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Title This mod aims to add simple features that make exploring the world more interesting, but also keeping it feeling like vanilla minecraft. Hopefully this mod will just expand your vanilla expierience! It adds things like new recipes, blocks, items, and more! All there to add to that vanilla expierience.


If you have any issues with the mod (ie. bugs, glitches, crashes, etc.) please make a bug report on GitHub.


⚒️ Multi-tools and more!

  • New tools that make building and mining easier.

🏡 New Vanilla-Like Structures!

  • Brand new structures like the Watchtower and the Jungle Village keep exploration fresh and new.
  • Many new structures spanning all types of biomes!

🔨 Vanilla-Like Recipes!

  • Adds recipes that really should just be part of the game like NameTags and Chainmail Armor.
  • You can craft things also like petrified oak slabs.

🔓 Accessible Vanilla Features!

  • Things that were previously inaccessible can now be accessed like being able to add arms to armor stands or making item frames invisible!

✨ New Enchantments!

  • New enchantments added for farming, combat, and more.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows, Linux, and MacOS
  • RAM: Recommended 4GB. This is not a big performace impacting mod.
  • GPU: A basic GPU, which I hope you have as you're looking a minecraft mods, so hopefully you can run minecraft. (ツ)


If you like this mod and want to support me, feel free to donate to me on BuyMeACoffee! Every bit helps me continue to develope these mods.

Feature List

Vanilla Recipe Changes Chainmail armor can now be crafted with iron nuggets
Crying Obsidian can be crafted with obsidian and an amethyst shard
Glow Berries can be crafted with sweet berries and glow ink sacs
Glow Lichen can be crafted with vines and glow ink sacs
Magma Block can be made with cobblestone and magma cream
Name Tags can be made with string and paper
Putting a Nether Wart Block into a crafting table creates 9 nether wart
Poisonous Potatos can be put in a smoker to cure them into normal potatos
Rooted Dirt can be crafted with dirt and hanging roots
Turtle Eggs can be crafted with seagrass, a water bottle, and an egg
Putting a Powdered Snow Bucket into a furnace makes a water bucket
Structures Watch tower
Ruined Watch Tower
Jungle Village
Pillager Tower
Lumberjack's Cabin
Ominous Tent
Bee Keeper Farm
Large Wagon
Small Wagon
Wagon Campsite
Archeology Site
Fallen Logs
Stonecutter Recipe Tweaks
Gravel can be made into flint
Campfire Recipe Tweaks
Rotten Flesh can be dried into leather
Armor Stand Tweaks
Shift right clicking an armor stand adds arms to it, you can then shift right click it again to remove the arms, and it will drop the items it's holding
Item Frame Tweaks
Shift right clicking an item frame (or glow item frame) to make it invisible you can then shift right click it again to make it visible again
Wooden Dagger
Stone Dagger
Iron Dagger
Golden Dagger
Diamond Dagger
Netherite Dagger
Structures Beekeeper farm
Jungle Village
Lumberjack Cabin
Blocks Fishing Net - An ungradeable block that can catch fish for you. Place it in water and it will start catching fish!
Upgraded Fishing Net - An ungradeable block that can catch fish for you. Place it in water and it will start catching fish and other rare items like nametags and iron!
Reinforced Oak Planks
Reinforced Pale Oak Planks
Reinforced Dark Oak Planks
Reinforced Spruce Planks
Reinforced Jungle Planks
Reinforced Acacia Planks
Reinforced Crimson Planks
Reinforced Warped Planks
Reinforced Birch Planks
Reinforced Bamboo Planks
Reinforced Mangrove Planks
Reinforced Cherry Planks
Items Wood-Netherite Multitools - Combines all the tools into one! Shift to use the hoe's right click abilities.
Glowstone Pouch - A throwable item that allows you to light up places from far away!
Honeybread - Gives a new use for honeycomb! Gives you one more hunger.
Diamond Bucket - Allow you to pick up three of water or lava at a time instead of just one.
Redstone Wrench - Tool that allows you to rotate blocks towards you!
Lumberjack's axe - Requiring you to find a Lumberjack's template, this axe is an upgrade to the netherite axe, with more durability and fast break speed, but lower attack speed.
Enchantments Harvest Touch I-V - Has a chance to automatically replace the broken crop for you!
Sapping Strike I-II - Regenerates hunger when you attack someone.
Leeching Blade I-II - Regenerates health when you attack someone.
Restoration I-III - Slowly regenerates an armor pieces health over time.
QOL Features Right clicking campfires with a fire aspect sword now lights them!

Thanks to the mod Cell (Vanilla+) for the recipes! It isn't for 1.21.4 so I have included them in my mod which is available for 1.21.4.

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published 6 months ago
Updated a month ago