Fabric Holiday Pack has been archived. Fabric Holiday Pack will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
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Parity with server version #210, including updates for Pyrite, ClickThrough+, Expanded Storage, and Brewery.

Update Expanded Storage to beta 7

Update Holiday Server Mod to fix issues with Unbreakable and Flight Assistant

Re-add Unbreakable

Parity with server version #159

Fixes PolyDeco being serverside only.

Parity with server version #106, removes Unbreakable due to cross-mod issues.

Parity with server version #104, including new banner patterns and tiny potatoes.

Parity with server version #94

Parity with server version #76, including Patbox's mods and the new client checker mod by modmuss50.

Include Rainbow Christmas

Initial pre-release

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 2 months ago
Updated 2 months ago