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  • Fixed a lag issue related to the Octopeteuthis.
  • Added an alternate recipe for purple glass to match other alternates.
  • Fixed incorrect information for cinnabar spawning in the field guide (Closes #2863)
  • Fixed the guide saying the wrong tool tier for Lapis and Opal (Closes #2870)


  • Update zh_tw (#2817), ko_kr (#2826) localization


  • Fix crash caused in edge case by snow/ice removal during world generation (#2860)
  • Fix explosions caused by gunpowder bowls not consuming the gunpowder (#2856)
  • Fix horses not getting overburdened by more than one heavy/huge item (#2854)
  • Fix crash when setting the config option enableLeavesDecaySlowly to true (#2848)

Technical Changes

  • Tag #tfc:seeds as #forge:seeds (#2851)
  • Fix advanced shaped recipes validation for input row/column preventing some possible valid recipes.


  • Fix crash when using Create's ponder with a scene with an animal while it was raining (#2842)

Brought to you from Arkansas,


  • Fix crucibles overwriting the temperature of their output to the temperature of the crucible, not the temperature of the input when melting (#2819)
  • Fix anvil plans getting reset when working on client-side, along with other client-side issues related to capability sync (#2822)
  • Fix some vanilla bamboo items being craftable when they were not intending to be (#2833)
  • Fix raw eggs not being able to be cooked (#2834)
  • Fix flickering nutrition / health bars when hunger decays on client (#2835)

Another small crash fix of the "this worked in dev" variety. Unfortunately, this arose because our compiler decided to do something different from what it has been doing for a ~year, forcing us to rename a method. This release may break addons as a result, although it should be a fairly straightforward update.


  • Fix crash due to IFluidLoggable.m_5888_ (#2812)
  • Fix baby horses only inheriting speed from one parent (#2813)

One small "this worked in dev" fix:

  • Fix crash on startup due to mixin remapping issue.

This release was long overdue, and for that I apologize. In other news, if you have not been aware we are currently working on a port to 1.21, along with several new or improved features. Unfortunately that does partially take the blame for the delayed-ness of this release.


  • The way nutrition affects health is slightly adjusted. Essentially, losing hunger will now cause the effect of nutrition loss, and eating food will always restore nutrition (and health). This in practice, means you will be at a slightly lower health when you are not at full hunger than you would've been before. High nutrition health bonus received a small buff to compensate, as it will be harder to stay at maximum nutrition.
  • Update localizations for zh_cn, zn_tw, zh_hk (#2798), ru_ru (#2774), and uk_ua (#2760)


  • Fix network compatibility with vanilla servers for use in proxies (#2753)
  • Fix food combining recipe creating unwanted container items (#2788)
  • Fix empty composter having a solid shape and not allowing players to sit inside it
  • Fix an edge case where instant-mining a snow pile would delete the block underneath as well (#2759)
  • Fix ice piles voiding blocks above when melting (#2780)
  • Fix dried seaweed not turning into soda ash when heated
  • Fix the direction of a windmill not getting saved when the last windmill blade was removed
  • Fix placement issues with windmill blades (#2802)
  • Fix misaligned tooltips when using TFC's patchouli components in custom page layouts (#2805)

A few small bugfixes, and one rather important one from the previous release!


  • Fix food items not cooking in heat devices (#2748)
  • Fix lighting already lit devices instantly voiding fuel (#2746)
  • Fix a config typo (#2745)

Another small update with some small features and fixes.


  • Added JEI recipe transfer handler functionality (the "+" button to autofill the recipe.) to various TFC menus. (#2735)
  • Add two Rustic and Lattice Windmill Blades for alternative windmill styles (thanks alekiponi!)
  • Update the shape of lake biomes, adding small mid-lake islands that can appear
  • Climate and Biome generation tweaks:
    • Lakes cause a localized rainfall increase near them
    • Increase rainfall near-ocean bias, and adjust average rainfall slightly downwards to compensate. Inland areas are more dry, costal areas are more rainy
    • Add highly localized, potent, rainfall influence from nearby rivers (the splash image above).
    • Add a max rainfall that badlands biomes appear at
    • Add a min rainfall that low, freshwater-heavy biomes (lowlands, low canyons) appear at
  • Removed the "place an encased axle on top of an axle" functionality, that was responsible for deleting the axle. This was from an older iteration of axle/encased axles/axle casings and did not make sense with the fact that an "Encased Axle" already contains an axle.
  • Bread, Cooked meat are now heatable, and can burn (be lost) if heated too hot


  • Fix rare climate chunk artifacts at the edge of region borders (typically in deep oceans)
  • Fix pot recipes with item stack providers using input-based modifiers not working (affects addons/datapacks only)
  • Fix stick duplication loop involving fruit tree leaves
  • Fix duplicated recipes showing on the sewing table screen
  • Fix familiarity appearing to decay on client until interacted with, in certain situations (#2736)

Another small update with some small features and fixes.


  • Added JEI recipe click areas to various TFC menus, which when clicked open the list of recipes in JEI for that device (#2730)
  • Kelp in oceans generates less tall on average, and should reach the surface of the ocean less often


  • Fixed Distant Horizons' distant world generation causing chunk corruption and crashes (#2661)
  • Fixed food added by addons/packs decaying in creative tabs, and JEI views
  • Fixed nutrition not working properly after death:
    • In peaceful mode, fast passive regeneration not applying
    • Rotten food never giving adverse effects when eaten
    • The "Full Nutrition" advancement not triggering
  • Fixed two missing recipes in the Field Guide
  • Fixed a typo in the "Leather" advancement

Technical Changes

TFC's noise caves are now controllable via Density Functions. The defaults are located here, for anyone who wishes to delve into the realm of noise generation.

A small update, with some fixes and updated localization.


  • Updated localization for Russian, Polish


  • Fix temperature interpolation being reversed on a chunk basis, causing the temperature in chunks to be subtly different across chunk borders (< 0.1°C)
  • Fix undo recipes for cobble and mossy cobble slabs and walls (#2726)
  • Fix a duplication exploit involving the Corpse mod (#2676)
  • Fix knapping recipes using an ingredient, with a knapping type requiring >1 item, to display correctly in JEI (#2725)
  • Fix some pot recipes from addons/datapacks not displaying properly in JEI (#2712)
  • Fix some confusing wording in the Bloomery section of the Field Guide

Technical Fixes

  • ClientSelfTestEvent now fires regardless of if -ea is present
  • Pot recipes that use ItemStackProviders must now obey one of two conditions:
    • All item stack providers must not depend on the input
    • There must be an equal number of inputs and providers, and all providers must be identical. This must occur because there is no internal matching from ingredients -> providers, and so any input slot may be matched up to any provider. Output of the recipe is undefined behavior if this rule is not followed.

If you are new to TFC, welcome! We are excited to have you. This build contains a month's worth of fixes, some of which were submitted by hard-working community members, and includes some cool new features to play with. There's also a pile of technical changes suited to addon and packmakers as well as new things for technical players.


  • Added windmill blade variants.
  • Allow creating mud from clicking dirt with a bucket of water.
  • Revamped the Cooking Pot GUI.
  • Added a 5 second delay between adding ingredients to the pot that match a recipe and the pot boiling. This should make it easier to make soups with 5 ingredients.
  • Allow using modded pipes on the cooking pot. (#2682)
  • Added baked potatoes. Nerfed raw potatoes.
  • In 'shore' type biomes, the wind system now uses the ocean's predictable 'trade wind' functionality, rather than using the random land wind system.
  • Changed the bloomery to require both charcoal and ore to be present to begin accepting items. This fixes an issue where mining the bloom block would sometimes immediately cause the bloom items to be sucked into the bloomery. However, this change does not prevent you from putting incorrect or inefficient ratios of items into the bloomery! We are seeking feedback on this change, please visit us in Discord if you have questions.
  • Made the familiarity decay limit, the value at which familiarity stops decaying daily, configurable. This means that setting this value to zero makes familiarity never decay.
  • Added a jade tooltip asking players to flatten poured glass blocks.
  • Dead crops can now be replaced by grass blocks that spread in warm weather. Enjoy weeds in your garden!
  • Allow picking plants up with shears.
  • Fresh seaweed now can be composted, and also is now considered a vegetable.
  • Allow composting the inedible seaweed block.
  • Tall wild crops can now be buried by snow in the winter.
  • Reset the height of short grass when it is buried by snow in the winter. This should provide some more seasonal variation in areas that the player is in often.
  • Allow the quern to interact with hoppers.
  • Rabbits are now fully-fledged livestock, and can be bred! Enjoy cuniculture!
  • Added fox meat.
  • Spawn eating particles when feeding an animal.
  • Sticks removed from wattle blocks are now returned to the player rather than dropped on the ground.
  • Changed sluice loot to not always drop pumice for certain rocks that contain pumice, allowing you to still obtain loose rocks some of the time.
  • The soda ash recipe now requires a higher temperature than before, making it possible to cook kelp into dried kelp in a forge without it immediately turning to ash. (#2696)

Technical Changes

  • Made it easier for addons to make things work with barrel racks.
  • Added a interface for barrel recipes to expose them to addons more readily.
  • Made pot recipes work with Item Stack Providers.
  • Adjusted stack size of redstone to be 64 to match other 'powders'.
  • Exposed the max support range value to addons.
  • Added a small API for blocks that have special behavior when buried by snow (like fallen leaves turning into humus)


  • Allow taking ash out of pots and grilles without removing the pot. (#2683)
  • Fix some sounds including anvil hit sounds being stereo instead of mono.
  • Fix some plant blocks being pushed by pistons rather than being destroyed.
  • Fix an issue where adding water to the pot would not cause the pot to update whether or not it was ready to boil or not.
  • Fix querns being able to operate without a handstone after the handstone was broken by an axle. (#2675)
  • Fix some typos in the book.
  • Fix some mismatches in our loading screen textures.
  • Fix icicles causing a lack of friction on the block above (i.e. standing on vanilla ice blocks under a slab) (#2693)
  • Fixed (again) squids spawning inside walls and immediately suffocating. (#2580)
  • Fixed some plant blocks and items having incorrect colors (#2432, #2424)
  • Fix grinding colored items (such as plants) in a quern not releasing colored particles (#2605)
  • Fix bad shading on the jar shelf model (#2585)
  • Fix the 'ghost block renderer' being broken for some models. (#2552)
  • Fix rabbits not being able to jump.
  • Fix high carbon black steel having a missing texture when placed on the ground.
  • Fix the 'show hoe overlays only when shifting' config not working (#2702)
  • Fix two block tall dead crops dropping seeds from the top block, causing some unintended behavior and possible exploits. (#2670)
  • Fix the new cobblestone decoration un-crafting recipes being unavailable for slabs and walls.


  • Added sandpaper for polishing gems.
  • Made jam pot recipes more extensible for datapacks & addon mods.
  • Add config option for powderkeg fuse time.
  • Add config option for making powderkegs only break natural blocks.
  • Fix charcoal forge UI bug (#2677)
  • Fix field guide issue (#2678)
  • Fix frog legs not having any food data and being unable to be cooked.
  • Removed a couple unused tag entries.
  • Fix glow arrows not working as expected
  • Prevent using vanilla trim materials (this can be tweaked via datapack if you want, but these will not work on TFC items anyway without an external API)

This update finally brings Armor Trims to TFC! Enjoy!


  • Added the sewing table, a new functional block with its own simple minigame!
    • The sewing table can produce banner patterns as well as smithing templates.
    • To sew a pattern, you need wool cloth, burlap cloth, as well as string. You then must assemble these elements in a given shape using a bone sewing needle to craft the item.
    • Vanilla's loom and smithing table can be used to apply armor trims.
    • In TFC, all gems, along with Sterling Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, and Bismuth, can be used as trim materials. Vanilla materials will not work.
  • Added smooth mud bricks
  • Added a sound that plays when pit kilns finish
  • Hitting a sealed barrel with a stick now plays a bass drum sound.
  • You can now destroy icicles by shooting them with a projectile, or by hitting them with a hammer.
  • The model shape of icicles and calcite is now simpler.
  • The lengths of icicles are now randomized.
  • Sea ice will now break when fallen on.
  • Breaking snow layers in creative now destroys the entire snow layer block.
  • Set some tfc mobs to walk on powder snow and not freeze when inside it.


  • Added some missing vanilla item tags related to tools as well as some entity tags
  • Fixed squids not being summonable through normal means
  • Fixed a bug where the Octopeteuthis would slow down the game (behold it's great power!)
  • Fixed powderkeg explosions not damaging the igniter
  • Fix anvils not using the 'anvil' sound type.
  • Fixed snow and ice forming on water wheels
  • Fixed the missing frog loot table. Enjoy your frog legs!

This update brings tweaks to world generation, a reworked bloomery, some fixes and various other minor improvements. Enjoy!


  • The bloomery has had a significant rework with how it consumes fuel and ore (#2669)
    • The separate "fuel slots" and "ore slots" are now merged - the bloomery has capacity for 16 items per layer, up to a maximum of 48
    • The output of the bloomery is now based on the mix of ore and charcoal. One bloom is produced for every 100 mB of iron, and 2x charcoal.
    • The Field Guide has been updated with this new information
  • World generation changes:
    • Shores found near oceans / beaches are now more varied, and can form rocky cliffs, small ledges, or gradual slopes
    • The "Inverted Badlands" biome is less common, primarily in high altitude areas, where it blended poorly with higher altitude biomes
    • Both types of "Badlands" biomes generate less sand, and more grass, in higher rainfall areas
    • Banana trees are now much more common (#2652)
  • Moss now will grow on blocks which are contacted on any side by water, not just directly above
  • Added a slider in the world generation customization screen for "grass density", which affects all TFC placed grass features
  • Added an ru_ru localization for the Field Guide (#2653)


