
A "mini F3" HUD mod, also with various overlays like light level, spawn chunks, slime chunks etc.

Client Utility

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MiniHUD 1.21.1-0.32.57


  • various lang file updates (For contributing, see Sakura Ryoko Translate)
  • fix InfoLine positions by @north82
  • rewrite VillagerInfoOverlay entity data system with it's own ticked cache so that it works with the new Pair() / Nbt System, and also so that the Text doesn't flash during the data packet ticks.
  • fix several timing-related issues and with the 'lastEntityData' systems for EntityDataSync.
  • Convert entityDataSync to a Boolean Hotkey, add hudDataSync as a Boolean Hotkey to have the ability to enable/disable this data service. Make both of them now DISABLED by default.
  • cleanup infoServux info line to include it while the HudDataSync is enabled or disabled.
  • add inventoryPreviewVillagerBGColor to show an optional 'Background Color' for each of the Villager trades based on their professions while using Inventory Preview.
  • Sync up various code with MaLiLib & cleanups
  • add: Fox Variants
  • add: infoDolphinTreasure which displays the time that a Dolphin is out of water and IF they are tracking a Treasure Position.
  • add: food tooltips, Custom Model Data tooltips, Lodestone Compass tooltips
  • soften colors (alpha channel) of structure bounding boxes' outer walls
  • fix: the laggy nature of flying fast with Structure rendering enabled by adjusting the max range and Chunk Loading type. This only effects when you are playing on an integrated server (Single Player).
  • feat: add new dateFormatType and durationFormatType drop down options. See the config comment for information on it's use. This modifies the duration and time/date display of the infoTimeIRL and all entity / weather info duration lines.
  • migrate all configs to a newer Path-based system capable of reading / writing files using Unicode characters, such as when using Chinese world names.
  • migrate hud_data config to the per-world json file; which has things like the Seed and Spawn Chunk Radius saved. They never should have been per dimension. This de-duplicates it, and simplifies where it's stored.
  • feat: add hudStatusEffectsShift to disable the status effects shifting of text
  • fix lastUpdatePos for Overlay Renderers, and update the Block Entity by Y level also for use with Free Cam.
  • update entityDataSync cache requeue system & add checks for OP, and add relaed entityDataSyncCacheRefresh config.

NOTE: This will be the last feature build for 1.21, as I will referr it as being LTS



minihud-fabric-1.21-0.32.57.jar(593.18 KiB) Primary Download

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 7 months ago
Updated 20 hours ago