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Update 0.3.7

Another update update, the biggest changes are the Farmers Delight suite of mods which each had some nice improvements to performance and crafting. More Delight now has more food options.

Changed a setting in ExHud that caused the hunger percentage to sometimes vanish when updating. Shouldn't happen any longer.

Tweaked Roguelike Dungeons spawn rate to be slightly more rare. By like a single percentage.


  • Updated several mods
  • Tweaked Configs for ExHud and Roguelike Dungeons
  • Removed Authentic Shadows as the issue on entity shadows is no longer present
  • Thats about it

Patch 0.3.6

Thanks to the diligent feedback from the discord I was quickly made aware of some values in the new PlayerEx system that were not to my liking.

A few hours of learning how to make a datapack from scratch later, and its been corrected! Break speed now increases by .1 instead of 1 at every level. Meaning at a max strength of 100, the break speed will only be increased by 10.

I have also shifted the way level ups work making it a slow exponential climb meaning the higher level you are, the more xp levels needed to level up.

Thanks to the work I've done to set up the new datapack that handles PlayerEx attributes. It will be very easy to come in at any time and tweak values or make adjustments as is needed.

Patch 0.3.5

The biggest changes are switching over to the new versions of the PlayerEx suite of mods. Now using more stable code and a better menu that can be seen with 'y' in game. Quests are now 'u'. The mods are still in beta but they have shown to be substantially better than the previous release versions.

I have also removed ETF and EMF while I was happy to bring them back and will fully recommend them if you want some higher quality animal models. In testing, they significantly slow down the loading of the game, and that is a trade-off I dont think is worth it.

Lots of mods updated to their newest versions.

And I have replaced the shulker tooltips mod with the previous version so you can now take items in and out of shulker boxes and backpacks like before all within the inventory.

Update 0.3.4 "Overworld Tweaks" This should be a save-safe update, it will only affect new chunk generation.

After much back and forth I have sadly decided to say goodbye to fabric seasons for now. In its current form, there is no way to stop world gen snow layers from melting even with various configs turned on or off, which causes ugly-looking snow biomes and lag. The issue of how snow works during winter time was also an issue, leaving behind patches of snow on world maps and in unloaded chunks that could still be visited well into summer. A solution I would have preferred was to leave the changing of foliage colors and seasons affect crops, within the pack, but to turn off snow in nonsnowy biomes during winter. But as stated before there is currently an issue with snow melting in all seasons.

Snow Real Magic was also removed for causing several issues with lag and world generation. It also had a few graphical issues with "snow-logged" blocks using incorrect textures.

Sad news aside this is still an update I'm quite proud of. Improving performance and fixing some balancing issues with the overworld. Vanilla villages have been disabled making more room for the special villages from Towns and Towers. The only real change is that Bounty boards cant be found in the wild anymore.

Underground structures are much more common, not sharing the same spread-out factor as above-ground structures.

There is now also an included shader pack that is configured for use with CR.

And much more!


  • Removed Snow Real Magic
  • Removed Fabric Seasons
  • Removed Underground Bunkers
  • Removed Fog Looks Good Now
  • Removed More Villagers
  • Added Extra Sounds
  • Added Create Dynamic Lighting
  • Re Added True Darkness
  • Fixed MCA player sizes
  • Fixed RPG leveling, no longer affected by time in world.

Update 0.3.3 "Balance and Tweaks Update" Boring title I know.

Lots of playtesting has brought more things to light that I've wanted to change. The passage of time is now simplified, days and nights being twice as long, and seasons following accordingly. Winter no longer will cause nonsnow biomes to snow, and other seasons will not cause snow biomes to melt. This is to keep biomes looking as they should without causing unnecessary mess, especially with maps. Some tweaks to Fabrication, flowing water is no longer deadly, and fire aspect now turns tools into flint and steel.

Removed Tinkerers and replaced with a better anvil alternative. Guide updated accordingly. Dont worry netherite still is repaired with diamonds, and nothing costs xp. Added a new mod that now handles enchanted tools and armor no longer breaking when at low durability.

Wheat seeds now have more use, being able to grow grass with a right click. Dont worry about cluttering your inventory when digging dirt, seeds only drop with a hoe now. Tweaks to various crafting recipes. Most blocks that could not be crafted now have recipes. Looking at you bell and crying obsidian. Axolotls dont harm passive mobs so feel free to add them to an aquarium. Raw ore blocks can be smelted in a blast furnace.

Updated many many mods.


