Added a Bunch of New Features!
Added the Glowstone Pouch. This lets you throw some light into dark places!
Added Honeybread! This gives a new use for honeycomb, and is crafted with bread and honeycomb.
Added the Fishing Net and Upgraded Fishing Net! This allows you to fish without having to be there! Crafted with 3 Oak Slabs and 3 String.
Added the enchantment Harvest Touch! This enchantment allows you to automatically have a chance at replanting a crop! Levels I - V.
Added the enchantment Sapping Strike! This enchantments has a chance to increase your hunger bar when striking an enemy. Levels I-II
You can now right click a campfire with a fire aspect weapon to light it! Just some parody between Bedrock Edition :D
Changed Watchtowers!
They now have a chance to spawn in ruined condition, and spawn a lot less frequently.