Santa's Toys

Santa's Toys


Cheaper single-use fire starters, infinite use guns that may cause explosions, and more!

Client and server AdventureEquipmentUtility

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  • NEW: Ported to Minecraft 1.20.4.
  • NEW: Liquid Sensor. Outputs a redstone signal when adjacent to a liquid. Right click to invert (outputs a signal when not adjacent to a liquid). (#26)
  • Fix lang files not loading (#23)

Released on December 8, 2023.

  • UPGRADE: NeoForge stable build 86
  • NEW: Fire sounds for ender and nether star blasters (sounds courtesy of Javier Zumer) (#15)
  • REMOVE: Spiced Sand is removed as it is made irrelevant by vanilla's Magma Block (#21)
    • The config file is removed, as its only value was related to Spiced Sand.
  • FIX: Match now works on TNT
  • FIX: Ender blaster rounds no longer go through blocks
  • FIX: Add forgotten loot table for Heavy Light (i.e., it now drops itself instead of nothing)
  • FIX: Improve brick particle spread

Released on November 16, 2023 for Minecraft 1.20.2.

  • NEW: Ported to Minecraft 1.20.2
  • NEW: New vanilla tweak: gunpowder will explode if it catches on fire (#13)
  • NEW: New vanilla tweak: throw bricks at your friends and break their windows (#14)
  • TWEAK: Heavy Light now produces light while it's falling (#12)
  • FIX: Ender and Nether Blasters are now rendered in 3D (#1)
  • REMOVE: Block of Damn Giving
  • LOCALIZATION: Tagalog translations (Yivan) (#10)

Released on July 24, 2015 for Minecraft 1.7.10.

  • FIX: Fixed Spiced Sand localization (#5)
  • FIX: Removed debug prints that spammed the console when the Spiced Sand was used (#4)

Released on July 24, 2015 for Minecraft 1.7.10.

  • NEW: Spiced Sand
  • NEW: Spanish translation
  • FIX: Heavy Light recipe uses OreDict entry ingotIron instead of hardcoded Minecraft Iron Ingot.
  • FIX: Nether Blaster recipe no longer tries to register itself if the Ender Blaster is disabled. This could have potentially cause a crash.
  • FIX: Removed unused Sapling Blaster stuff until it's actually functional.

Released on November 23, 2014 for Minecraft 1.7.10.

  • NEW: Chinese translation
  • TWEAK: Ender Blaster no longer hurts the Ender Dragon.

Released on October 1, 2014 for Minecraft 1.7.10.

  • NEW: Add Heavy Light block
  • NEW: Add config stuff.
  • TWEAK: Removed unused stuff from lang file.
  • FIX: Fixed problem with the Block of Damn Giving. It used to only show the animation on one face. It is now a rotated pillar, and basically works like a log.

Released on August 21, 2014 for Minecraft 1.7.10.

  • NEW: Logo image!
  • NEW: file!
  • NEW: Block of Damn Giving
  • TWEAK: The unlocalized names defined in the ItemInfo class weren't being used.
  • FIX: Removed unused language registry stuff from ItemHandler.

Released on August 10, 2014 for Minecraft 1.7.10.

  • TWEAK/FIX: Gave the EntityEnderBlast and EntityNetherStarBlast gravity. It existed since 0.1, but had 0.0F velocity, causing it to stay in the air until it collides. It is now 0.01F.
  • TWEAK/FIX: Removed console messages stating in caps which FML Initialization event it was currently in (FMLPreInitializationEvent, FMLInitializationEvent, or FMLPostInitializationEvent), that I used and added in 0.2.1 to debug.

Released on August 2, 2014 for Minecraft 1.7.10.

  • FIX: Vanilla Render class was being referenced on client and server side. It is now a client-side thing, as it should've been in 0.1/0.2 or whatever version that was. This means that servers can now use this mod without having an NPE.

Released on July 29, 2014 for Minecraft 1.7.10.

  • NEW: Ported to Minecraft version 1.7.10
  • NEW: Creative tab!
  • NEW: Removed config stuff until there is a reason for it.
  • TWEAK: Changed unlocalized name in item classes to use the ItemInfo class directly, rather than setting it in the item class itself. This doesn't change much, just makes it future proof in case I want to change an unlocalized name later on.
  • TWEAK: Changed unlocalized name in to use the ItemInfo class directly, rather than setting it in the ItemHandler itself. Same reason as above.

Released on July 23, 2014 for Minecraft 1.6.4.

  • Initial release.

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Licensed Custom License
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago