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Added a couple new features, fixed some old ones!

New features

  • Reinforced planks, of all wood types, surrounded by 8 iron nuggets, and a plank of your choice in the center, you can create reinforced planks which are identical to regular planks, just having a much higher blast resistance and they don't burn.

Bug Fixes

  • Fishing Nets now can be broken by axes, before they took the same time regardless of tool.
  • Fishing Nets now drop their item, before they wouldn't drop anything.
  • Fishing Nets now have the wood sound, before they didn't have any sounds, just the default block ones.

Simple bug fix!

Fixed Recipe for upgraded fishing net. No new content for this update.

Added back the fallen logs across biomes (I forgot to add those in fabric)
Added Daggers! Similar to swords, execpt faster attack speed and less attack damage. Crafted with one of the material of your choice and a stick below it. (Netherite through wood) To craft netherite dagger you have to use a smithing table.

Shift right click an armor stand to make it have arms!
Shift right click an item frame (or glow item frame) to make it invisible!

Added a lot of recipe changes!

Chainmail armor can now be crafted with iron nuggets
Crying Obsidian can be crafted with obsidian and an amethyst shard
Gravel can be made into flint with a stone cutter
Glow Berries can be crafted with sweet berries and glow ink sacs
Glow Lichen can be crafted with vines and glow ink sacs
Leather can be made by putting rotten flesh on a campfire
Magma Block can be made with cobblestone and magma cream
Name Tags can be made with string and paper
Putting a Nether Wart Block into a crafting table creates 9 nether wart
Poisonous Potatos can be put in a smoker to cure them into normal potatos
Rooted Dirt can be crafted with dirt and hanging roots
Turtle Eggs can be crafted with seagrass, a water bottle, and an egg
Putting a Powdered Snow Bucket into a furnace makes a water bucket

Added Multitools for NeoForge!

Wooden through Netherite

Added Multitools!

From wooden to netherite.

Update to 1.21.3

Changed how the fishing blocks work, they now can be properly waterlogged, and now have a normal hitbox.

Fixes bug where placing either of the fishing nets in water wouldn't waterlog them.

Added Jungle Villages!

Turns out the solution is a lot easier than you think! :D Should work without issues (hopefully) as it is all data driven, not hard coded.

Finally Ported to Fabric 1.21!

It's finally here! After learning a brand new coding language, it's finaly (almost) done being ported over! The only thing not ported it the Jungle Village, which I am still working on.

There will undoubtedly be bugs, so please report them!

Added More Enchantments!

  • Leeching Blade (I-II) - Will regen part of the attackers health, but doesn't not work with Sapping Strike
  • Restoration (I-III) - Slowly regenerates an armor piece's durability, but doesn't work with tools or an elytra.

Just added the recipe for the redstone wrench!

I forgot :p

Added Two New Items!

  • Redstone Wrench - This tool allows you to rotate blocks towards you!
  • Lumberjack's Axe - A better axe crafted with a lumberjack's template and netherite axe.

Added a New Type of Bucket!

  • Diamond Bucket: This bucket can hold up to three of lava or water at a time instead of one, crafted with diamonds surrounding a bucket.
  • Added a recipe for the Haste Potion! Use a golden carrot to get the haste effect!
  • New Item: Souls! This item allows you to bonemeal netherwart. Obtained from breaking soul sand.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with honey bread not being shapeless

Added a Bunch of New Features!

  • Added the Glowstone Pouch. This lets you throw some light into dark places!

  • Added Honeybread! This gives a new use for honeycomb, and is crafted with bread and honeycomb.

  • Added the Fishing Net and Upgraded Fishing Net! This allows you to fish without having to be there! Crafted with 3 Oak Slabs and 3 String.

  • Added the enchantment Harvest Touch! This enchantment allows you to automatically have a chance at replanting a crop! Levels I - V.

  • Added the enchantment Sapping Strike! This enchantments has a chance to increase your hunger bar when striking an enemy. Levels I-II

  • You can now right click a campfire with a fire aspect weapon to light it! Just some parody between Bedrock Edition :D

Changed Watchtowers!

They now have a chance to spawn in ruined condition, and spawn a lot less frequently.


- Lumber Jack Cabin

- Bee Keeper Farm

- Watch Tower

- Wagon Outpost

Added Jungle Villages!

These are semi rare structures that finally add a use to the jungle villagers.

Added new structure

  • Archeology Site

First Release!


  • Fallen Logs
  • Pillager Tower
  • Florist Hut
  • Small and Large Wagons

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published 6 months ago
Updated a month ago