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by: kim10do

Updated ko_kr.lang translation

by: abysschroma

Added Thermal expansion tank textures Updated ja_jp.lang translation

by: PastRina

Updated zh_cn.lang translation

by: blue-bird1

Added Anvil crafttweaker support Added Press crafttweaker support

Changed Assember/Blastfurnace crafttweaker to allow oredict

by: WebmasterAnonymail

Fixed range bug in chicago pile

by: cerph

Fixed control panel typo

by: Th3_Slize

Added Conveyor Boxer Added Conveyor Unboxer Added Conveyor Sorter Added Conveyor Grabber Added Conveyor Lift Added Conveyor Chute Added more Conveyor belts

Updated ru_ru.lang translation

by: Alcater

Added 1.7 Gerald crater Added Tektites Added optimal tool to blocks Added option to keep chemplant oil processing recipes Added a way to save MKU infested items Added rare earth ore chunk item Added mku infection info to items and lung diagnostic Added concrete repair recipes Added "tombstone:ghostly_shape" to default mob rad blacklist Added functions to pick up items from conveyor Added infernal coal to blast furnace fuels Added balefire bomb kit Added RBMK Fuel Uncrafting JEI Tab Added Press and Anvil CT documentation Added experience to default uu-mixer blacklist

Changed Desh and Saturnite battery tiers Changed the Desh battery to not require bismuth and making cyclotron pre RBMK Changed default mk5 time from 30ms to 40ms Changed radial fallout to use the timed system Changed Torex cloud density and reducing frametime Changed rocket exhaust to look similar to 1.7 Changed railguns to shoot small nuclear warheads Changed MKU to ignore people in hazmat Changed DFC to no longer work on desh crates Changed DFC tungsten crate to display SPK Changed DFC beams to indicate spk power Changed Vein mining to make no distinction between lit and unlit redstone ore Changed stamp and blades to have more durability Changed mku syringe to also work on self Changed DNT mobs to be twice as rare Changed Oil drill guis yellow warning to drill ended symbol Changed Oil drills to go deeper Changed DFC cores to go boom only after 3s to fix boom on chunk load Changed DFC emitter beam dmg to be dependent on spk Changed radiate values to not be almost infinite at very low distance Changed HE-RF conversion to double Changed egun to require schrab batteries Changed cyclotron schrab recipe to give 6 nuggets Changed nuke shockwave shake to be capped to 125m size one Changed huge missiles to be 20% smaller Changed DFC to explode after overheating 60s even with jamming so people use stabilizers Changed blastwaves to deal more dmg Changed JEI recipes to be sorted Changed Taintcrab potion effect from radiation to taint Changed Cybercrab shot dmg from 3 to 2 Changed Tesla zap to heal small crabs a bit Changed Tesla beam color from white to white/blue Changed Sellaline corium spawn pos

Removed too cheap polonium rtg recipe Removed depreciated fatman ammo items Reduced TPS lag for Geothermal generators Removed Direct Antimatter extraction bypass

Fixed PR from Th3_Slize Fixed Big nuke particle sizes Fixed de_de.lang misstranslations Fixed Torex ring particle size Fixed barbed wire direction for Desert Atom Fixed HE-RF Converters draining network doe to weight Fixed Siren crafting not accepting oredict Fixed Meteor dungeon skulls and concrete color Fixed bug where special ores would not spawn Fixed optimal tool level for EnumToolType.MINER Fixed gravel duping using concrete recipes Fixed copper cluster oredict Fixed railgun energy tooltip position Fixed control panel typo (found by cerph) Fixed bug where chunk rads would spawn trinitite Fixed MKU Meteor dungeon books Fixed wrong exhaust color issue Fixed EMP crash Fixed Server tool switch crash Fixed waste snow drops Fixed waste ice properties Fixed gas combustion stackoverflow Fixed meteor config Fixed bug where blocks dropped at tiny nukes Fixed mercury nugget glass duping and stack insert Fixed jetpack fuel while on armor Fixed cmb and schrab radiation shielding Fixed RealSim RBMK Beam pos Fixed Meteorite Dungeon Obelisk spawning on trees Fixed energy duping glitch Fixed insert desc Fixed mercury nugget mb amount Fixed fallout silex recipe balance Fixed Sellaline flow Fixed lang maxvalue overflow in dfc reciever gui Fixed grenade render sizes Fixed laser breaking itself after reload Fixed plasma heater not saving its power Fixed conveyor grabber upgrades

Optimized MK5 Nuke - Less RAM, constant TPS, faster processing.

