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Survive and Conquest is a modpack built around Conquest Reforged. With three pillars of focus.
Survival: Minecraft is a game about surviving the night, collecting resources, crafting gear, and building. This has been preserved and enhanced in Survive and Conquest. Core progression has remained intact with all the freedom to advance at whatever pace a player wishes. Various mods give new goals and overhaul certain mechanics, without taking away from the day-to-day task of surviving the night. Keeping your belly full, and your homestead protected.
Creativity: Conquest was made for creative building. With thousands of new block types, shapes, textures, and materials. It is one of the most intricate and comprehensive building mods out there. With hundreds of custom assets, flowers, and even different types of stone. Anything is possible to create. From the smallest hamlet. To a dwarven keep deep within a towering tree-covered mountain. This modpack is intended for survival, with Conquest recipes added through the stonecutter, but it is fully playable in creative. Letting you build to your heart's content, how you please.
Atmosphere: Every mod has been chosen to ensure payers experience a consistent living breathing world. With mods like Dynamic Surroundings and Presence Footsteps, a new coat of paint has been added to the natural world. Whether you're playing with or without shaders. Wandering through a bustling village, traversing a dense forest, or splunking through dangerous caverns. Being immersed in the world through sounds, textures, and structures, is one of the modpacks defining traits.
What Edition Is Right For You?
Survive and Conquest comes in two flavors. The 1.19.2 Edition and the 1.20.1 Edition. 1.20.1 is the current version, but both are actively supported and host a unique take.
1.19.2 Edition The original version of the pack, went through many iterations to become what it is today. In its most current form, it is the Survive and Conquest pack at its most condensed. With very few mods that change the base game, it offers a fresh, but familiar playstyle. Enjoy the creative freedoms of Conquest Reforged, and the added atmospheric mods, without worrying about learning too many new things. This Edition is for those who want Minecraft, but more.
1.20.1 Edition Built on the back of the original version of the pack. The 1.20.1 Edition takes advantage of a slew of new mods available for that version. Hosting improved performance, and custom textures (WIP) it is more feature-dense than its predecessor. With different world generations, new dungeons, crops, and enchanting tool overhauls, its larger mod count compliments the Survive and Conquest formula to create a more enriching and unique experience.
Take a look at the notable mods below for a more in-depth view of the important additions in each edition.
Notable Mods
1.20 Edition: Currently listed as Beta until all custom textures have been added for the 10+ mods that require them.
- Lithosphere adds cinematic realistic landscapes for gorgeous views and plentiful building space. Rivers are rare but can stretch for miles through the now continent-sized landmasses.
- William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld for updated biomes, more realistic and enchanting, with darker dark forests, and quaint sunflower plains.
- Create is back still for all your automation and movable needs. Now with trains!
- Conquest (of course) for all your building needs.
- Epic Knights and Addons for realistic medieval armor and weapons.
- Better Combat makes fighting fun.
- Fabric Seasons. Enjoy changing foliage colors no matter where you settle down. As well as realistic crop cycles.
- Farmers Delight and Brewin and Chewin, adds new crops and tons of recipes to fill out your diet.
- Extended Drawers to make organizing your materials compact and efficient.
- Nutrientz makes sure one can't survive on lambas bread alone dear hobbit.
- Enchanting System Overhaul makes enchanted books valuable, as enchanting now costs crafting components. Learn new enchants to craft by reading books.
- Bountiful and Numismatic add currency, as well as new ways to make it.
- Minecraft Comes Alive enhances villages and makes them worth protecting and growing.
- Emerald Equipment. Use these dungeon gems to craft gear as fast as diamond, and strong as iron.
- Gravestones protect your things when you die.
- PlayerEx and Ex Hud add RPG attributes and a new HUD for a deeper survival experience.
- Gearifiers, give loot unique attributes, some better than others.
- Reactive Music adds biome-specific ambient tracks that fit the rustic medieval theme.
- Xaero's Maps to see far and plan ahead.
- Many structure mods like Rougelike dungeons, Towns and Towers, Dungeons and Taverns, and the YUNGS suit.
- Dungeon Difficulty and RPG Difficulty enhance mobs the longer you play, and the deeper you mine. Different dimensions will also host harder challenges.
- Incindeum overhauls the nether with new biomes, bosses, and loot to find.
- Nullscape makes the end a vastly different place with new terrain to traverse.
- World Preview allows you to see and generate various options for your world. Never guess what map you will find. Choose one that suits you before your adventure begins. And even more!
1.19 Edition:
- Tectonic & Terralith world generation for amazing natural-looking biomes with towering mountains and vast plains.
- Create, adds realistic and intricate automation and moveable buildings.
- Conquest (of course) for all your building needs.
- Epic Knights for all your armor needs.
- Fabric Seasons. Enjoy changing foliage colors no matter where you settle down. As well as realistic crop cycles.
- Bountiful and Numismatic add currency, as well as new ways to make it.
- Minecraft Comes Alive enhances villages and makes them worth protecting and growing.
