Update 0.3.4 "Overworld Tweaks" This should be a save-safe update, it will only affect new chunk generation.
After much back and forth I have sadly decided to say goodbye to fabric seasons for now. In its current form, there is no way to stop world gen snow layers from melting even with various configs turned on or off, which causes ugly-looking snow biomes and lag. The issue of how snow works during winter time was also an issue, leaving behind patches of snow on world maps and in unloaded chunks that could still be visited well into summer. A solution I would have preferred was to leave the changing of foliage colors and seasons affect crops, within the pack, but to turn off snow in nonsnowy biomes during winter. But as stated before there is currently an issue with snow melting in all seasons.
Snow Real Magic was also removed for causing several issues with lag and world generation. It also had a few graphical issues with "snow-logged" blocks using incorrect textures.
Sad news aside this is still an update I'm quite proud of. Improving performance and fixing some balancing issues with the overworld. Vanilla villages have been disabled making more room for the special villages from Towns and Towers. The only real change is that Bounty boards cant be found in the wild anymore.
Underground structures are much more common, not sharing the same spread-out factor as above-ground structures.
There is now also an included shader pack that is configured for use with CR.
And much more!
- Removed Snow Real Magic
- Removed Fabric Seasons
- Removed Underground Bunkers
- Removed Fog Looks Good Now
- Removed More Villagers
- Added Extra Sounds
- Added Create Dynamic Lighting
- Re Added True Darkness
- Fixed MCA player sizes
- Fixed RPG leveling, no longer affected by time in world.