Added Emissive textures Added Chemplant CraftTweaker support Added OC support for Batteries and the Rad sensor Added 7 versions of contaminated Snow and Ice and fallout each

Changed Nuke calculations to be faster Changed Fallout to only spawn from nukes Changed the tank mine model to the 1.7 one Changed Big Nuke calculations to be way faster Changed Fallout to only spawn from nukes Changed schrab revolver to work like the schrab hammer Changed more recipes to use high explosives like in 1.7 Reduced fluid lag Buffed RadHeater

Removed lanthanium from fracturing tower recipe

Fixing translations Fixing inserter Fixing RF bug Fixing cluster tooltips Fixing missing armor model Fixed serverside translations Fixed translation issues Fixed Spinny crash Fixed Worm dying from rads Fixed no shroom for boom Fixed M for <M rads Fixed translation issues Fixed missing textures Fixed gas masks Fixed server crash Fixed IO for RBMK Fixed armor on mobs Fixed RF crash Fixed spinning lights Fixed gamerule doDaylightCycle = false sideeffects Fixed Assembler crash Fixed Conveyor inserter and extractor Fixed gas mask shift render Fixed cordite and ballistite having coal effect Fixed metastable letter nuke Fixed armor on mobs Fixed IO for RBMK columns Fixed bedrock tier lang

by: cerph Added more Control panel mechanics

by: Th3_Sl1ze Added More Translations Added Conveyors and Extractor/Inserter

by: Alcater Added Torex Nuke Added Mk5 Nuke processing Added scortched nuke craters Added N² and Balefire charge Added Launchpad cooldown Added 7 Blockstates per waste block Added Galacticraft sealing to all big doors Added pink log tooltip Added 1.7 Fuel system Added striped concrete Added cable gauge Added peace dimension config Added hazmat potion resistance Added N² Missile Added pocket radar Added contaminated sandstone and terracotta Added item contamination threshold config Added power box recipe Added latex Added Electronium sc battery Added sugar and paper recipe in press Added Bauble support to rad counters Added Hadron guide book Added James cape

Changed RBMK render to be 4x faster but have stretched side texture Changed Nuke and Missile models Changed Nukes to use the new system Changed Batteries to only send to higher tier then themselves Changed Coal gas do half lung dmg Changed lockpicking to require both hands Changed blast dmg balance Changed Radar and Forcefuel model Changed default config to have better values Changed Missiles to use Mk5 system Changed Bossbar colors Changed Xenon-135 production 6x Changed recipes to require less neoveline Changed corium production to give less Changed Armors to work more similar to 1.7 Changed max RBMK column height to 250 Changed broadcaster to not affect people in creative or spectator Changed Factories to spawn NTM

Removed N45 Mine Removed Old Drill Removed unused stuff Removed random sellafite spawning Removed creative battery recipe Removed Wand recipe Removed EntityDrying and EntityRainDrop Removed i131 and co60 decontamination recipes

Fixed Bedrock ores Fixed crash when moving from reloaded Fixed Jetpack and hud sync Fixed Fuel uncrafting exploit Fixed 3rd person armor sneak Fixed Door locking Fixed NTM glas not dropping Fixed Xp loophole Fixed Barrel exploding crash Fixed BlockOldLeaf crash Fixed Door skins Fixed Radiobox Fixed Cheapo crash Fixed Big turret manual control Fixed Jungle dungeon spawning Fixed Ufo and Balls advancemnts and coins Fixed Chopper sounds Fixed pressure pipes crash Fixed DNT armor not working on mobs Fixed vomiting Fixed Powerarmor sneak sound spam Fixed missing fuel values in Blastfurnace Fixed Boiler Fixed Glider falldmg Fixed landing pad armor mod Fixed Aoe mining Fixed siren sound loop Fixed waste uncrafting loophole Fixed riddle Fixed missing revolver texture Fixed drill not going all the way

