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2.2.0 - Jack Frosts & Jackhammers Drop

Jack Frosts & Jackhammers Drop

General Changes

-Added Black Ice Glaciers, a new soul sand valley sub-biome

-Added new track "Sublimate" plays in Black Ice Glaciers and composed by Shroomaniac

-Updated Black Ice texture

-Updated Black Ice Particles, it now emits black snowflakes from underneath

-Added Black Icicles, acts like dripstone but more fragile breaking with most projectiles, freezes upon being impaled

-Black Icicles can be loaded into crossbows and shot dealing freezing damage upon impact

-Added Thin Black Ice, shatters if stood on for too long or when jumping

-Added Soul Permafrost, it's slippery and slows you down, useful for easily renewing soul soil or thin black ice

-Ectoplasm now starts freezing you when submerged

-Added Black Strays, a variant of the strays found only in the nether

-Netherite Grates now let light through and render similarly to copper grates

-Soul Sand Valleys now generate mound formations to break-up the repetitive terrain

-Mounds also generate upside-down from the ceiling too

-Hitting a banshee resets it's projectile fire timer

-Banshee sound effects have been entirely redesigned to sound like an actual banshee

-Redesigned Vessel animations

-Vessels now better communicate when they are about to fire

-Vessels can now also be named "DOOM" to trigger the doom easter egg

-Pump-Charge Shotguns can now be pumped even if they are at maximum "pumps" to prevent accidental explosions

-Sanctums now blend better into sorrounding terrain and no longer generate super-close to shoreline preventing weird gravel dunes

-Updated Simplified Chinese Translation

-Added Argentine Spanish Translation

Mod Compat Changes

-Added several compatibility features with some mods

== Oreganized ==

-Jackhammer-Fist, made from shotgun fist and electrum, deals more damage the faster you move

-Antidote for Brain Damage

== Gardens of The Dead ==

-Soulblight Sporeshroom

-Shroomblight, blue shroomlight for soulblight forest

-Blight Swirls

-Yellow Nether Bricks


-Apparitions and Vessels now spawn in the Soulblight Forest

-Ectoplasm Lakes, Soul Magma Blocks, Fossil Ores, Pale Soul Slate and more generate here too

== Rubinated Nether ==

-Soul Ruby Ore, generates in soul magma blocks

== Abnormals Caverns & Chams ==

-Necronium Plating, made from stridite and silver

== All Mods which add Silver (Oreganized, C&C, Galosphere) ==

-Silver Armor slows and damages all Possessed mobs when they hit you


-Soul Magma generation no longer causes regular magma blocks to generate when it's touching netherrack

-Vessel Shooting Animation was bugged. it now properly plays

-Will O' Wisps now no longer go through shields

-Strays and Vessels now create fossil fuel when killed on top of soul soil. previously it wasn't possible

-Carcasses now shouldn't cause your server TPS to drop randomly

-Fixed wart beard bone-mealing not working, they are now renewable again

-Cracked Soul Slate Bricks can now no longer be lit with a flint and steel

-Fixed inconsistencies with magma cube textures

-Some particles weren't being rendererd on client, it has now been fixed

-Soul Torchflower is now plantable on soul sand, soil and nylium blocks

-Soul Torchflower has been added to the creative inventory


Jadens-Nether-Expansion-2.2.0.jar(21.45 MiB) Primary Download


Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Published 5 months ago
Updated 2 months ago