  • Removed Tinkerers, Replaced with Improved Anvils
  • Removed Time and Wind, Replaced with Better Days
  • Removed Better Third Person, Replaced with Shoulder Surfing
  • Removed Master Cutter
  • Added BlastingRaw (Jesus christ the name)
  • Added 2mal3's Recipes
  • Added Grass Seeds
  • Added Anti Tool Break
  • Added Logical Iframes (High attack speeds now change invincibility frames. Making them work)
  • Added No Seeds Spam
  • Added Axolotl Ignore Passives
  • Updated VanillaTweaks to remove redundant packs
  • Updated Netherite Sword texture to remove yellow dot
  • Many small config tweaks

Update 0.3.2

Small change to the mod list for stability. As well as fixing an overlooked Config.


  • Removed Conquest Recipes. Its build into the newest version of CR, and was causing issues with double recipes in the stonecutter.
  • Removed Concurrent Chunk Manager. Though it increased chunk load times, it caused an entity lag issue where all inputs in the world would be stalled for several seconds.
  • Adjusted Double Doors config, no only works on doors. No more opening up a massive trap door pit.

Patch 0.3.1

We all knew this would happen a least once. Fixed an issue with the second 'quest'. Now you actually can complete it. I made it needing the creative mode items not the item you get when you pick up the rocks and sticks in survival. My bad.

Update 0.3.0 The Guide Update

There is nothing new in terms of playable content. But after much debate, I've finally put together a preliminary quest guide, that goes over most of the new systems in the game that players will be interacting with. To open the quests menu press "Y". You can also custom-map it to any key.

I hope this will help ease people into the changes and act a bit as a wiki for anyone needing a refresh. It is a very basic guide. I had some fun writing it, a few little easter eggs.

I will attempt to add to and update it in lew of issues or needing to expand on other systems more. But this should touch many of the basics.

Update 0.2.9 Big update tweaking many combat related things! Adding some new mods, and changing some current ones. Also! Brand new title logo and icons! Thanks Xone!

Mobs can jump small gaps! Every village should spawn with about one bounty board, and one waystone. (Variation will happen) Breaking spawners now reward you with loot to encourage destroying them. Passive mobs now despawn and respawn like monsters, so no more running progressively further away to hunt. Breeding animals makes them stay permanently, as well as their offspring. Many more changes.

Caves and dark areas are now extra atmospheric. True Darkness means a lack of sunlight is pitch black. Best you bring a light source. Eldritch Mobs will now rarely spawn in the world. Adding an extra challenge with their random assortment of attributes. No one fight will be the same. Defeat them for high level rewards the stronger they are.

(If this is sloppy I'm sorry. Very late writing this, and its my second time. The page refreshed and I had to do it all again -_-)


  • Removed More Villagers structures from spawning. You must now craft their workbenches first.
  • Added Krypton for server stability
  • Added Particle Tweaks
  • Added Structory (Again)
  • Added AppleSkin (Again)
  • Replaced ItemPhysic with Interactic
  • Added Log Begon
  • Added More Culling
  • Added Mobs Attempt Parkour
  • Added Eldrith Mobs
  • Added Spawners Drop Treasure
  • Added True Darkness

Update 3.3.2 This.. is a big one.


Ok not really. Few updated mods. But most importantly! New custom logo and pack icon! Wahoo! Big thanks to Xone for their amazing and constant hard work.

Update 0.2.8 As of writing this the pack has received 666 downloads total! Praise Santa. Seriously though that's wild. Why are you all here? Anyway here's a free update <3

Tweaked some configs, especially with ambient sounds. Updated to the newest version of fabric for that extra stability. Unfortunately had to remove Victory Mod. Though its decor blocks were fun, there was a lot of needed overlap with CR and Hearthfire and it was the unfortunate cause of a lot of poor performance in the pack.


  • Removed Euphonium (Replaced with Charmonium)
  • Removed Victory Mod (It was the cause of a lot of instability in the pack. Touching the resource pack menu no longer breaks the game. The extra decorative blocks that are lost will hopefully be made up for with Hearthfire with time.)
  • Removed Dramatic Sky for a smaller download size, and the option for people to add their own favorite sky. I love Hyper Realistic Sky, but it's way to big to add to the pack straight up. Link in the description for download.
  • Added Chunky, so you can pre-gen chunks for a world you enjoy.
  • Added Epic Dungeons (In a preliminary testing period. But they looked well-designed and fun, so why the heck not? The more different structures the better for similar ones to be spread out with.

Patch 0.2.7 Small update that just brings a few mods to their newest version. Since progress to release is now mostly limited by the wait for the custom resources. I don't expect a 0.3.0 beta version.

Patch 3.3.1 Small update, to fix an error on the instance window saying 1.20.1 edition not 1.19.2 edition.

Updated various mods to a new version.

Update 0.2.6 Tropical Paradise

Thats right! The first of many custom resource packs has been completed. Tropics, trees, and wood are now in the conquest style thanks to the ever-talented Xone.

Along with that, are some tweaks and the addition of Fabrication. Which will now take on the brunt load of a ton of new QOL changes to the game.


  • Added Conquering Tropics resource pack
  • Replaced Quality Sounds with Sounds
  • Added Fabrication

Fabrication is a mod that adds easily over a hundred customizable configs. I have already gone through and adjusted them how I would like. Due to this being such a big new change to the pack, the configs will most likely be tweaked in the future if issues arise.

Some of the fun new changes are as follows...

  • Fire protection can be applied to anything, stopping it from burning in fire or lava!
  • Cactuses don't destroy items. No more breaking a diamond tool because it fell against a plant.
  • Berry bushes don't hurt! Still slow though...
  • Various tweaks to minecarts to many to name.
  • Armor gets less protective as durability drops. Keep it repaired.
  • Tridents can have more enchants on them.
  • Fill waterbottles underwater to regain air.
  • Lightning wont set forests on fire. You can find the mod in the mod menu and read through each enabled config for a full list.

Update 3.3.0 The Update Update

Finally, some love the OG version. Updated any mod that had a new version out. Replaced some old mods that I had found better alternatives for, for the 1.20.1 Edition. Added a few key QOL mods from the 1.20.1 Edition. All in all a small but needed update to bring the 1.19.2 Edition in line with the current direction of the modpack, while keeping it the more feature-lite of the two.


  • Replaced Universal Graves with Gravestones
  • Added Fancy Menu (1.19.2 Edition now has the custom menu. Will work on getting a version-specific panorama soon.)
  • Added World Play Time
  • Added Dungeon Difficulty
  • Added Ready Player Fun
  • Added Experienced Crops
  • Added Tinkerer's Smithing
  • Added Inmis and InmisAddon
  • Added Brutes Drop Scrap Datapack
  • Added Large Ore Veins Datapack
  • Removed Right Click Harvest Crops (So Experienced crops work)
  • Removed Chunks Fade In

0.2.5 A minor correction. At one point during the betas, I turned Create's world gen off. It added extra blocks in a way that I didn't love. Stupidly I didn't realize that would also turn off zinc... so it's back. Sorry to all the worlds with chunks before this change.

In the future, I'm not going to do anything to risk removing zinc, but I will be looking for other alternatives to mitigate the issue of the different generation.

Looking ahead aside from updating any mods between now and a full release, I will also be working on a custom music pack to work with Reactive Music, hopefully adding back some of those more intense tracks from the Medieval Music mod, seeing as they are in the creative commons.


  • Added Create world gen
  • Updated various mods

Seasons Greetings (dumb) Small changes to the configs, as well as fixing seasons.


  • Readded Medieval Structures
  • Changed sparse structures from 1.5 to 2, slightly more spread out now.
  • Added Read Player Fun, so time stops on servers when players leave.
  • All seasons now last 30 Minecraft days, 10 full solar rotations. Unfortunately making day time last longer, does not change the length of a Minecraft day. If I made seasons last 30 solar rotations the season clock would show days into the nineties. (One solar rotation is three Minecraft days in the pack)
  • MCA villages now give taxes every three solar rotations or 9 minecraft days. Didnt want to fiddle with the math to try and make it a week of seven days... would end up being like two solar rotations and some change.
  • Reroll altars now require relic shards, which can be gathered by smelting all types of relics. This makes them farmable by use of killing mods, as well as giving relics with sub-par stats another use.

Patch 0.2.3


  • Readded MCA voices
  • MCA names will now be mostly standard English names, had issues with some letters not adopting the CR font
  • A few mods updated to their current version
  • Continue button removed, causes issues when worlds are named something unconventional. People should be able to name their worlds what they want.

Im on a roll today...


  • Fixed Enchanting System Overhaul config so now each level of an enchantment must be learned to be craftable. Make sure to strip those higher levels of weapons you find.
  • Added IndyPets, pets now have an independent state that allows them to roam around a home area when not told to sit, or follow. G changes their setting from follow or independent. And H lets you whistle at them instead.

Small Patch


  • Added minimap for waypoints
  • Added way2way for automatic waypoints on waystones
  • Fixed PicoHud key now leftalt
  • Fixed in game pause screen

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Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated 5 months ago