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In 2024, the Fabric server started up a small SMP with a collection of the mods their community made for 1.21.4. As this pack did not include many popular clientside mods like Sodium, Mod Menu, and Iris, this is a expanded version of that pack with additional mods.
As the server has concluded, the mod list is finalized.
Italicized mods are clientside and exclusive to this expanded version, bolded mods are made by members of the Fabric Discord.
- Alivent Messenger by A11v1r15
- AppleSkin by squeek502
- Armor Stand Editor by Patbox
- Chat Heads by dzwdz
- ClickThrough+ by cassiancc
- ClientSort by NotRyken
- Cloth Config API by shedaniel
- Columns by haykam
- Connected Doors by Domi
- Creeper Healing by ArkoSammy12
- Creeper Confetti Plus by cassiancc
- Do A Barrel Roll by enjarai
- Ender Christmas Plus by cassiancc
- Expanded Storage by Quinn_Semele
- Extended Drawers by MattiDragon
- Fabric API by modmuss50
- Fabric Language Kotlin by modmuss50
- FlightAssistant by Octol1ttle
- Grind Enchantments by mschae23
- Holiday Server Mod by modmuss50, haykam, mschae23 (Override, MIT License)
- Instant Feedback by DrexHD
- Iris by coderbot
- Jade by Snownee
- LambDynamicLights by LambdAurora
- Leaves Us In Peace by supersaiyansubtletly
- Logical Zoom by LogicalGeekBoy
- MidnightLib by TeamMidnightDust
- More Axolotl Variants API by AkashiiKun
- More Axolotl Variants Mod by AkashiiKun
- Mod Menu by Prospector
- Monkey Config by ArkoSammy12
- Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR
- owo lib by glisco03
- Patbox's Brewery by Patbox
- Peek by henkelmax
- Phantom Lucidity by haykam
- PolyDecorations by Patbox
- Polydex by Patbox
- PolyFactory by Patbox
- Polymer by Patbox
- Pyrite by cassiancc
- Rainbow Christmas by PoeticRainbow
- Roughly Enough Items by shedaniel
- Screenshot to Clipboard by comp500
- SleepWarp (Updated) by Patbox
- Sodium by jellysquid3
- Snow under Trees by IMB11
- Text Placeholder API by Patbox
- Unbreakable by sylenthuntress
- Universal Graves by Patbox
- Villager Trading Plus by cassiancc
- Xaero's Minimap by xaero96
- Xaero's World Map by xaero96
- YACL by isxander
Licensed MIT
Published 2 months ago
Updated 2 months ago