- Origins, and Origin addons. Customize your character.
- Dungeon Difficulty and RPG Difficulty enhance mobs the longer you play, and the deeper you mine. Different dimensions will also host harder challenges.
- Tinkerer's Smithing overhauls gear repairing, allowing cheaper repairs and item upgrading.
- YUNG's suite of amazing structure overhauls.
- Gravestones protect your things when you die.
- Inmis, backpacks to store your materials.
- Waystones, to connect your world.
- PlayerEx for RPG attributes and stats! And so much more!
I created this for my enjoyment. Wanting a modpack that allowed for in-depth survival building as well as meaningful satisfying RPG exploration and combat, all in a rustic fantasy setting. I hope other people can find enjoyment in it too.
I am not entirely skilled so updates may be slow, but I hope to keep this pack maintained, updated, and improved for time to come.
Why Are There Two Editions? With the recent update to the conquest reforged base mod, and the stepping away of the talented creator Unknowndad whose resource packs were a help in tying many mods together in style. I saw fit to begin thinking about the longevity of the pack. This has culminated in the splitting of the pack into two editions, the classic 1.19 edition, which has kept the original feel of the modpack even through the removal of some mods that could no longer fit the aesthetic of the pack. And the new 1.20 edition (WIP), which will be the pack's next iteration.
Both versions are intended to have the same three goals and share a common style. But as happens with any two different modded versions of Minecraft, their modlist will differ, which will change how each one is played. I fully intend to support both versions, keeping them up-to-date and as bug-free as possible. But my fullest effort will be going to the 1.20 edition from here on out. As far as content and playability go, the 1.19 edition is complete.
This should be an almost one-and-done install.
If you want an amazing biome and weather-dependent sky, I highly recommend Hyper Realistic Sky. Download and drop it into the resource pack folder, and remember to enable it in-game.
For 1.19 Edition, you may also want to spice up the music in which case I recommend Medieval Music, and Biome Music to work with it. Either download both through a mod manager directly. Or download it manually and add it to the mods folder. (Cupboard is needed)
- Credit: someaddon
This pack wouldn't be possible without the hard work and talent of all the mod and resource pack creators.
- Knight's Armory 32X32 by Cole3050 and reymecos_86914
- Alagard Font by Fozy
- Stoneborn - Broadened by ClockwerkKaiser
- STONEBORN - Modded Compatibility GUI - SBMC by Fr_z_n
- Conquest Reforged Resourcepack Fix by KUMAMOTO13
Mod Credits
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib by SuperMartijn642
- Advancement Plaques by Grend
- Iceberg by Grend
- Starlight by Spottedleaf
- Sodium Extra by FlashyReese
- Falling Leaves by Fourmisain, BrekiTomasson, RandomMcSomethin
- oωo by glisco, Noaaan, BasiqueEvangelist
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks by Rynnavinx
- Armor Statues by Fuzs
- Jade by Snownee
- Epic Knights: Addon by Magistu, SuperSus890, SteveMe, Desperate_bork, minucius, hoetistic, theblackchimera, Santusio, Flavius_Blue, caballerohospitalario, alhendahu, Reymecos
- Right Click Harvest by Jamalam
- Sodium by JellySquid
- Ambient Environment by Jaredlll08
- SeasonHUD by IanAnderson
- Architectury by shedaniel
- Towers of the Wild: Additions by Aurelj
- Waystones by BlayTheNinth
- Better Biome Blend by FionaTheMortal
- YUNG's Better Desert Temples by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Tera
- Origins: Classes by Apace
- Moog's Nether Structures by FinnDog
- Extra classes by Lankaster
- Epic Knights: Slavic Armory by minusios, Magistu
- LazyDFU by tuxed
- Tectonic by Apollo
- Animatica by FoundationGames
- AttributeFix by Darkhax
- Trinkets by Emi, C4
- YUNG's Better Jungle Temples by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- Fabric Seasons: Terralith Compat by D4rkness_King
- Conquest Recipes
- Alternate Origin GUI by UltrusBot
- ShutUpMojang by Allink
- HorseBuff by CodeF53#0241
- Passable Foliage by Snownee
- Better Tridents by Fuzs
- Mod Menu by Prospector, jackassmc, haykam821, TerraformersMC
- Global Data- & Resourcepacks by JTK222
- YUNG's Better Dungeons by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- Moog's End Structures by FinnDog