Added Custom Nuke Solinium, Euphemium Rod

Added Configurable max values to Custom Nuke

Added Xp drops to Ores

Added Configurable crate byte limit

Added Chargers

Added Radresistant 2x1 Door

Added neoveline, coke, lignite, infernal coal, solid fuel, presto logs blocks

Added copper cluster config

Added more colors to item tooltips

Added crafting recipe to Vortex

Added deco block uncrafting

Added cinnabar recipes

Added more storage drum recipes

Added DNT drill

Added RBMK Console Irradiation Channel info

Added Small Reactor - Breeder patch

Added more item compatibility to custom nuke

Added scream upgrade to centrifuges and crystallizers

Added copper cluster

Changed Cracker to be faster

Changed small hatch to be radiation proof

Changed ammo clips to be craftable

Changed graphite to be burnable

Changed Factory speed and mechanics

Changed corebblestone and ancient scrap to have chunkrads

Changed Block hazards to apply when walking on them

Changed Gas to disappear faster

Changed Wither wire dmg

Changed cluster mining level

Changed Leviathan turbine to show power/s

Changed reinforced stone texture

Changed Watz structure to not need the corners

Changed default crucible charges to 16

Changed advanced factory recipe and textures

Changed bedrock ore recipe balance

Changed DFC machine gui info

Changed Fat Man to use first generation lenses

Changed Digamma yield

Changed Maxwel look

Changed Mr Friendly look

Changed Beam look

Changed a few textures

Optimized PressRecipes

Optimized solvent recipe

Optimized watz gui info

Reduced corium radiation

Fixed tool abilities breaking batteries and crates

Fixed Assembler crafttweaker adding of recipes

Fixed toxic grenades

Fixed sellaline spawn on bedrock ore and oil

Fixed rigged star config

Fixed Factory connection issue

Fixed Blast Furnace Particles

Fixed Structure marker void

Fixed missing radiation of blocks and items

Fixed Flechette alt fire not using ammo

Fixed radiation system crash

Fixed anvil recipes not accepting bakelite

Fixed breeder recipes not working with multiple inputs

Fixed phosphor crystal silex recipe

Fixed fiberglass recipe

Fixed storage drum recipes

Fixed typos

Fixed thorium ingot irradiation recipe

Fixed silex reipes

Fixed Large Reactor gui

Fixed Revolver position

Fixed Cable block render

Fixed Excavator render

Fixed Flare stack not burning stuff

Fixed Refinery not saving fluid type

Fixed RBMK Melting down below 1.5k°C bc of cooling order

Fixed Steel furnace automation

Fixed default Heat Exchanging heater fluid type

Fixed Combustion generator voiding stuff

Fixed Mining laser idle rotation

Fixed infinite xp glitch

Fixed outdated Meteorite guide images

Deleted unused stuff


by tyan-boot Added new Gas Flare Added Blast Furnace Extension

Changed Blast Furnace Model

by zach2039 Added CraftTweaker support for fluid combustion Added Config options to Oil pumps

Fixed XP bag Fixed Chunk Radiation

by PastRina Updated Chinese Translation

by Alcater Added Bedrock ore Items

  • They are generated on runtime using the oreDictionary
  • Their colors get picked directly from the resulting resource so it supports resourcepacks and ores from other mods Added Bedrock Ore Blocks and generation Added Heavy Water Added Nitric Acid Added Solvent Added High-Performance Solvent Added Excavator Added Mixer Added UU Mixer Added RBMK Partial meltdowns Added JSON Bedrock Ore Dimension config Added more info to Fluid tooltips Added logarithmic fluid display Added creative bedrock ore changing Added fluid rendering to crystallizer render Added missing mining level to ores Added ILookOverlay to Solar Boiler Added Tier tooltip to Anvils Added config option for bedrock ores Added fluid tooltip to fluid icons Added Borax Powder and Ore Added Cadmium Ingot, Nugget, Dust, Block Added Cadmium Steel Ingot, Dust Added Ferrouranium Ingot Added all new drillbits Added special drops to bedrock ore centrifuge recipes Added Radiosolvent recipe Added euphemium capacitor Added presto and presto triplet log Added bedrock ore tier and fluid req tooltip Added survey scanner support for bedrock ores Added corresponding recipes Added Nuclear Blast Furnace Added Depth Nether Nitanium Ore Added Clean drop destruction Added Baleonitite Added UU Mixer fluid ratio config Added cap loot to GlowingOnes Added Turret ammo gui display Added hover tooltips to turret buttons Added Radioisotope Thermal Heater Added Heat and Heatproduction info for Firebox, Oven, OilBurner, HeatEx Added billet and block support for Big reactor Added Chemplant sounds to Chemfactory Added Laser sounds to MiningLaser Added Balefire, UU-Matter combustion Added fuel, liquidHy, Deut, Trit combustions from other mods Added Support for all combustible fluids for flamethrower Added IE fluid combustion recipes Added Autosetup of RBMK Console Screens and Graph Added Deuterium Extractor Added Deuterium Tower Added Deuterium Filter Item Added IlookOverlay to Hadron Power plug Added Clean blocks Added Solar boiler as JEI catalyst Added Solar Mirror recycling recipe Added translation hook to Contaminating Drop trait Added Partial RBMK Meltdowns Added Radon Gas Mask Filter Added missing Actinium Fragment gathering Added rad resistant fluid ducts and cables Added oredict support to inferno coal Added uu mixer fluid blacklist/whitelist configs Added DFC fuel info to fluid tooltips Added upgrade slots to Fracking tower Added uranium block transmutation Added nullification upgrade to excavator Added bedrock ore support for oil detector Added 3 new advancements

