fixed a crash that happeed with speciic mod confiuration
- CompatWoodType:
- Added Integrated Dynamic's menril and its children
- Updated mynethersdelight
- Added Blockus' 2 WoodTypes: white_oak & raw_bamboo
improved some errors and things related to fake player
failsafe will throw an error if client dynamic asset generator is registered on dedicated server
- fixed an issue with fake level
- Updated & Finished SmeltingRecipeTemplate
- Added an exception in BlockTypeRegistry
- CompatWoodType: Added Integrated Dynamics's menril's stripped_log & stripped_wood
- Refactored BlockTypeRegistry
- Updated WoodTypeRegistry
- Updated LeavesTypeRegistry
- Corrected some code that caused the crash
- Added SmeltingRecipeTemplate (Currently WIP)
- CompatWoodType
- Added Environmental's leaves & Fixed EveryCompat's #769
- Added Aether Genesis's leaves - @VoidLeech
- Added one more leaves from Ancient Aether - @VoidLeech
- Updated Unusual End's chorus_cane by adding the rest of children (trapdoor, door, slab, stairs...)
- Removed a duplicated LeavesType Finder that caused the crash with Ancient Aether's crystal_skyroot_leaves