Update 0.3.3 "Balance and Tweaks Update" Boring title I know.
Lots of playtesting has brought more things to light that I've wanted to change. The passage of time is now simplified, days and nights being twice as long, and seasons following accordingly. Winter no longer will cause nonsnow biomes to snow, and other seasons will not cause snow biomes to melt. This is to keep biomes looking as they should without causing unnecessary mess, especially with maps. Some tweaks to Fabrication, flowing water is no longer deadly, and fire aspect now turns tools into flint and steel.
Removed Tinkerers and replaced with a better anvil alternative. Guide updated accordingly. Dont worry netherite still is repaired with diamonds, and nothing costs xp. Added a new mod that now handles enchanted tools and armor no longer breaking when at low durability.
Wheat seeds now have more use, being able to grow grass with a right click. Dont worry about cluttering your inventory when digging dirt, seeds only drop with a hoe now. Tweaks to various crafting recipes. Most blocks that could not be crafted now have recipes. Looking at you bell and crying obsidian. Axolotls dont harm passive mobs so feel free to add them to an aquarium. Raw ore blocks can be smelted in a blast furnace.
Updated many many mods.
- Removed Tinkerers, Replaced with Improved Anvils
- Removed Time and Wind, Replaced with Better Days
- Removed Better Third Person, Replaced with Shoulder Surfing
- Removed Master Cutter
- Added BlastingRaw (Jesus christ the name)
- Added 2mal3's Recipes
- Added Grass Seeds
- Added Anti Tool Break
- Added Logical Iframes (High attack speeds now change invincibility frames. Making them work)
- Added No Seeds Spam
- Added Axolotl Ignore Passives
- Updated VanillaTweaks to remove redundant packs
- Updated Netherite Sword texture to remove yellow dot
- Many small config tweaks