Changed Nuke Furnace to accept any radioactive fuel Changed Energy info of Battery and Chungus to be more compact Changed neutron reflector recipe amounts Changed gasoline heat output to be worth the effort Changed name of dropped item Changed Laser renderings Changed Sellafite to be less brown Changed heater guis to all use the same colors for heat Changed Heat gui to be identical Changed small reactor meltdown to have corium cobble instead of corium Changed Centrifuges to have smooth shading Changed vault door and blast door mining to be quicker Changed Lead block to be toxic Changed asbestos blocks to emit asbestos gas Changed Coal Gas to vanish faster Changed Solar boiler to boil all boilable fluids and be buffed Changed Resource sat to show actual ore colors(with support for ores from other mods) Changed Resource sat to only show ores below the player Changed order of batteries Changed recipes of DNT batteries to be more balanced Changed early game nuclear fuel to last twice as long Changed RBMK fuel melting points to be higher Changed mining level of pickaxes to be more balanced Changed solar mirror light beam to be dependent on sun power Changed FEL gamma rads to be 10x Changed toxic items to be preventable using gas mask with nerve agent filter at low toxicities and requiring also a hazmat at higher toxicity levels Changed Asbestos block to emit gas quicker Changed Fluid info to hide default temp Changed bedrock ore nuggets to come at later stage Changed Contaminating drops to not radiate if on clean blocks Changed hadron mode to look like in jei Changed Solar Power Changed order of RBMK Console stats Changed S.A.F.E reactor to have a button instead of a fuse Changed biofuel recipe to include ethanol Changed upgrade tooltips to have indentations Changed S.A.F.E reactor power output by x40 Changed DFC rendering scales and off look Changed name of coated red copper cable to red copper cable block as both are coated Changed Silex texture to reflect that it has a bottom port Changed plasma grenades to only destroy weak blocks Changed Tungsten Crate to be rad resistant Changed Gas mask filter to show more decimals and durability Changed some textures Changed turret gui and test colors Changed nuclear creeper advancement radius Changed plasma grenades to be useable indoors Changed Bedrock ore processing recipes Changed fluid burner heat capacity Changed Chekhov to be able to use flechette ammo

Fixed Flame particles on nuke furnace Fixed fluid ducts not connecting to MiningLaser Fixed fluid gui postions Fixed Nuclear Transmutation crashes Fixed Meteor particle issue in unloaded chunks Fixed hazmat kit repair crafting Fixed slot issues for Refinery and Centrifuge Fixed oredict output conversion of assembler and chemplants Fixed Gas Mining Fixed Small Reactor leaking Fixed Meteors breaking bedrock Fixed Laser color interpolation Fixed Chemplant slot 4 not getting consumed Fixed CMB Jei displaying the wrong fluid Fixed coolant cells having the wrong color Fixed Lapis Lazuli Crystal transltaion Fixed Vault-Tec chat messages Fixed Fritz gui Fixed unclear item description Fixed Anvil recipe for Nuclear Waste Drums Fixed Meteor Sword Hand and Ground Rendering Fixed Centrifuge directional input Fixed Generic Imports - we don't need to import all 31 interfaces Fixed Blast Door not opening the neighbors Fixed Vault Door having open and close flipped and not setting the timer Fixed fleija explosion breaking bedrock ores/oil Fixed colors, formating, order of fluid tooltips Fixed crafttweaker recipe replacement Fixed bedrock ore fluid requirement balance Fixed broken cyanide easter egg Fixed Fracking tower not having ports rendered Fixed ducts placed by other players not getting color synced Fixed Pumpjack/Oil Well not going to bedrock level Fixed chemfactory item duping via adjacent machine Fixed crystallizer item I/O Fixed Mining Laser bag placement Fixed Turbofan not sucking players - thx to bob for finding Fixed Osmiridium anvil texture Fixed Jetpack controls Fixed solar beams not reaching solar boiler Fixed Firebox betterfoliage particle crash Fixed missing hover tooltips in RBMK Storage Gui Fixed Crash when setting fluid types of fraction tower on a server Fixed RBMK redstone control not working on a server Fixed flashing when having [blinding] item and spider milks Fixed missing shift click of chemfactory Fixed barrel info render pos Fixed dickmask bug Fixed DFC negative power bug Fixed DFC injector not inputting fluids Fixed armor mod of other players not being rendered where the player is Fixed goggles clipping Fixed Bathwater mod not working Fixed effect upgrade assembler recipe Fixed hidden catalogue prices Fixed Small turret dmg being to high Fixed Gas Mask Filters not breaking Fixed Tungsten Crate gui not being hot Fixed NO_ID and NO_CONTAINER not working Fixed crude oil having unused temp Fixed potion effect of armors flickering Fixed survey scanner scan point distribution Fixed tau turret rotating off-axis Fixed Small reactor radblock scanning Fixed transmutation crash when input item is of count 1 Fixed bobmazon advanement triggers overlap Fixed missing blockstates and models Fixed solid fluid duct not showing extraction mode Fixed scaffold texture Fixed schrabidium armor texture Fixed MASER energy balance Fixed hazmat rounding errors Fixed missing bedrock ore config entries Fixed missing harvest lvl for Depth Rock Fixed fragment spawn Fixed Wrench aspect ratio

