Santa's Toys

Santa's Toys


Cheaper single-use fire starters, infinite use guns that may cause explosions, and more!

Client and server AdventureEquipmentUtility

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Santa's Toys is a small collection of minor features and tweaks to vanilla features.

Please see the wiki for the most exhaustive and up to date information.

What this mod adds


  • Match: A single use fire starter. No more partially damaged flint and steels taking up valuable storage space after only crafting one to go to the nether.
  • Heavy Light: Glowstone with gravity. Useful for lighting up ravines.
  • Ender Blaster: Shoots ender pearl projectiles causing 5 damage to entities. Ineffective against ender mobs. Requires an ender pearl in the player's inventory but does not consume it.
  • Nether Blaster: An upgraded version of the Ender Pearl Blaster, shoots nether stars which cause explosions. Causes extra damage to withers. Requires a nether star in the player's inventory but does not consume it.

Vanilla tweaks

  • Gunpowder explodes when it catches on fire.
  • Wreak havoc on villages and your friends by throwing bricks through their windows and giving them concussions.

Legacy features

  • Block of Damn Giving: A joke block. Honestly I don't remember why I created it. Removed in 0.6.0
  • Spiced Sand: Sand mixed with blaze rods. Causes damage and sets on fire entities that walk on it. Can also be found very rarely in the nether. Removed in 0.7.0 due to being made obsolete by vanilla Magma Block.


Thank you Javier Zumer for the Ender and Nether Star Blaster sound effects.

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Licensed Custom License
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago