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  • Added compatibility with "Better With Time" Battle Axe item to not consume hunger when breaking grass blocks
  • Fixed a bug where loose dirt was acting like a block that can be mortared.
  • Fixed a bug where all ore blocks broken with any enchanted pickaxe would drop as if they were mined by Silk Touch
  • Fixed nether brick cooking recipes being reverted
  • Changed/fixed the COBBLESTONE_CRAFTING_MATERIALS tag from adding Cobblestone as material and moved it to the BTWR-SL mod.
  • Added missing block tags to newly added nether brick blocks which made them take too long to break.
  • Removed Fortune enchantment working on Diamond & Emerald ores. It will only work on metalic and non-gemstone ores like Redstone/Lapis
  • Updated the mod to Fabric API 0.115.0, Fabric Loader 0.16.0 & BTWR Shared Library 0.47
  • Added Packed Earth and Packed Earth Slab blocks!
  • Fixed a bug where netherrack was still a falling block, but lacked proper block updates and that's why I didn't notice it earlier.
  • Fixed a critical bug and removed the ability to make blocks falling per dimension & removed falling netherrack. This will be pushed back for a later update.
  • !!!Block/Item breaking update -> Rewrote the names of some stone/stone brick blocks items which will cause them to disappear from the world/inventories. Please back up your worlds if you don't want to lose them. With all of that being said, keep in mind the project is still in alpha. The mod will likely get a solid rewrite once both before beta & release, then everything should remain relatively untouched to not mess up already existing worlds of players.

  • Added recipe for making stone brick items from crafting smooth stone blocks together with a modern/advanced chisel in a crafting bench.

  • Changed "turned falling blocks" so that now the dimensions they can fall in has to be defined with the "CAN_FALL_IN_X" (x for dimension) when adding blocks in the "TURNED_TO_FALLING_BLOCKS" block tag.

  • Netherrack is now a falling block in the overworld by default.

  • Added White stone & cobblestone slabs & stairs.

  • Added Nether bricks, stairs and slab blocks.

  • Added Unfired Nether Brick item and it's placeable block counterpart.

  • Added "very compact" loose stair recipes for all stone brick type blocks. (3 items in L shape to singular stair recipe)

  • Improved the conditions for breaking blocks that have their speed modified (still, we probably need a better modification for those...)

  • Improved logic for playing sound when crafting chisel tool items.

  • Improved code for mortaring blocks. It should work slightly better now.

  • Fixed the breaking block sound group for deepslate (stone) converting block

  • Fixed recipes for stone brick blocks to give the proper amount of bricks on conversion recipes (block-item recipes)

  • Fixed bricks slab vanilla loot table to drop its loose counterpart

  • Fixed some missing recipes & loot tables for the stone/deepslate stone brick blocks.

  • Changed the mod block tag "Loose Stone Blocks" to "Loose Full Blocks"

  • Removed (brought back) the ability to break fire blocks by hand

  • Updated the mod to Fabric API 0.114.0 & BTWR-SL 0.40

  • Added Nether Sludge item. It's sludge time!
  • Added Loose Stone Bricks and Loose Cobbled Deepslate Bricks blocks & all of their variants.
  • Added some missing stairs and loose slab blocks variants for some blocks.
  • Added some extra block tags for loose blocks
  • Made Fire block inextinguishable by hand
  • Made hoe items have different breaking speeds when HC breaking speed is enabled
  • Changed (rebalanced) the strength and blast resistance values for some loose stone blocks slightly
  • Fixed Loose Bricks block & slab texture to be more "loosy". lol
  • Added a missing recipe for converting loose bricks block to 8 bricks
  • Fixed deepslate ores loot tables to drop ore with any pickaxe
  • Fixed deepslate ores turning to regular converting stone on partial break
  • Fixed the name of "Loose Cobblestone" block to display properly
  • Fixed wrong "Loose Dirt Slab" & "Loose Calcite" names
  • Fixed loose aggregate slabs to turn to their full counterparts instead of becoming "double slab"
  • Fixed a bug that caused andesite/granite/diorite blocks to drop stone brick on a pickaxe break (should drop only with chisel)
  • Fixed a bug where diamond chisel broke stone type blocks one by one stage instead of incrementing by 2 break levels.
  • Added BTWR Shared Library as dependency + moved the item to block placement logic there
  • Added missing blocks to their appropriate tags
  • Added Clay Block (made out of 8 clay balls)
  • Added a block tag TURNED_FALLING_BLOCKS that makes blocks in it falling ones
  • Added Copper Nugget & Netherite Nugget items
  • Added Stone Brick item -> (moved from BTWR: Core)
  • Changed Primitive tools like stone axe, chisel, shovel, etc. to be slightly faster when mining blocks
  • Changed the exhaustion caused by breaking blocks to half of what it was
  • Changed the mod logo with a more high quality one
  • Improved the logic for hoe tools breaking blocks
  • Fixed loose slab blocks from being non-opaque (letting light go through them);
  • Fixed multiple block loot tables to drop properly
  • Fixed blocks to instantly change state without redrawing of the block to prevent phasing through converting blocks
  • Fixed cobblestone and cobbled deepslate slabs from being unable to be mortared
  • Fixed a bug that turned grass instantly to farmland by hoe breaking (it should go to dirt/loose dirt first)
  • Fixed a bug in breaking clay ore blocks dropped the wrong item
  • Fixed bug where breaking grass and dirt with hoe dropped dirt piles
  • Temporary fix for a bug that caused a slab placed above another one to turn the bottom block to double slab (a duplication bug)
  • Rounded the damage of all chisel items to be 1
  • Block Tag changes; added new mod tag "SIMPLE_DIRT_BLOCKS"
  • Removed the Andesite, Granite & Diorite stairs blocks added by the mod as they were redundant
  • Removed the collision of raw ore placed items, so entities like players and mobs won't collide with them
  • Updated the mod to require Fabric API 0.110.0 & Fabric Loader 0.16.9
  • Added BTWR: Core v0.26 as a dependency as it was removed by mistake during one of the last updates.
  • Added another recipe for Furnace made from four loose cobblestone slabs. This makes getting furnace in the very early game much more accessible because the previous recipe required eight whole loose blocks.
  • Fixed iron chisel being too slow when breaking stump blocks from Sturdy Trees.
  • Updated the mod to Fabric Loader 0.16.7 & Fabric API 0.107.0
  • Added 2 new mod menu configuration options:
  1. Block Breaking Restrictions - Makes blocks unbreakable if the player is not using the correct tool.

  2. Stratification Toughness - Makes some blocks that are considered higher strata than stone level blocks require higher level pickaxes to mine effectively.

  • Improved code for breaking dirt into loose dirt and also added other dirt-like blocks to break in the same way.
  • General improvements of loot tables for blocks to drop the proper items and remove/fix wrong drops.
  • Brought back the ability to combine tools to repair them. (will only be modified in the btwr modpack)
  • Fixed placement code for ore chunk blocks on the ground to work as intended.
  • Fixed a bug that caused falling(loose) block stairs to turn to their full block counterpart when falling.
  • Fixed the hardcore mining speed configuration setting in Mod Menu to work properly.
  • Fixed mining speed of primitive chisels for higher tier ores to be slower.
  • Fixed mod icon in the creative mod menu to display properly instead of the "missing" texture.
  • Fixed some chisels making a ding sound on the wrong block breaks.
  • Changed diamond chisel's crafting recipe to use a diamond instead of diamond ingot by default.
  • Removed the new texture for copper ore chunk and reverted it to the vanilla original one for raw copper.
  • Other minor fixes/improvements which should've worked as intended.
  • Updated the mod to Minecraft 1.21.1, Fabric Loader 0.16.5 & Fabric API 0.104.0
  • The mod now requires BTWR:Core v0.25. It didn't require it before, which caused some blocks to not drop correctly when mined.
  • Added Pile of Gold Dust and Pile of Copper Dust items.
  • Added Pile of Coal Dust and Wooden Chisel as viable fuel items.
  • Changed Anvil's recipe to only require ingots.
  • Changed Coarse Dirt, Farmland & Mycelium to drop loose dirt and piles when they should.
  • Changed names of Sharp Stick and Sharp Stone to be called "Chisels". Hi Zhil ;)
  • Changed (improved) code for falling of loose blocks.
  • Changed the mod to require Fabric API 0.92.2
  • Changes to conventional tags.
  • Fixed most loot tables for ore blocks to drop the correct items.
  • Fixed code to work as intended on the server side.
  • Added missing "brick to loose brick" slab recipe.

  • Added dirt piles drop when clay blocks get broken.

  • Added wooden chisel to be usable as a spit for campfires from the Self-Sustainable mod.

  • Added missing loot table for Podzol breaking into loose dirt/dirt piles.

  • Added missing recipe for loose bricks block from loose brick slabs.

  • Made Raw ore items(chunks) to be placeable in the world as blocks.

  • Reworked breaking speeds logic and fixed a bug that made haste, efficiency and mining fatigue not apply to items.

  • Changed Stone and Iron pickaxes to no longer break strata 3 stones (deepslate & similar).

  • Changed Raw Iron, Raw Gold & Raw Copper item's display names to "Chunks of ore".

  • Changed Compass, Clock & Flint & Steel and Bucket recipes to use nuggets instead of ingots.

  • Fixed a bug with wrong recipe for loose bricks from item.

  • Fixed missing loose cobbled Deepslate drop from breaking Deepslate.

  • Temporary disabled config for hardcore speed until future update.

  • Changed version numbering from 1.0 to 0.1
  • Fixed a bug where dirt wasn't dropping dirt piles when broken with hand.
  • Increased mining speed for pickaxes on depleted(broken stone) blocks.
  • Updated mod to Fabric Loader 0.5.11


  • Chisel Items.
  • Loose Blocks variants for most stone blocks & Loose Dirt. Slab block variants for those blocks as well.
  • Mortaring mechanic for loose stone type blocks.

Configuration Settings in mod mod menu for:

  • Hardcore Mining Speed (slower speed)


  • Most blocks in the world drop lesser loot instead of full blocks when harvested with an improper tool.
  • Stone Blocks in the world break in layers when mined with a primitive tool.
  • Farmland is now made by breaking Grass Blocks twice(first grass, then dirt) with a hoe.
  • Primitive tools (stone & wooden types) have reduced durability.
  • Ores now drop "Ore Chunks" which smelt into nuggets instead of full bars.
  • Changed recipes for all stone tools to require string or hemp fiber.
  • Flint and Steel recipe now requires iron nuggets instead of ingots.
  • Bucket & Compass recipes also changed to require iron nuggets.
  • Clock recipe changed to require gold nuggets instead of ingots & quartz instead of redstone.


  • All vanilla wooden tools.
  • Stone sword & stone hoe recipes.
  • The ability to repair items by combining them together.

Project members




Licensed CC-BY-4.0
Published 9 months ago
Updated 7 days ago