


API for creating featureful loot rewards that go beyond item drops, and can be provided randomly or via loot box choice mechanics.

Client and server Game MechanicsLibraryMinigame

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Simple Data-Driven Loot API that add a more featureful loot system. Reward players with anything, not just items, and supply loot randomly or with a choice-based GUI.

Easy Table Creation

With a straightforward and well-documented Lootable Table json format, easily create and use your loot.

  • Reuse pools! Lootable pools have their own IDs, so can be referenced by that ID in multiple tables.
  • Add to and overwrite tables and pools. A frustration with loot tables is the inability to change content without overwriting the whole table. Lootable Tables are composed during loading like Tags. Add to an existing table, overwrite one pool in a table, even change one field in one pool in one table.
  • See the Wiki for details.

Diverse Rewards

Current reward types include

  • A Single Item
  • Roll a Loot Pool
  • Roll a Loot Table
  • Grant Player XP
  • Heal the Player
  • Attribute boost, temporary or permanent
  • Status effect buff
  • Grant an advancement
  • Apply item modifiers to player-equipped items
  • Custom pool types defined and registered in-code
  • Mix and match pools as you see fit
  • Intricate weighting system for carefully defining loot chances

Loot Choice GUI

Vanilla loot always rolls randomly. Lootables adds a loot-choice system like TFT augments, Slay the Spire deck upgrades, etc. Loot choice GUI. Three tooltip-like choice tiles are shown: gain 15 minutes of water breathing, or gain about 2 XP levels, or get 32 oak planks.

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Updated a month ago