Removed missleading tooltips Removed unused assets Removed unused crystallizer fluid template slot Removed unused classes Removed unused textures Removed unused interface

First Version on Modrinth

The Heat Update

by Freon Added new small Turret Models

by pazzo1972 Updated Italian Translation

by tyan-boot Added Fluid Heat Exchanger Added Heating Oven Added Fireclay and Firebrick Added Oil Burner Added Chemfactory

by Alcater Added UU Matter fluid Added UU Matter Gigafactory Added Electric Heater Added Iron Furnace Added Meteor Charms Added experience fluid Added gui cross to Josh Added enchant glow to biggest lead and schrab apples Added new revolver models Added RBMK Emergency Freezer Added RBMK Fluid Heater Added hot coolant Added other mod oil compat Added Anvil RBMK uncrafting recipes Added IC2 coolant heating support Added RBMK tooltips Added Landmide defusing Added Config Option to disable jumpboost of servos and armor Added UU Gigafactory recipe Added CraftTweaker Support for Fluid Heat Recipes Added THE VOICES Added screwdriver oil burner setting without opening gui Added hand drill oil burner setting reduce

Changed Power armor step sounds Changed desh motor and servo textures to look like desh Changed ore radiation Changed gas centrifuge gui and uranium hex recipe Changed crystallizer gui to the 1.7 one Changed toxic items to be less severe Changed rbmk projectile speed to be higher Changed some textures Changed Mining Drill texture Changed Chemfactory battery texture to fix NTM E Changed Occult shotgun texture and item rotation Changed Chemfactory to coolant as water would break water recipes and clog it Changed oil heater max throughput

Fixed Chemfactory item input Fixed Chemfactory item output Fixed Chemfactory particle alignment Fixed Oil Well and Pumpjack breaking bedrock oil Fixed Josh rendering Fixed grammar in rbmk guide Fixed turrets targeting owner Fixed transmutation crash Fixed radiation engine balance Fixed crash when placing spitfire and tau turrets Fixed billet crafting recipes Fixed lunar chestplate being uncraftable Fixed armor plate anvil recipe Fixed RBMK blowup non-destruction bug - fix by bob Fixed bullet serverside crash Fixed Diode prio cycling Fixed Diode Ilook bug at relog Fixed desh screwdriver not working on control panel Fixed missing hazards for logs Fixed Radgen gui info Fixed gas mask crash Fixed turrets not saving player list Fixed gas canister crash Fixed Pumpjack and Oil well power consumption Fixed Audio Armor geiger Fixed DiFurnace Automation Fixed Boiler Production rate Fixed Big Reactor pipe unconnecting Fixed firebox door closing Fixed fire particles for fireboxbase and steel furnace Fixed burn sound for fireboxbase and steel furnace Fixed xCoords being null and not working hindering sound and particles Fixed HEV rad Hud Fixed toxic protection for HEV, AJR, AJRO Fixed Coolant Recipe

Credit for THE VOICES sound goes to LARA'S HORROR SOUNDS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CBXWl-GvsU

Project members




Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated 10 months ago