- Better Combat by Daedelus
- Easy Anvils by Fuzs
- Presence Footsteps by Hurricaaane (Ha3), Sollace
- YOSBR by shedaniel
- Player Animator by KosmX
- ArdaGrass by JayemCeekay
- YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Tera
- ExtraSounds by stashymane
- ModernFix by embeddedt
- CIT Resewn by SHsuperCM
- YUNG's Better Witch Huts by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- Lithium by JellySquid, 2No2Name
- Collective by Rick South
- Xaero's World Map by xaero96
- Cloth Config v8 by shedaniel
- Numismatic Overhaul by glisco, Pois1x, Noaaan
- Advancements Debug by Technici4n
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts by YUNGNICKYOUNG
- Universal Bone Meal by Fuzs
- Passive Shield by Rick South
- Create by Fabricators of Create, Creators of Create
- Nameplate by Globox_Z
- OptiGUI by opekope2
- Epic Knights Mod by Magistu
- Shulker Box Tooltip by MisterPeModder
- Entity Model Features by Traben
- Forge Config API Port by Fuzs
- Origins: Player Scale by Pi-Rover
- Projectile Damage Attribute by Daedelus
- Puzzles Lib by Fuzs
- Relaxed Instabreak by d2aniel
- Elytra Slot by Illusive Soulworks
- Easy Elytra Takeoff by Rick South
- Villages&Pillages by Faboslav
- Trade Cycling by Max Henkel
- HT's TreeChop by hammertater
- Dungeons and Taverns by NovaWostra, Walls17
- Let Sleeping Dogs Lie by iChun
- Stack Refill by Rick South
- Armorpoints++ by Cheos
- YUNG's Better Strongholds by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- Chunks Fade In by Koteinik
- Rpg Difficulty by Globox_Z
- Jade Addons by Snownee
- Roughly Enough Items by shedaniel
- Easy Magic by Fuzs
- ConquestReforged Fabric by Hippokleides, Monsterfish, JayemCeekay
- MaxHealthFixFixFix by unilock
- Fabric API by FabricMC
- Snow Under Trees by DeadlyMC, bl4ckscor3, mineblock11
- Legendary Tooltips by Grend
- BetterThanMending by legobmw99
- Companion by Snownee
- Armorful by mineblock11, seymourimadeit, Draylar
- Debugify by isXander
- Better Mount HUD by Lortseam
- Continuity by Pepper_Bell
- Entity Texture Features by Traben
- Universal Graves by Patbox
- treeplacer by OutrightWings
- Origins by Apace
- Raised by yurisuika
- Kambrik by Ejektaflex
- CreativeCore (Fabric) by CreativeMD, AriaFreeze
- Horse Expert by Fuzs
- Fabric Language Kotlin by FabricMC
- Reese's Sodium Options by FlashyReese
- Iris by coderbot, IMS212, Justsnoopy30, FoundationGames
- YUNG's Extras by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- Data Attributes by CleverNucleus
- Fabric Seasons by D4rkness_King
- YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- Bushier Flowers by Pandarix
- PlayerEx by CleverNucleus
- Ambient Sounds by CreativeMD
- Seamless by LarsMans
- Balm by BlayTheNinth
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib by SuperMartijn642
- Fair wage by valor
- Memory Leak Fix by FX - PR0CESS
- Mouse Tweaks by Ivan Molodetskikh (YaLTeR)
- Towns and Towers by Kubek, Biban_Auriu and Cristelknight999
- No Resource Pack Warnings by Space Walker
- Prism by Grend
- Shoulder Surfing Reloaded by Exopandora
- Xaero's Minimap by xaero96
- Cull Less Leaves by isXander
- Snow! Real Magic! by Snownee
- Brutes Drop Scraps by 5imModding
- ImmediatelyFast by RK_01
- Leaves Be Gone by Fuzs
- Indium by comp500
- Realistic Bees by Rick South
- FerriteCore by malte0811
- FabricSkyBoxes by AMereBagatelle
- NetherPortalFix by BlayTheNinth
- Minecraft Comes Alive by Luke100000, S0llace, CDAGaming, ffrannny, jahx_senpoopie, WildBamaBoy, SheWolfDeadly
- Bountiful by Ejektaflex
- YetAnotherConfigLib by isXander
- EntityCulling-Fabric by tr7zw
- Universal Enchants by Fuzs
- Seamless Loading Screen by Minenash
- NotEnoughAnimations by tr7zw
- Medieval Origins Revival by ItsParkieLad, Muon
- Disable Custom Worlds Advice by rdvdev2
- Geckolib by Gecko, Eliot, AzureDoom, Hydos, DerToaster
- No Chat Reports by Aizistral
- Dynamic Sound Filters by andre111
- Kiwi Lib by Snownee
- Blur (Fabric) by tterrag1098, Pyrofab, Motschen, backryun, byquanton
- NiftyCarts by MennoMax, paul101, jmb19905
- Polymer (Packed) by Patbox
- Colormatic by kwerti, Hambaka (Chinese Simplified localization), Madis0 (Estonian localization)
- Moonlight by MehVahdJukaar
- Double Doors by Rick South
- Auditory by Sydokiddo (Developer), AmbientUnder (Additional Sounds)
- JamLib by Jamalam
- Terralith by Stardust Labs
- ServerCore by Wesley1808
- Clumps by Jaredlll08
- Charm of Undying by Illusive Soulworks
- Pehkui by Virtuoel
- BetterF3 by cominixo, TreyRuffy
- Infinite Trading by Rick South