  • Fix sheet piles generating incorrect particles when tapped, broken, either in the wrong location or with the wrong metal
  • Fix single-count sheet piles dropping as an item when broken in creative mode
  • Fix empty molds not stacking in certain situations when they should (#2651)
  • Fix ingot piles making unknown texture particles when broken
  • Fix ingot pile extract returning an item in creative mode
  • Fix the "stack food" keybind voiding inputs if you hovered over the output slot of the inventory crafting menu
  • Fix issues with interacting with lamps, either filling, draining, or lighting. They should behave much more predictably now (#2649)
  • Fix spectating non-players breaking the experience bar rendering
  • Fix a typo in an advancement description
  • Fix being able to shift-click items into a pot while boiling (#2654)
  • Fix scythe not working in creative mode (#2666)
  • Fix client-side particles behaving in non-random ways when certain situations were present (#2665)
  • Fix river height not being included in structure lookahead - this should prevent structures (i.e. villages) from generating "floating" over rivers
  • Remove (broken) Antique Atlas support (#2664). For more information, please read the associated commit message
  • Fix a slab duplication exploit involving the chisel
  • Fix the highlight boxes for i.e. chisel placement, sluice highlights, not drawing when viewed from certain angles.

For Pack Makers

This update changes the format of a bloomery recipe in one important but required way. The catalyst field of a Bloomery Recipe has changed from an Ingredient to an ItemStackIngredient, in tandem with the reworked behavior described above.


  "catalyst": {
    "item": "minecraft:charcoal"


  "catalyst": {
    "ingredient": {
      "item": "minecraft:charcoal"
    "count": 2


  • Made blood lilies an indicator for kaolin clay
  • Made kaolin clay grass appear as silt grass in Jade.
  • Added a process of making parchment from animal hides.
  • Added pumice groundcover rocks.
  • Reworked fire spreading to prevent fire spreading through solid blocks.
  • Reworked wind:
    • The wind direction in oceans is now largely predictable and based on the z coordinate
    • The wind in oceans switches directions at night.
    • Thunder levels are no longer a factor in how strong wind is. This should make storms a bit less severe.
  • Allow pot recipes with no items (#2639)
  • Re-added an API for restricting structure spawning based on climate. Use the tfc:climate structure placement to take advantage of this.
  • Allow creeping plants to be placed on any solid surface (#2566)


  • Fix the melt amount of wrought iron grills being wrong (#2642)
  • Fix an issue that caused problems depending on TFC in a dev environment (#2638)
  • Fix projected disc veins not being compatible with indicators (#2588)
  • Fix being able to place items with 'V' in adventure or spectator mode
  • Re-disable sodium/embeddium's mixins to biome colors (#2279)
  • Fix reused ingredients in meals not combining nutrient values (#2637)
  • Disabled vanilla bed recipe (#2647)
  • Disabled vanilla lantern recipe


  • Fix kelp generating above sea level
  • Reduce frequency of giant kelp generation


  • Firepit smoke particles now appear at longer distance, a. la. vanilla campfire particles.
  • Add "Hold Ctrl" links for Kaolin clay to the Field Guide.
  • Updated textures for Alabaster, models for raw stone to reduce weird edges between certain block textures.
  • Updated zh_cn translation.


  • Fixed rotation issues with certain orientations of water wheels. (#2619)
    • Jade tooltip didn't display a rotation speed.
    • Quern would not finish grinding.
  • Fix World Edit not being able to interact with TFC fluid-loggable blocks. (#2526)
  • Fix a snow duplication exploit.
  • Fixes for kelp world generation causing floating items, broken plants.
  • Fix crash and world corruption after using Create's Tree Fertilizer.
  • Fix Embeddium causing food rotten color overlay to not display.
  • Fix subtitle for Goats / Rams ramming entities.


  • Fix doDaylightCycle being set to false in rare situations.

A few minor fixes, including a fix for the "the sun stopped moving" bug that had been hitting people sporadically.


  • Fix doDaylightCycle being set to false in rare situations.
  • Fix /tfc count command not functioning (#2623)
  • Fix visual issues which could occur when items were heated beyond the "max visible temperature" (i.e. 1600°C ~ Brilliant White)

Technical Changes

  • Remove tag entries for iron + copper powder being tagged as forge:dust/iron, forge:dust/copper (#2620)
  • Add #minecraft:leaves, #minecraft:saplings to the tag for harvestable by a sharp tool (i.e. scythe, knife)
  • Fix addon-dev-only crash due to invalid config value read in getDecayDateModifier() (#2599)


Licensed EUPL-1.2
Published a year ago
Updated 19 days ago