removed, meaning it'll no longer appear in JEI

-Ectoplasm Fluid now has a lang entry, fixing an issue with JEI

-Alex's Caves Jellybeans and Caverns & Chasms Tethered Potions now no longer gets affected by the potion stack size change

-Shotgun bullets now properly aggro targets when hit

-Weeping Ivy, Soul Magma Blocks and Soul Swirls should now generate above y=128 if amplified nether is installed

-Ectoplasm buckets now leaves behind an empty bucket as it's crafting remainder

-Inscribed Panel InteractionResults are now consistent

-Releasing a Wisp in a Bottle now swings your hand

-Stampede no longer takes fall damage

-Devils' Bluff suspicious gravel loot was empty, this has now been fixed

-ThrownItemRendererMixin no longer outputs a mixin debug

-BowItemMixin is now a WrapOperation. mods like unionlib shouldn't crash anymore

-Gargoyle Statues cannot be lit on fire anymore

2.1.0 - Halloween Drop


-Added Stampede, a possessed strider variant

-Added Wraithing Lesion, can be harvested for flesh and slowly regenerates overtime

-Retextured Sorrowsquash

-Redesigned Mega Fossils to be less clunky and blend better into terrain

-Added new Mega Fossil Campsite variants

-Added Sorroweed, obtained from bone mealing carved sorrowsquash

-Added Skull on a Stick, used for luring stampede

-Added Devils' Bluff, a small structure which spawns in nether wastes

-Added Cerebrage, cabbage-like farmable food source that grows in skulls

-Added Claret Woodset, made from bone mealing cerebrage

-Added Roasted Bone, a decent food source that can also be used to tame stampedes

-Ecto Soul Sand can now be "tickled" with a brush to force wisps out

-Rebalanced Treacherous Candles to be less brutal in multiplayer

-Hoglin Loin from my nether's delight can now be used to make nether pizza

-Frogs can now trigger ecto slabs in swirls for easier frogmist farms

-Nether Pizza now outputs signal to comparator depending on slices

-Sanctums now spawn further apart from each other

-Piglins now run away from vessels and banshee

-Wart Blocks can now be bone mealed to grow beards making them renewable

-The above change also makes Nether Wart Beards obtainable

-Vessels maximum health has been reduced from 30 to 24 for balancing

-A secret breaker room in the sanctum crypts

-Added German Translation


-Ecto Slab had the wrong attributes on Forge. this has now been fixed

-Vessel glowing bits are no longer blindingly bright when used with certain shaders

-The above fix also means those glowing bits on vessel no longer render as black with some shaders

-Game no longer crashes when apparitions and wisps are shot with Piercing enchant

-Fixed Crash if the fireball model turns null for whatever reason, now it fallbacks to vanilla rendering if this happens

-Soul Soil layers no longer render as snow if "snow! real magic!" is installed

-Fossil Ore now generates in the soul sand valley

-Nether Pizza no longer z-fights

-Nether pizza now gets put into an empty hotbar slot when interacted instead of your hand, which allows it to stack

-Carcass could constantly be re-lit even when it's head was already fire on, this has been fixed

-Bone Cortical now uses the correct top texture

-Removed Gold Experimental Configs, there should be less config spam in your logs now

-Fixed Misaligned segments with pixel-consistent magma cube (which now should also be fixed in Faithful 32x and 64x)

-Rift Armor Trim now generates properly in ruined portal chests on forge

-Game no longer crashes when other mods that mix into AbstractArrow#tick() are used

-Black Ice now also freezes soul sand into soul slate when placed down and not just when updated

2.0.2 - Quality of Life & Improvements


-Tooltip description for Treacherous Flame

-Right-clicking a locked brazier chest now shows a message

-Ghast Fireball Redesign

-Blaze Fireball Redesign

-Dragon Fireball Redesign

-Pump-Charge Upgrade Templates can now be duplicated

-Removed unused items and blocks from registry

-Split retextures into a built-in resource pack (always enabled by default)

-Skeleton Retexture is now in Conflicting Retextures pack

-Buffed Sculk Grinder reward to 450 experience points per treacherous fire

-Added compat for enchantment descriptions

-Nether Pizza is now crafted with Warped Wart instead of Warped Roots

-Added Turkish Translation

-Added Spanish Translation


-All Netherrack Blocks now burn forever

-Only mobs spawned by the Treacherous Candle now attempt to break it

-Stridite and Netherite Plating items are now fire-proof

-Fixed certain blocks not burning soul fire

-Carcasses can now be revived with a fire charge (if for some reason you want to???)

-Banshee Rod now renders properly in third person

-Fixed signs using unique nether wood texture in default pack

2.0.1 - Day One Patch


-Added new Warped Forest ambient track composed by Shroomaniac -Added new Sanctum music disc composed by Shroomaniac -Crimson Sprouts now generate in the Crimson Forest -Added Simplified Chinese translations


-Fixed Sorrowsquash Stem Rendering -Fixed Incompatibility with Nears where Faar bushes couldn't generate -Fixed Mega Fossils generating on top of sanctums


-Release Version

-Overhauled Soul Sand Valley


Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Published 5 months ago
Updated 2 months ago